Gu Yaoyao immediately let himself calm down, this time absolutely can't show any sound, otherwise his life will catch up.

"Now Gu Yaoyao replied.

She went to the washstand and said to herself in the mirror, "Gu Yaoyao, you can do it! Believe in yourself

After finishing her appearance, Gu Yaoyao closed her eyes and tried to keep herself as an actor. She acted this as a script. "Gu Yaoyao, come on

Out of the bathroom, in addition to elegant, there are a few more men. I didn't expect that Li Mengyao was so worried that she ran away, and the situation was just funny.

As a woman, she asked so many people to escort her. It's funny to think about it.

"Miss Gu, the car is at the door. The princess has prepared the ticket for you

"Thank you, princess."

Surrounded by a group of people in the middle, Gu Yaoyao thinks this is the first time to see such a display.

After Gu Yaoyao got on the bus, she saw that Qingya answered a phone call, which should be Li Mengyao. But it ended in less than a few minutes.

"Miss Gu, the princess asked us to take you to the hotel. I'll talk to you later. "

Li Mengyao's sudden change of mind must be the result of Xiang Qing's communication.


After arriving at the hotel, Gu Yaoyao sees Lin Dan.

"Young lady, are you all right?"

"It's OK." Gu Yaoyao nods. "Why did you come?"

"The Lord asked me to come."

Gu Yaoyao went to one side and sat down. "Do you know about a Xun in the hospital?"

"Uncle Xiang is watching in the hospital. It should not be a problem."

Gu Yaoyao's heart is a little relaxed, there should be no problem with Xiang Qing.

"The master asked me to take you back tomorrow."

"I really can't stay here?" Gu Yaoyao really wants to stay. Huo yunxun is her husband after all.

Lin Dan looked serious, "no, I have to protect the young lady to evacuate safely now."

Gu Yao will only listen to these arrangements.

After Lin Dan leaves the room, Gu Yaoyao immediately goes to check her bag. She remembers that there should be a business card, which was her before he Lianmin. I really found it in my bag.

Gu Yaoyao looked at the number and hesitated for a long time to pick up the phone.

She entered the number of helianmin, and the call key was not pressed. I don't know if this call can be put through, but because of the danger of his life, you can't let him die!

The phone is on.

"Hello He Lianmin's voice also sounded cautious.

"Herrenmin? I'm Gu Yaoyao. "

There was silence for a moment, and there was no sound for a long time.

Gu Yaoyao waited, but there was no sound from helianmin. "Are you still listening?"

"How could you call me?"

Gu Yaoyao didn't talk nonsense and didn't know whether he would believe what he said.

"I'm in country D, and so is Li Mengyao."

"Are you under the control of Li Mengyao?" He asked directly. "Are you all right?"

"I'm calling to tell you. Li Mengyao is not good for you, you should be careful! Believe it or not, I'll tell you

Helianmin was silent again and then burst out laughing. "Gu Yaoyao, are you informing me? Don't you worry about Li Mengyao troubling you? Maybe your phone has been tapped? "

"That's all I have to say. Goodbye!"

"Wait a minute. Do you need my help?" He Lianmin asked Gu Yaoyao in turn.

Gu Yaoyao declined. "I'm fine. Dad has sent someone to pick me up."

"Gu Yaoyao, I will remember this time."

The phone is cut off first. Gu Yaoyao puts down her mobile phone and then deletes her mobile phone number.

After lying down, Gu Yaoyao is thinking about Huo yunxun and can't sleep. Unfortunately, there is only one side in a hurry today, and there is no time to speak at all. I knew I would not sleep.

Gu Yaoyao felt heartache when she thought about it.

That night, Gu Yaoyao was just sleepy when her mobile phone rang.

Gu Yaoyao vaguely saw a number and picked it up.

"Gu Yao Yao!"



When Gu Yaoyao heard the name, the whole person was a bit spirited. How could helianmin call himself? What's going on!


"Tomorrow at the airport, I'll wait for you."

Gu Yaoyao was shocked and her heart beat faster. What does that mean? He Lianmin is also in country D?!

"I don't understand you."

"I have no place for me in country D and country F. Li Mengyao didn't leave me any way back. "Gu Yaoyao remembers that Li Mengyao said to herself that she and helianmin have already divorced. Since they are divorced, why can't they all be well?

"She knows you're here?"

"Probably." He replied. "She heard that Huo yunxun had an accident, so she came here in a hurry. Before leaving, she gave an order to kill me, and I escaped. It's safest to follow her. "

Gu Yaoyao felt flustered after hearing it. Why did he tell her these things?! What's the point?

"I don't understand you."

"See you at the airport."

"I have someone to send me tomorrow, and I don't think we should meet either. Take care of yourself. "

Gu Yaoyao really hung up the phone. She didn't want to interfere with the affairs of helianmin and Li Mengyao. The call today was made out of humanity, and then there was no other thought.

Gu Yaoyao lies down again, but sleepless. So insomnia.

After dawn, Lin Danji comes to pick up Gu Yaoyao to the airport.

Gu Yaoyao stares at a pair of panda eyes and follows Lin Dan to the airport. On the way, Gu Yaoyao calls Xiang Qing.

"Uncle Qing, is ah Xun awake?"

"Not yet."

What about Li Mengyao

"It hasn't appeared today. It seems that something has gone out."

Gu Yaoyao's heart sank, can't he find the whereabouts of helianmin? So you're ready to take root? Do you really want to be so cruel?

"Young lady, there's an accident ahead and there's a traffic jam."

Gu Yaoyao took a look. There was a long line in front of her. She really didn't know what happened! But it looks like a big deal!

"That will have to wait."

This is also the only way to the airport. Now there is an accident ahead. I think these people who are blocked on the road will miss the plane.

Lin Dan reported the situation here to Xiang Qing and Huo Dongyang respectively. Huo Dongyang to the news is to change the flight, always can't get off to walk to the airport!


All of a sudden, there was a commotion ahead, and a crowd came out.

"There's a bomb!"

Some people kept shouting, and all of them ran back as hard as they could.

Lin Dan didn't dare to take a risk and pulled Gu Yaoyao out of the car. Run back with the crowd and evacuate to a safe distance immediately.

In the process of running, several women flustered into each other and scattered Gu Yaoyao and Lin Dan.


"Little lady!"

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