Gu Yaoyao waved her hand and put on her high-heeled shoes in a safe place on the edge.

Then he turned and walked to the door of the restaurant, leaving a figure of his back.

"My Lord, I'm sorry! I accidentally bumped into her before. I should have dropped it at that time

"Thanks for finding it back this time, or it will be taken away by someone who has the intention, and the consequences will be unimaginable."

"I was wrong!"

He Lianmin looks at the door of the restaurant again, but there is no gu Yaoyao.

"Look up the woman just now."

As soon as the car was on the road, he Lianmin took a look at the scenery outside. When he saw the giant poster of Gu Yaoyao, he remembered who the woman was.

She is the woman in the poster, Gu Yaoyao!

"Turn around and go back."

"My Lord, this..."

"Go back!" Helenin gave the order.

When I think of Gu Yaoyao chasing the car, I really don't have any star's frame. I can even take off my shoes to chase the car without image, just to return a USB flash disk.

Inexplicably want to know more about this woman!

"My Lord, the name of that lady just now is Gu Yaoyao."

"Sure enough, it's her!" Helian admired his memory. "Well, thank her very much."

"She's having dinner with her boyfriend Xia Yunzhe at the moment."


He Lianmin reached for his mobile phone and roughly browsed the news of Gu Yaoyao and Xia Yunzhe. I didn't expect to be a woman with a master, so it's a defect.

He Lianmin goes into the restaurant with his pocket in his pocket. Because he is a public figure, Xia Yunzhe and Gu Yaoyao order a box for dinner.

He quickly stood at the door of the box. He reached out and knocked on the door.

Hearing someone knocking at the door, Xia Yunzhe asks Dahong to open the door.

Dahong looks at the strange face in front of him, "Sir, are you going wrong?"

"Is Miss Gu Yaoyao eating here?"

Dahong immediately raises his vigilance. How does this person know that Gu Yaoyao is here. This shows that the source is not good.

"Who are you?"

Helianmin said with a smile, "Miss Gu helped me a lot just now. I want to thank her in person."

"How do you know about this room?"

"The owner of this restaurant is my friend. I mean, thank you and go. It won't delay your meal

Dahong didn't let helianmin come in. After closing the door, he told Xia Yunzhe in a low voice.

"Man at the door?"


Xia Yunzhe looks at Gu Yaoyao who is still reading the script and doesn't call her.

"I'll go and have a look."

Xia Yunzhe and helianmin stood face-to-face outside the box. They were both looking at each other.

"Mr. Xia, are you observing me?"

Xia Yunzhe looked at the man in front of him and knew that he was not an ordinary person. His clothes are Gaoding, or the limited edition of the world, and he also has a face of evil.

"You're watching me, too."

Helian laughed. "I just saw a real star for the first time and couldn't help looking at it more."

"But just now it's not a matter of a few eyes. Your eyes are like an X-ray, scanning me constantly. As for it? I'm not alone

He Lianmin didn't expect Xia Yunzhe to be so humorous, but he couldn't see through his mind.

"Brother Yun Zhe, why don't you come out without saying it?"

Gu Yaoyao pushed open the door of the box and saw Xia Yunzhe and helianmin standing face to face. They seem to be talking about something.

"Sorry to disturb you."

"Miss Gu!" He Lianmin called Gu Yaoyao.

Gu Yaoyao then paid attention to helianmin and said, "are you the boss in the car just now?"

He Lianmin stepped forward and blinked at Gu Yaoyao. "I'm here to thank you! That USB flash drive is very important to me, otherwise I will lose a lot. Thank you very much

"You're welcome." Gu Yaoyao replied with a smile.

"Miss Gu, would you please leave me your contact information?"

Xia Yunzhe stops in front of Gu Yaoyao. "Inconvenient!"

There was a sense of danger in this man.

He Lianmin knew that Xia Yunzhe was on guard and their identity. There is no way to get the phone, so we have to find another way.

"Sir, if you're OK, we'll have dinner."

"Well, I won't disturb you. Hope to see you next time. You can call me herring

Gu Yaoyao recited it silently once. Helian should be his surname. There are not many people with this surname. It seems that his identity is not simple.

After he Lianmin left, Xia Yunzhe took Gu Yaoyao back to the box, and the two continued to eat.After that, they went back to the hotel to pack up for the next trip.

Gu Yaoyao wants to fly to the imperial capital to attend a fashion show, while Xia Yunzhe goes to record a show. Then they will go back to city a for the last part of the shooting.

It is also a five-star hotel in B city.

He Lianmin looks at Gu Yaoyao and Xia Yunzhe's news on the Internet and takes it seriously. I have to say that they are very well matched, and they have a tacit understanding in all aspects.

Xia Yunzhe and Gu Yaoyao are very hot, but he never feels like what he said on the Internet. Xia Yunzhe and Gu Yaoyao are very affectionate. Gu Yaoyao doesn't feel like falling in love with Xia Yunzhe.

Maybe as Xia Yunzhe said before, he was just chasing after Yao Yao.

"Your honor, the old general just sent the latest news."

Helianmin turned off the computer. "What did grandpa say?"

"say your highness is asking people to look for you everywhere!"

He Lianmin disdains, "Li Mengyao, this is clearly and I can't get along."

"The old general told you not to act rashly in city B, and wait for his news."

"I see. You go out first."

He Lianmin looks at Gu Yaoyao's picture on the website again. She is too clean and beautiful. No wonder Xia Yunzhe will protect her. If you can, I really don't want her to be dyed black.

He Lianmin went to Gu Yaoyao's microblog to read, almost all of them were propaganda microblogs. Must also be the agent hair, there is no real feelings of their own things.

So helianmin wants to contact Gu Yaoyao.

Helianmin's mobile phone vibrated, but after seeing the name, he didn't want to answer at all. And I can't help but compare. Although the name has the same word, but this gap is too big!

If Gu Yaoyao is simple, then Li Mengyao is complicated.

Gu Yaoyao makes people feel relaxed, and Li Mengyao makes people feel depressed.

Gu Yaoyao has a comfortable temperament, so Li Mengyao has a strong aura.

In contrast, Li Mengyao is superior to Gu Yao in all aspects, but Gu Yao is better than Li Mengyao. That's how she feels comfortable and stress free.

In the case that helianmin didn't know, Gu Yaoyao was better than Li Mengyao, that is Huo yunxun's love for her and all kinds of pet.

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