Ji Haonan smiles and looks at Huo yunnuan, but doesn't speak.

Huo yunnuan can't stand Ji Haonan's burning eyes. She turned her head to the other side, and if she continued to look at it, something might have happened. Think of here, Huo yunnuan took a way to avoid.

Ji Haonan saw Huo Yun's warm look, and his smile deepened. "Little warm, I'm waiting for your reply?"

"I don't..." All the words behind were drowned in Ji Haonan's almost overbearing kiss. Ji Haonan reaches out to buckle Huo yunnuan's waist and presses her directly on the wall. For Huo yunnuan, he is determined to get it!

Huo Yun warm also muddled, this is exactly what situation! What the hell is Ji Haonan doing! She's not a little girl, so she won't believe that one night's sleep will bring out feelings. It's just a physiological need. It has nothing to do with feelings.

Huo yunnuan struggles, and she feels that she will be led by Ji Haonan by the nose. The heart also meanly deviated from the original track. "Ji Haonan, let me go!"

But the more Huo yunnuan resisted, Ji Haonan was more persistent. He pressed Huo yunnuan on the wall, and actively plundered Huo yunnuan's sweetness! Yes, maybe no one will believe it, but Ji Haonan is very clear that he has been single for many years, but he is passionate about Huo Yun.

Ji Haonan first saw Huo yunnuan at a reception a few years ago. At that time, she just graduated from university and came with Huo Dongyang. At that glance, I remembered her. Especially her eyes, which are different from others, she was very clever that day, but her eyes were smart and mischievous!

Ji Haonan can be said to read women countless, but Huo yunnuan still brings him a sense of freshness. After that, he inquired about Huo yunnuan. But I didn't expect that they would meet again in that way a few years later.

Although he was controlled by drugs that day, Ji Haonan could have resisted it. But when he saw the familiar blue gray eyes, he gave up. Because he knows the feeling in his heart, if it is not Huo yunnuan, he is expected to push away! But it's her. He doesn't want to.

Ji Haonan originally wanted to use a month to deal with those people, but there are always accidents in his life. After hearing about Huo Yun warming Xu Nan, he couldn't sit still. Last week, he immediately came back from abroad to prevent Huo Yun from warming Xu Nan. Fortunately, she fell out with Xu Nan. Ji Haonan immediately proposed to Huo Dongyang.

I didn't expect Huo Dongyang to agree. According to Ji Haonan's understanding of Huo Dongyang, he is not so easy to talk about. The reason why he agreed to take Huo yunnuan away was that he felt that he had the ability to take care of Huo yunnuan.

So how can he put Huo yunnuan in such a favorable time, place and person! It's impossible!

Feel Huo yunnuan breathing some difficulties, Ji Haonan just slightly let go of Huo yunnuan, voice with some hoarseness. "Little warm, don't challenge my limit. This is the lightest punishment I can give you

Huo Yun breathed the fresh air warmly, but his eyes were not satisfied. "Ji Haonan, I will not compromise!"

Ji Haonan narrowed his eyes, reached for Huo yunnuan, and then strode to the bedside. "Little warm, I said just now that I have many ways to deal with you!"

After being pressed on the bed by Ji Haonan, Huo yunnuan really understands Ji Haonan's meaning. He really is not telling himself a lie! Huo yunnuan pushed Ji Haonan with his hand, "Ji Haonan, if you dare to use strong, I will tell my father!"

"Xiaonuan, I don't know why when I meet you, my self-control drops to negative. So now it's on the line, belonging to the state of having to send, so I want to tell you I'm sorry! But I'll be a little bit gentle! "

Huo yunnuan glared at his eyes, "Ji Haonan, don't!" But Huo yunnuan couldn't shake Ji Haonan at all, and soon he was unable to resist

After the passion, Huo Yun fell asleep. Ji Haonan looked at her tenderly and gently pushed the hair off her face. "Xiaonuan, what can I do to keep you?"

Shortly after Ji Haonan sleeps, Huo yunnuan opens his eyes. She can't stay here. She's going home! Ji Haonan is a devil at all!

After Huo yunnuan leaves quietly, Ji Haonan also opens his eyes. He sat up slowly and made a phone call.

"Little warm, are you really so unwilling to stay with me?"

Huo yunnuan only holds a mobile phone and has no money. She can only rely on their own memory out of this villa area, and then let the big brother to pick up himself.

Just left the villa area, Huo yunnuan was immediately surrounded by two black cars. Huo yunnuan immediately felt wrong! Ji Haonan catches up so fast?! But my intuition tells me that these are not Ji Haonan's people.

After a while, a thin ugly man came down from the car. He stared at Huo yunnuan, then said with a smile, "are you the woman Ji Haonan brought back?"

"No!" Huo yunnuan immediately denied. This man is obviously not good at coming.

"Interesting!" The man smiles insidiously. "If not. Then follow me back and be my womanHuo Yun warm smile, "good big tone!" She even Ji Haonan such a man can not, can you like this ugly! It's really funny!

"Stinky woman, it's better to be obedient when I give my face, or you'll suffer!"

Huo yunnuan did not care at all. "Is it? But I guess it will disappoint you! I don't know the height of heaven and earth

"Give it to me!" The man became angry and let his men do it.

At this time, there is a light in the distance, which makes people present can not open their eyes. Huo yunnuan squints his eyes, vaguely seems to see a tall figure coming slowly.

After a while, Ji Haonan walked to Huo yunnuan in the backlight. In his eyes, Huo yunnuan is the only one who doesn't exist at all. "Didn't I tell you not to walk around? What's more, I don't know how to wear an extra dress when I come out at night! "

Hearing Ji Haonan's words, Huo yunnuan felt a sour nose and itchy eyes. "Why did you come?"

"I'm here to pick you up, of course!"

Huo yunnuan shakes Ji Haonan's hand. "I'm not going back."

"Fool!" Ji Haonan's voice is also with heartache. "I promise you to go back. But don't do such a dangerous thing next time

Ji Haidong, who was ignored for a long time, spoke. "Ji Haonan, it's time to think about how to collect the corpse for yourself after you married me!"

Ji Haonan embraces Huo yunnuan and takes a step back, with a murderous look in his eyes. "By you? A fool talks about dreams

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