Gu Yaoyao is so nervous that she can't help but mention her whole heart to her throat.

Huo yunxun won't get the certificate without telling his family, right? If this follows the routine of novels and TV dramas, the parents will surely come to visit tomorrow and attack themselves in turn.

Thinking of such a picture, Gu Yaoyao was even more upset.

"Don't worry."

After a few simple words, Gu Yaoyao saw Huo yunxun end the call. She looked worried. "Do your parents disagree?"

"You think too much." Huo yunxun just said a word, and then continued to eat.

Gu Yaoyao's intuition tells her that this matter is not so simple.

"Yao Yao..."

Gu Yao Yao is still nervous about how to do it when he hears Huo yunxun calling himself. It was like the sound of a cello, and still calling her name, Gu Yaoyao's heart pounded.

It's not that she hasn't called Yao Yao, but her name comes out of Huo yunxun's mouth, always with a different feeling. It's a feeling of yearning.


"What time do you shoot tomorrow?"

Gu Yaoyao took a look at the mobile phone, but will see the schedule sent by Zeng Ni in the group.

"I'm going to shoot a flat in the morning, and I'm going to shoot in the afternoon."

"I'll see you off?"

Gu Yaoyao waved, "no, I can go by myself. And you're busy with your work

"Shouldn't my husband send you?"

"No, no, No In fact, Gu Yaoyao is worried. She wants a free car. But she was more afraid of being found out about her relationship with Huo yunxun. More than want others to say that they are relying on Huo yunxun.

This not only has an impact on himself, but also has an impact on Huo yunxun. The impact on him may make the whole a city move.

Gu Yaoyao doesn't want to do it like this. She has to do her own things. The huge family behind Huo yunxun certainly has no one to cope with.

"I'll see you off." OK, Huo yunxun repeated it again.

"I'm worried about you being exposed." Gu Yaoyao whispered her concerns.

Huo yunxun laughed. "Worry about me?"

"Yes Gu Yaoyao nods. "We're married, but I don't want to be public yet. I want to fight for my job by my own efforts, instead of being told that I rely on your relationship. "

"Yes." Huo yunxun respected Gu Yaoyao's opinions. "I like it when you say it."

Seeing that Huo yunxun didn't resent him, Gu Yaoyao relaxed a lot. Before I was worried about it for a long time, but now I get along with him, Huo yunxun is still a sensible person. It's not the same as I think.

Thank you

"Then you'll have an early night's rest."


After taking a bath, Gu Yaoyao sits on the carpet of her room, looking at the script tomorrow and reciting her lines carefully. Occasionally, when she looks up, she looks at the door. Huo yunxun seems to be still busy, the study is next to the master bedroom, but there is no sound at all.

Gu Yaoyao withdrew her eyes and continued to recite her lines. Finally, she did not hold up until Huo yunxun came back and fell asleep by the side of the bed.

Huo yunxun saw such a scene when he came in after taking a bath. The moonlight shone into the room through the window. Then just Gu Yao's position is favored by the moonlight.

Gu Yaoyao curled up in that corner, this picture of sleeping beauty bathed in the moonlight is very eye-catching.

Huo yunxun quietly walked past. He squatted down in front of Gu Yaoyao and looked at her sleeping face closely. Her skin is very good, smooth and delicate, without any addition on her face, which makes people feel comfortable.

Huo yunxun lifted her from the corner of his mouth and bent down to pick her up.

"Well..." Gu Yaoyao muttered, but did not wake up. It seems that I really fell asleep.

Huo yunxun gently put Gu Yaoyao on the bed and pulled over the quilt to cover her. The fingers slipped across her face, and the touch was really good. Long fingers gently plucked the hair from her face.


Huo yunxun in the moment of getting up, but turned to bend over, gently a kiss fell on Gu Yaoyao's forehead.

"Yao Yao, I will be good to you."

Huo yunxun turned to pack up his things, picked up the script scattered on the carpet, and then turned off the floor lamp. Around this side of the bed, Huo yunxun sat against the head of the bed and did not lie down immediately.

He looked at the email on his tablet for a while and replied to several more urgent emails. And finish today's work!

Just want to lie down, Gu Yaoyao turns over, she is facing Huo yunxun.

Huo yunxun simply reached out and took her into his arms and closed his eyes. Gu Yaoyao moves and subconsciously finds a comfortable position. Huo yunxun hugs her tightly.

On the first night of getting the certificate, they hugged each other and slept naturally, without any discomfort or strangeness.

The next morning, Gu Yaoyao's mobile phone that a loud alarm bell rings.Huo yunxun heard, immediately opened his eyes. Seeing Gu Yaoyao frown tight, he raised half of his body, stretched out his long arm and turned off the alarm clock on Gu Yaoyao's mobile phone. She set five alarm clocks that ring every five minutes.

Huo yunxun is dumb smile, this in the end has not consciously needed five alarm clocks. After putting down the mobile phone, Huo yunxun lay down again, which was only 5:30.

After a while, the phone rings again. This time, Huo turned off all the alarm clocks. Looking down at Gu Yaoyao who hasn't woken up in his arms, he can't help but feel some heartache.

A person in order to live, but also for the cost of grandma, so choose to enter this circle, every day morning and night, this small body contains how much energy?

Huo yunxun moved slightly, and Gu Yaoyao opened his eyes.

Seeing a handsome face at close quarters, Gu Yaoyao pauses for a few seconds, then tilts her head back to open the distance between herself and Huo yunxun.



Gu Yaoyao nodded mechanically and said timidly, "early."

"Do you want to sleep again?"

"What time is it?"

"It's not six o'clock."

Gu Yaoyao took her mobile phone and saw that all the alarm clocks were turned off. Think should be noisy Huo yunxun, "wake you up?"


Gu Yaoyao sat up and said, "my work and rest time is irregular. So... " She thought that living apart would not affect Huo yunxun's work and rest.

"Never mind. I'll get used to it."

Huo yunxun first step up, "you sleep again, I'll make breakfast for you."

Gu Yaoyao bit her lips, with mist in her eyes. Since grandma was ill and hospitalized, no one has made breakfast for himself. Looking at Huo yunxun's back, she really felt warm.

Instead of going to sleep, Gu Yaoyao got up and washed, then changed clothes and walked out of the room.

The smell came from the kitchen, and my stomach growled unconsciously.


Gu Yaoyao nods and quickly walks to the table. Looking at the breakfast prepared on the table, I was really moved.

"What's the matter?" Huo yunxun asked softly.

Gu Yaoyao turned around and hugged Huo yunxun, "thank you!"

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