Huo Dongyang after listening to the phone, the whole person is distracted, eyebrows have been frowning.

Qiao Wei brought tea to Huo Dongyang, but found that his situation was not right. It seemed that he did not relax.

"Dongyang, what's the matter with you?"

Huo Dongyang raised his head and looked at Qiao Wei. He just wanted to speak, but he stuck his words in his throat. Because he was worried that Qiao Wei would not be able to accept the news, he could not see Qiao Wei fall down, otherwise, the family would also have an accident.

Qiao Wei can see the clue from Huo Dongyang's expression. She looks at her husband seriously.

"What's the matter? You speak Qiao Wei asked. "If you look like this, I will only worry more."

"Something happened to Xiao Xun." Huo Dongyang's voice is not big, but his tone is full of emotion.

Qiao Wei staggers back a step, fortunately Huo Dongyang is quick to pull her. "Qiao Wei!"

"Is that true?"

"Well, I just heard from country D. It said that there was an explosion at the construction site. Xiaoxun was at the scene at that time! "

"And now? How about Xiao Xun? "

"In the local hospital, unconscious."

Qiao Wei's face turned white. Listening to such news was a big blow to her. How could her son become like this.

"Who did it?" Qiao Wei knew that someone had arranged this on purpose. HD one after another, that is, someone is targeting the Huo family.

"It may have something to do with Li Mengyao."

"What do you mean?" Qiao Wei is very emotional. "How could she have anything to do with Xiaoxun? They don't matter for a long time! "

Huo Dongyang also burst out another news. "Li Mengyao and helianmin are divorced."

Qiao slightly angrily grabbed Huo Dongyang's arm, "so those people deal with my son? Is it his relationship with Li Mengyao? Do they have brains

"Don't get excited, Jovi. Pay attention to your body

Qiao Wei can't help but be excited. Now that someone is going to hurt her son, how can she stand by? Absolutely not!

"I'm going to country D."

"I'll go." Huo Dongyang replied. "We don't know exactly what's going on there. I can't let you take risks."

"Dongyang, you can't do anything! You are in charge, and everything is under your command

Huo Dongyang will never promise Qiao Wei, what should he do without her! These things he will not let his own women to fight!

"I can't lose you!"

Every time Qiao Wei heard this sentence, he felt happy in his heart. Her life has Huo Dongyang is enough, has no regrets left.

Before they decide, Gu Yaoyao's voice comes in.

"I'll go!"

Huo Dongyang and Qiao Wei look at the door of the study at the same time and find Gu Yaoyao standing there with tears on her face. She must have heard the words just now!

"Yao Yao..."

Gu Yaoyao had an announcement cancelled temporarily today, so she came back early. But when she heard such news, her heart was still shaking. There is a cognition in my mind, that is Huo yunxun's accident!

"Mom and Dad, I'm a Xun's wife. I should go for such a thing." Gu Yaoyao looks at Huo Dongyang and Qiao Wei.

"What about your job?" Gu Yaoyao has a lot of workload recently. If she chooses to go to country D, it will obviously affect her future!

Qiao Wei heard that Gu Yaoyao was going to go. She admired Gu Yaoyao's courage, and she had to give up her career.

"Nothing is more important than a Xun! Mom, let me go. " Gu Yaoyao is worried about Huo yunxun. She doesn't want to miss Huo yunxun. At least don't tell yourself it's a tragedy after she gives all her heart.

She doesn't want this ending! So she wanted to fight for it once.

Huo Dongyang nodded his head to agree with Gu Yaoyao. "I'll ask Xiang Qing to book your ticket."

"Thank you, Dad! I'll clean it up. "

Later, Gu Yaoyao's microblog was updated.

"I'm sorry to tell you that Yao Yao needs to rest for a while. Thank you for your support during this period of time! "

After the microblog update, they are asking Gu Yaoyao how is it? Why should I have a rest all of a sudden? And in this case, it's hard to understand.

Gu Yaoyao never does things according to the rules! It also seems to be her style.

Zeng Ni's microblog also because of the fall, almost all to ask Gu Yaoyao why suddenly announced the rest! What's the reason!

Zeng Ni answered one of the netizens' questions. "There's something wrong with Yao Yao's family. You need to take care of it! Yao Yao did not evade their responsibility and chose to face and deal with it, so it took a while. "

As soon as the explanation came out, many netizens expressed that Gu Yaoyao's spiritual beauty was responsible for his family! In their busy time, determined to make such a decision, this is a difficult decision.

Fans said that she would always stand by Gu Yaoyao, hoping that she could concentrate on her family affairs and return as soon as possible!Seeing these supportive voices, Zeng Ni finally settled down a lot. Fortunately, most netizens are supportive, which will not have much impact on Gu Yaoyao.

Before that, Gu Yaoyao had already called each person in charge of the program group and the producer of the TV series one by one before posting her micro blog, expressing her apologies in the hope that they could understand. If she can't understand, she will pay the penalty.

It seems that everyone is moved by Gu Yaoyao's sincerity, and they all say that they can understand Gu Yaoyao's mood, so everyone is willing to wait for Gu Yaoyao's news.

Gu Yaoyao, who is very popular, has set up a good image for her career. Every leader is very kind to Gu Yaoyao, and he is so approachable! Many people also saw Gu Yaoyao's contribution, so they expressed their willingness to wait.

Gu Yaoyao ignored this, simply picked up a few clothes and went to the airport with Xiang Qing.

"Uncle Qing, do you think ah Xun and ah Jin will be ok?"

"They're going to be OK!" Xiang Qing said firmly. And he also believed that when he was young, he would not have lost his two older children!

This time, because his son is also there, Xiang Qingbi seems to be a little anxious, and the whole person's spirit is highly concentrated! Xiang Qing doesn't want the white hair to send the black hair!

Gu Yao Yao's heart is not at all, so mechanically follow Xiang Qing to D country.

At country D's airport, HD people are already waiting at the airport ahead of time. Seeing this, Gu Yaoyao and Xiang Qing were sent to the hospital.

"How is ah Xun?"

"The young master is still in a coma and does not wake up. The doctor said it would be serious if you hurt your head! "

"Head?" Gu Yaoyao's heart is seized. If this one gets hurt, it's useless.

Gu Yaoyao couldn't believe it was true. She kept urging. "How much longer will it take to get to the hospital."

"Young lady, there is still a long way to go from the airport to the hospital. Please be calm and don't be impatient!"

Gu Yaoyao heard those words just now, where can you be a little calm!

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