Xia Yunzhe nodded and began to talk about Huo yunxun and Li Mengyao.

"Yao Yao, I just told you secretly. So you don't have to make a statement. "

Gu Yaoyao found that her feelings for Huo yunxun were different, so she wanted to know something about him.

"Brother Xun almost became the son-in-law of state F. No, to be precise, it should be the future king of state F

Gu Yaoyao's eyes are shining. This news is a shock to her. It turns out that in Huo yunxun's heart, that person is Li Mengyao, the princess of F country. But now I have nothing to compare with the princess.

Gu Yaoyao is puzzled. From the princess to her, what does Huo yunxun think? Why yourself? His former lover is a princess, but he is just an ordinary person.

Seeing Gu Yaoyao's face not good, Xia Yunzhe said with a smile, "are you also scared?"

"Well!" Gu Yaoyao replied absentmindedly.

"In fact, it was the princess who chased him. At first, he didn't accept it."

Gu Yaoyao heard this, "why?"

"Xun Ge is not that kind of vain person, and the Huo family is also a big family." Xia Yunzhe replied.

"After that, they were together?"

Xia Yunzhe nodded. "Well, together."

Gu Yaoyao felt uncomfortable in her heart. At first, she refused, and then she was together for what?

"In fact, I don't think the relationship between brother Xun and her is very good. They are not suitable! "

"Why do you say that?"

Xia Yunzhe looked around, then leaned over Gu Yaoyao's ear and whispered, "from our men's point of view, the princess is not easy to get along with! Brother Xun is a person who likes freedom, and will not give up everything for the princess. And the Huo family needs him too! "

"So they broke up like this?"

"No!" Xia Yunzhe said in a low voice, "the princess dumped brother Xun. Just last month, I married some count or something! Love my brother Xun, but also to go to the scene to congratulate her. "

Gu Yaoyao frowned and couldn't help feeling sorry for Huo yunxun. It should be heartache to see your beloved woman marry someone else!

Thinking of what Huo yunnuan said that day, Gu Yaoyao finally understood the meaning. But is he really the one who can accompany him?

The mood suddenly became complicated, because she found that she had begun to care about Huo yunxun, his thoughts and feelings.

"Yao Yao?" Xia Yunzhe called out.

Gu Yaoyao looks back and almost bumps into Xia Yunzhe's face. She was startled. It was a close call!

"I'm sorry, master."

"It's OK." Xia Yunzhe touches Gu Yaoyao's head.

And the scene of the two has been photographed. So there's news coming out soon. They bite their ears and whisper intimately, while Xia Yunzhe gently touches Gu Yaoyao's head. The two people in the picture are sweet and have a sense of CP!

And then there are all kinds of headline parties, telling their stories in all kinds of ways.

Xia Yunzhe is suspected to have a spark of love with the actresses in the same crew.

Xia Yunzhe's true destiny is not Zhou Xiao.

Xia Yunzhe is about to open his love affair. His girlfriend is a new man.

Subsequently, Gu Yaoyao's information was turned out, and Xia Yunzhe's fans immediately began to resist, saying that the two people were just cooperative and refused to hype.

Some fans began to attack Gu Yaoyao, saying that she wanted to hold Xia Yunzhe's thigh, so she deliberately asked people to take such photos. In an instant, Gu Yaoyao's hype on the topic of hot search list, click in all is to attack Gu Yaoyao.

When things on the Internet were fermenting, Gu Yaoyao and Xia Yunzhe were shooting the last scene. They didn't know that the Internet had already exploded.


A Jin hands Huo yunxun the contents of the mobile phone.

Huo yunxun frowned after seeing the photos on the Internet. "What does that mean?"

Ah Jin obviously felt that Huo yunxun's mood had changed, and now his face was not good. Although he didn't say anything, his expression showed that he cared.

That pair of God's eyes but staring at those photos, each time, the more bad the face.

"Young master..."

"Get rid of this!"

Ah Jin hesitated for a moment, "young master, it's not good for the young lady to deal with this rashly."


"Yes, these things should be left to the young lady's company. What's more, Xia Er Shao didn't say anything. If we do this, the young lady will be scolded more fiercely. "

Huo yunxun pursed his mouth and became silent.

"What do you usually do with these things?" Huo yunxun is not familiar with things in the entertainment industry.

"I'll ask."

Huo yunxun nodded, it seems that he will develop more fields in the future. Once again, his eyes saw the comments that attacked Gu Yaoyao, and his brow frowned again.See everyone in aitgu Yaoyao's Micro blog, Huo yunxun followed the point in. It turns out that her micro blog has no specific content, almost all of which are forwarded.

Huo yunxun put down his mobile phone. Anyway, he will go to the studio and just can see her.

At this time, Gu Yaoyao lost his level because he heard about Huo yunxun and Li Mengyao.

"Card!" The director called card again. "Yao Yao, your expression is not right."

"I'm sorry!" Gu Yaoyao bowed 90 degrees and said sorry.

"Take a break and look for feelings."

Xia Yunzhe touched Gu Yaoyao's head. "You're not in the right mood. What's the matter?"

"It's OK." Gu Yaoyao replied. Then she went to one side and squatted quietly on the ground.

Gu Yaoyao closed her eyes and tried to empty herself. She can't involve others because of her own problems. Gu Yaoyao, you must refuel!

Gu Yaoyao took a deep breath and stood up. Hold your hand and let go again.

"All right?" Xia Yunzhe took a sip of water and saw that Gu Yaoyao seemed to have adjusted her mood.

Gu Yaoyao nods. "Come on, master."


This time, Gu Yaoyao quickly went into the character's mood and put her feelings into the role.

When Xia Yunzhe saw Gu Yaoyao's eyes, he was taken in by her. It's a new feeling to be played by the opponent for the first time.

This time, they passed it once, and the effect was better than expected!

"Card, good!" The director stood up and applauded.

Gu Yaoyao was relieved, "thank you."

"Yao Yao, congratulations on your killing!"

Seeing the director holding a bunch of flowers, Gu Yaoyao's eyes are full of tears. Thank you

"Come on, you have a lot of potential."

Xia Yunzhe also carried a bunch of flowers to Gu Yaoyao. "Yao Yao, Congratulations! If there is a chance, we must cooperate again! "


Xia Yunzhe reached out and hugged Gu Yaoyao. "You are really good!"

Gu Yaoyao didn't react, so he was in the same place, so he didn't push Xia Yunzhe away.

When Huo yunxun arrived, he just saw Xia Yunzhe holding Gu Yaoyao. He didn't look at Gu Yaoyao's expression, but Xia Yunzhe had a smile on his face.

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