Gu Yaoyao looked back at Xia Yunzhe at the bottom and raised his spirits again.

She reached out and pointed not far away. "There are eight or nine over there."

Xia Yunzhe heard Gu Yaoyao's words, nodded and then went to look for it.

Gu Yaoyao looks at Xia Yunzhe and finds the right number. She gives a thumbs up.

at this time, Gu Yaoyao's Wei Ya was put down, and then took the digital foam box in Xia Yunzhe's hand. When the staff saw that Gu Yaoyao was well, they immediately increased the speed.

But this time, Gu Yaoyao's ear again heard the sound just now, as if something was grinding. She looked up, but because of the backlight, Gu Yaoyao couldn't see clearly.

The host's voice came, "now the blue group is about to be finished."

Gu Yaoyao no longer paid attention to so many, and quickly stacked the numbers. She and Xia Yunzhe cooperate very well. Although the blue group is fast, but because the foundation is not stable, so after the last one is put on, it falls down and has to start again.

After seeing it, Gu Yaoyao folded the last piece more carefully. Then slowly let go, the host soon began to read seconds. It takes more than ten seconds to succeed.

“OK! Xia Yunzhe and Gu Yaoyao's powder group, success

Xia Yunzhe stood on the ground and clapped at Gu Yaoyao, "Yao Yao, you are wonderful!"

Gu Yaoyao chuckled and was relieved.

The staff immediately put Gu Yaoyao down, but at this moment, one of the ropes of Weiya broke with a jump. Gu Yaoyao lost her balance and was thrown out.

"Ah Gu Yaoyao called.

When Xia Yunzhe saw this scene on the ground, his heart was raised. He quickly called out: "help people quickly!"

Gu Yaoyao was tossed in the air and her head was blank. At last, she only saw the boom crane in her eyes and was about to hit it. Gu Yaoyao, I closed my eyes subconsciously. As a result, my body suddenly turned in the air.

There is no way to control it by a single line.

"Bang!" Gu Yaoyao gave a dull cry and a sharp pain came from her back.

"Yao Yao!" Xia Yunzhe called out in a panic.

Gu Yaoyao felt that his eyes were black, and there were a lot of stars spinning. It seemed that Gu Yaoyao stopped in the air because of being blocked by a hanging arm.

Other workers climbed up one after another, and then rescued Gu Yaoyao.

Xia Yunzhe pushes aside the crowd and holds Gu Yaoyao in his arms. He patted Gu Yaoyao on the face.

"Yao Yao, wake up, don't scare me!"

Gu Yaoyao didn't react at all. She had passed out.

Seeing this, Xia Yunzhe picked up Gu Yaoyao. "To the hospital!"

At this time in G City Airport, Huo Yun just got off the plane. This time, he came to G City in the name of business trip and came to see Gu Yaoyao. Before he did not tell Gu Yaoyao, but also wanted to give her a surprise.

I haven't seen you for a week. I can't help but come to see her.

To pick up Huo yunxun's car has stopped at the door of the airport hall, Huo yunxun has not got on the bus, suddenly feel a palpitation. Then he stopped, feeling inexplicably that something had happened.

"Young master, what's the matter with you?"

Huo yunxun is not at ease, take out the mobile phone to call Zeng Ni, as a result, Zeng Ni's phone came in.

"Say it Huo yunxun felt flustered inexplicably.

"Huo Shao, Yao Yao had an accident while recording the program, and now he is in a coma and sent to the hospital."

Huo yunxun's hand shakes for a while, in the eyes does not have the usual calm. "Which hospital?"

After hearing the address, Huo yunxun immediately ran forward.

A Jin immediately followed up. Seeing Huo yunxun's panic like this, he must have had an accident.

Seeing the car to pick up, Huo yunxun pushed the driver away and drove away directly.

The car was like an arrow leaving the string, and it disappeared after a whimper.

Jin grabs the driver's clothes immediately. "Any more cars?"

The driver is completely frightened by Huo yunxun and a Jin, and the whole person is numb. He just points out his finger at a car behind him.

"Take the luggage to the hotel." Finish saying, a Jin robbed another car to chase Huo yunxun.

On the way, news of Gu Yaoyao's injury has been reported to the public, and it is said that Gu Yaoyao is in danger. A lot of rumors followed.

Huo yunxun with the fastest speed to the hospital, and the front door of the hospital has long been surrounded by media reporters!

After honking for a long time, those people did not disperse. Huo yunxun had no choice but to drive the car to another door.

"I got to the back door of the hospital and had someone come down to pick me up."

Huo yunxun called Zeng Ni, and now the hospital has been blocked, because a large number of reporters surrounded the hospital, so for the operation of the hospital. The hospital has adopted the start-up plan of letting go but not letting in.

To get in, you have to wait until you agree. Huo yunxun was also mercilessly stopped.A few minutes later, Zeng Ni appeared in front of Huo yunxun.

"Huo Shao!"

"How is it?"

"The doctor has just finished the examination. There are various degrees of injuries to the whole back, and a few bones have slight bone fractures! Fortunately, the spine is OK! "

Huo yunxun heard these, face a heavy, "how can such a thing happen."

"Yao Yao is fortunately wearing the protective clothing you gave her before to reduce some damage, otherwise I am afraid the consequences will be more serious."

Before Gu Yaoyao set off, Huo yunxun asked someone to prepare such a dress for Gu Yaoyao just in case. It can avoid collision with other people because of the game. The clothes can protect her better.

As a result, such a thing happened in the first recording, and Huo yunxun was still frightened.

"Take me there."

Zeng Ni was embarrassed, "Huo Shao, now Xia Er Shao is guarding the door! What's more, Yao Yao has always told me not to tell you, lest you worry

"In the future, no matter what's important or small, tell me!"

"OK." Zenny nodded.

Before Huo yunxun arrived at the door of the ward, he saw Xia Yunzhe standing at the door of the ward like a sculpture.

"Find someone to support Xia Yunzhe!"

Zeng Ni immediately called Dahong and asked him to take Xia Yunzhe away. Otherwise, the face of the Buddha beside her would be even worse.

At the same time, there was news from the program group that he found out the problem. Xia Yunzhe left in a hurry.

"Huo Shao, you go in! I'm at the door. "

Huo Xun in the door of the room is very tight, so that the cloud of cloud water is opened!

His eyes touched Gu Yaoyao on the bed, and Huo yunxun immediately walked over.

Gu Yaoyao's face turned white and her eyebrows were wrinkled all the time. She could see that she was in pain, and she could only lie on her side.

Huo yunxun immediately took Gu Yaoyao's hand and called softly.

"Yao Yao!"

Gu Yaoyao's eyelids moved and slowly opened his eyes after a while. She stupidly looked at the person in front of her eyes, but she could not control her tears when she saw Huo yunxun.

"Ah Xun..."

Huo yunxun forced a kiss on the back of Gu Yaoyao's hand, "don't cry, I'm coming!"

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