"Yao Yao!"

Huo yunxun yelled and his eyes opened instantly.

See Huo yunxun wake up, Xiang Qing immediately forward. "Young master, are you awake at last?"

"Yao Yao?" Huo yunxun did not say anything, and immediately wanted to see Gu Yaoyao here. He knew that Gu Yaoyao was here, and he had heard what she said.

Xiang Qing avoids Huo yunxun's sight. He doesn't know how to tell Gu Yaoyao what to do.

"Uncle Qing, talk to me

"Young master, don't be excited when you wake up. The doctor said you hurt your head

Huo yunxun was even more worried. He had just dreamt that Gu Yaoyao had an accident. She was covered with blood and then fell into a pool of blood. That picture is clear and strong, every second is stimulating their own nerves.

"Where are Yao and Yao?"

"Something happened to the young lady."

Huo yunxun grabs the hand of Xiang Qing. The strength is amazing. It is not a state that a patient should have.

Xiang Qing told Huo yunxun after a long and short story, "this is what happened."

"Why is Li Mengyao. Yao Yao is my wife. " Huo yunxun red eyes, the thought of Gu Yaoyao once again out of his controllable range, he can not sit still.

"Get all the surveillance videos from all the streets right now!"

"Young master, we will deal with these. You need to rest now."

"No! I must find Yao Yao first. "

Xiang Qing couldn't resist Huo yunxun, so he had to order people to do it.

Huo yunxun sat there motionless, his mind was full of pictures seen in the dream before, and his hands slowly tightened. His heart felt like a needle pricked at the thought of the possible outcome.

Hearing Huo yunxun wake up, Li Mengyao comes in a hurry.

"Yunxun, are you awake? Do you feel any discomfort? "

Huo Yun Hun has a cold face, and the tone is very stiff: "Princess highness, I do not need your concern. I have my wife. "

Li Mengyao's original smile froze. She couldn't believe Huo yunxun would talk to herself like this. In fact, when he was in the hospital, Li Mengyao received news that he Lianmin had escaped and that a woman helped him escape.

Li Mengyao is wondering if the woman is Gu Yaoyao. Today she is going to the airport. There's a chance we'll get together.

But the woman was shot, and it seems that she will die soon. If that woman was really Gu Yaoyao, she would be a great help to herself. Gu Yaoyao is gone, so Huo yunxun's mind will not be in her body.

"Yun Xun, why do you have to say that?"

"Princess, please don't meddle in my affairs with Yao Yao." Huo yunxun warned Li Mengyao again.

Li Mengyao is uncomfortable, Huo yunxun has become a stranger. How could their feelings for so long not compare with their feelings of several months? A contract marriage is not long, just like yourself and hellenim.

"I divorced hellenim."

Huo yunxun does not have any waves on his face. He doesn't want to know about Li Mengyao and helianmin. He is now hoping that Gu Yaoyao can return to his side.

"It's none of my business."

"Why doesn't it matter?" Li Mengyao asked, "we will not have any hindrance in the future."

Huo yunxun is straightforward. "I will never divorce in my life."

"Do you really like Gu Yaoyao so much? How far can contractual marriage go

"Yao Yao and I are not in contract marriage. I married her to live together. " Huo yunxun replied.

Xiang Qing walked into the ward, "young master, I have news."

"Say it

"There was a commotion in the street, and there was a blatant sniper in the street. The young lady has been implicated. "

Li Mengyao's face froze and her heart tightened. She was worried that Huo yunxun would find out that she had done these things. This action is also supported by country D!

Unable to sit down for a minute, Li Mengyao stood up and left!

"Tell the truth!" Huo yunxun can't wait to know the real situation.

"The young lady has been shot. It is not clear whether she will die or not." His face was heavy. "This time, he Lianmin was implicated."

"Where are Yao and Yao?" Huo yunxun couldn't sit down for a second.

"He was taken away by helianmin and should still be in country D."

Huo yunxun's eyes flashed a sharp, "to check the hospital, I want accurate information."

"It has been arranged."

Huo yunxun opened the quilt to get out of bed, Xiang Qing pressed him. "Young master, you are forcing yourself

"Yao Yao is more important than me."

Xiang Qing looked at Huo yunxun in front of him, as if he had seen Huo Dongyang. Really dedicated to the feelings of the father and son.

"The young master has a good feeling for his wife!"

"Yao Yao is mine. From the first sight, I knew this woman would be mine."Xiang Qing is a person from the past. He is familiar with these things. "I know the young master's mood. So was your father! I still remember when your mother wanted to leave, but he used tough means to keep your mother behind

"So is the young master."

Huo yunxun fell into silence and waited anxiously for Gu Yaoyao's news.

On the other side, helianmin carried Gu Yaoyao into his house in country D.

The doctor has been waiting here for a long time. "My Lord, please put the lady down."

"I want her alive!" Hellenim gave the order.


The room temporarily became the operating room, and Helian waited outside the door anxiously.

He didn't take the risk to send Gu Yaoyao to the hospital, otherwise he would soon be found by Li Mengyao. So he can only aggrieve Gu Yaoyao.

For Gu Yaoyao, he Lianmin can describe his mood at the moment with complexity. She was the first woman who was injured for her own sake. She didn't want to meddle in her own affairs. As a result, she did something that people couldn't be moved.

"Gu Yaoyao, you must get better for me!" Helianmin clenched his fist.

Fei Yun went to helianmin and said in a low voice, "young master, Huo yunxun is awake. Now his people are almost carpet searching for Miss Gu. "

"Awake? Then it seems that Li Mengyao will be too happy to speak. "

"No, Li Mengyao went into the ward less than five minutes before Huo yunxun drove away."

Helian is indifferent to hook the corner of the mouth. "Did Li Mengyao have a closed door? It was a disgrace to her. But she will not attack Huo yunxun, who let that be her sweetheart. "

"My Lord, what shall we do now?"

"Spread the news that we have prepared before, and let country f do the same."

"Yes Feiyun will deal with it immediately.

"Li Mengyao, I hope you like the present I prepared for you. This time, it will definitely make you fly, and Huo yunxun will hate you. "

Soon news came from the Internet, with a title of "the unknown Princess of F". Li Mengyao said that for his own private, Li Mengyao did a lot of unknown secrets. And also pointed out in the explosion that Li Mengyao planned a killing airport explosion, implicated other people!

As soon as the news came out, Li Mengyao was attacked immediately.

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