Li Mengyao sat quietly watching Huo yunxun work, which was the first time she saw Huo yunxun's working state.

Therefore, he did not consciously go into the state of watching. In addition to appearance, Li Mengyao really realized Huo yunxun's busy talk. He is really busy, busy also forgot the things around him.

Li Mengyao saw Huo yunxun sit down again, immediately put into work. One of the laptops is having a video conference and is speaking English all the time. Huo yunxun heard the other party's report, frowned, and then immediately made a response. Another laptop connection is the company's several contracts, which he is reviewing as he conducts video conferencing.

The third laptop is the data sent by HD headquarters. Huo yunxun has to participate in the discussion of the headquarters and sort out his relevant suggestions after finishing the previous matters. Huo yunxun sent it by email.

Then his mobile phone also rings constantly. Huo yunxun answers every call for no more than a minute. Each time, he simply states his own ideas. After putting down his mobile phone, he continues to repeat those actions.

Li Mengyao saw Huo yunxun so busy, but his mind is still clear, everything is handled well! I didn't expect HD's successor is really so busy, almost all things are on his own, and Huo yunxun has not cheated himself, he is really busy!

Seeing Huo yunxun running at a high speed like a robot, Li Mengyao feels that he is very hard and even heartache. But to see Huo yunxun's state, he is completely adapted to such a state, otherwise he will feel tired. But now it has been an hour since he came in, and he is still working meticulously.

And seeing him like this, I've obviously forgotten that I'm here. Li Mengyao stands up. She looks at Huo yunxun again and then leaves quietly.

Taking the elevator door, Li Mengyao ordered a dinner for Huo yunxun. According to his appearance, he should be busy late. It's not good to beat him here. I'd better talk to him at another time! Today he obviously has no time!

Back in the palace, Li Mengyao has been in a daze. Originally, she wanted to go to Huo yunxun to talk about it, but when she went there, she saw the appearance and state of Huo yunxun after work. Li Mengyao felt that she had no reason to ask Huo yunxun for an explanation. Because from the beginning to now, he has never explicitly said to accept himself!

"Ah..." Li Mengyao sighs.

Lihua heard Li Mengyao's sigh and said, "princess, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine." Li Mengyao replied. "Lihua, I found myself useless today. I'm wasting my time every day! At the same time, someone is working against the clock, while I am in a daze or willful! This is really bad! "

Lihua doesn't understand the meaning of Li Mengyao's words. "Princess, Lihua doesn't understand! Aren't you looking for Huo yunxun today? Is he rude to the princess

"No! We didn't talk at all. His work is piling up like a mountain! " Li Mengyao replied. "He's really busy! So I came back without disturbing him. And after coming back, I have been thinking about one thing, where is the difference between myself and Huo yunxun! Think about it carefully, I really can't compare with him! "

Lihua looked at Li Mengyao suspiciously, "why do you say that?"

"He works hard for his family! I think those things should not be his, but in order to let his father spend more time with his mother, he took all the work by himself! By contrast, what have I done for my father and mother? I've been doing nothing, even worrying about my feelings! "

The more Li Mengyao said, the more guilty she felt. Her brother was no longer there, so she should shoulder the responsibility of her brother, but she has been escaping! She remembered what Li Zhengqiang said to herself that day. Now she really understood what he meant! As a royal person, she has a different mission from others! That is the future of country F.

Thinking of her future life, Li Mengyao smiles. She will be as busy as her father! If we are together, Huo yunxun will be more busy, and if he is asked to contribute to these things in country f, he will be very tired. Two people very busy people together, it is estimated that only through the mobile phone to communicate!

This kind of life is not what you want! Lack of communication between the two people, it is easy to have contradictions! And Huo yunxun also has the burden of Huo family and HD, he can not give up these for his own sake.

Thinking of this, Li Mengyao cheered up! No, she can't go on like this! From tomorrow, she will be a new Li Mengyao!

When Li Zhengqiang heard that Li Mengyao said that he would personally participate in the cooperation project, he felt incredible, "Mengyao, is that true?"

"Of course! I am the princess of country F. of course, I want to make some contribution to f country! " Li Mengyao replied.

"Good!" Li Zhengqiang knew that his daughter would not let himself down.

Happy, Li Zhengqiang also calm down, "Mengyao, are you really thinking about it? This is to work with Huo yunxun! "

Li Mengyao raised the corners of her mouth. "Am I not qualified? Cooperation means cooperation. I will show my attitude towards work and cooperate with Huo yunxun. I will see Huo yunxun's ability! "Hearing this, Li Zhengqiang nodded with satisfaction. It seems that her daughter has finally figured it out! That's good! No matter how she and Huo yunxun will be, from their own point of view, she is the princess of country f!

Huo yunxun was surprised to see the person in charge sent by the royal family. I didn't expect it would be Li Mengyao. "Princess highness!"

"Huo yunxun, please give me more advice in the future."

Seeing Li Mengyao's outstretched hand, Huo yunxun nodded and then held her hand. "Please ask your Royal Highness for advice!"

In the next few days, Li Mengyao and Huo yunxun went to many places to investigate and visit. After all, this is a joint development of tourism and holiday projects. HD was founded in a city by the construction industry. Although the economic development of country f in recent years is good, tourism has not been very good, and there has been no eye-catching key tourist attractions.

So when Huo yunxun came with this project, Li Zhengqiang certainly agreed! This is a good development for country f, and it also cooperates with HD, which will surely attract the attention of other countries.

Li Mengyao and Huo yunxun work in a few days, once again see his ability in all aspects! Li Mengyao's worship of Huo yunxun is increasing! Huo yunxun such a man, really worth a lot of women moth to the fire!

"Huo yunxun, what kind of woman do you like?" Li Mengyao inadvertently also asked.

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