Qin Zichen immediately found a seat and sat down, observing the situation of maiziqi and the man nearby.

When Maggie saw the man, she also stood up immediately. She nodded to the man with a smile, which Qin Zichen had never seen before. In his memory, Maggie was always careless, sometimes a little shy, but never saw her look shy.

Qin Zichen can't help but feel that this woman is really multi-faceted, and really changes by looking at people. He even suspected that Xia Yunqiao's saying that Maggie liked herself was false. If she really likes herself, then she certainly won't accept dating other men.

Qin Zichen looked at the two people who talked well not far away, and his heart was not very good. Maggie really let go of the past? Is she really going to start over in America? Or was she forced to do so by Mike?

Hearing maiziqi's laughter, Qin Zichen's face sank, and suddenly had an unexpected sense of crisis! Maggie is really going to let go of her past feelings and start over. Qin Zichen's heart has a burst of unprecedented panic, that often follows in his and Xia Yunqiao's side Mai Ziqi, now has changed.

Qin Zichen had to reexamine his feelings about maiziqi. Since I met her on the street that day, every time I met her, she was refreshing her understanding of her, which made her feel different.

Maiziqi accidentally seems to see Qin Zichen, but when she wants to confirm, she is blocked. Her eyebrows wrinkled in a moment, "is that him? But he shouldn't be here? "

"Maggie, what's the matter with you?" Ben asked.

"It's OK. It's like seeing an acquaintance." Maggie replied. "Let's go on!"

In fact, Ben is not the blind date of Maggie, but a client of Mike. Today, Maggie is here to discuss the agency contract for the new season on behalf of Mike. Because it's an important customer, and Mike has repeatedly told us that we can't neglect it. So Maggie specially dressed up. If she put it aside, she would certainly not dress up, mainly because she felt unnatural.

Ben had a good impression on Maggie. He was good-looking and talkative, so he signed the contract soon. "Maggie, now that the contract has been signed, let's talk about personal matters."

"Private affairs?" Maggie wondered, isn't this just about business?

Ben nodded. "Well, I heard Mike say you're looking for a husband. What do you think of me?"

"Ah?" Maggie had no idea that there would be such a meaning. "Is that what Uncle Mike means?"

"Yes! I think you're good. Maybe we can get together. If it's appropriate, you can get it right away. "

Ben's words made Maggie pale. Americans seem so direct! But now I don't seem to be really ready. I thought Mike was just joking, but I didn't think it was true.

Ben saw Maggie's expression, and was more excited about how she looked at the moment. Such a woman is simple and simple. She has no airs at all and is comfortable to get along with.

"Maggie, you can think about it. My conditions are also good. "

Maggie adjusted her mood. "Ben, I'm here to work today, so I'm totally unprepared."

"I know. You don't have to be so nervous. Just follow your heart. "

Thank you Maggie smiles and nods.

Ben looked at the time and said, "Maggie, I'll be back in a minute. Shall I take you back? "

"Since you have something to do, don't bother. I can go back myself. " Maggie declined.

Ben shook his head at the refusal of Maggie. "Maggie, you should give me a chance to show a gentleman, otherwise it will have a great influence on me."

Maggie saw that Ben had said something about it. If she continued to refuse, it seemed that she couldn't make sense. "I'll trouble you."

Ben smiles. "It's my pleasure!"

Qin Zichen saw that the two of them wanted to leave, and then put down the meal card blocking his face. With a sharp eye on Benna holding Maggie's hand, the man can really take advantage of him and hold his hand so quickly.

Seeing that they had left the restaurant, Qin Zichen immediately followed them. After Qin Zichen walked out of the restaurant, he saw maiziqi standing on the side of the road alone, obviously waiting for ben to drive over.

Qin Zichen did not care, and walked quickly. Then she pulled maiziqi away without saying a word. When maiziqi reacted, she had been dragged by Qin Zichen for several steps.

Maiziqi still couldn't believe that she was pulled by Qin Zichen. So she saw that man in the restaurant was really Qin Zichen. I feel the pain from my wrist, and I'm wearing high heels on my feet. I'm not steady at all. Maiziqi called out: "brother Zichen, wait a minute!"

Qin Zichen stops and turns to look at maiziqi. "What's the matter? Not willing to leave the man? ""What do you say?"

"You know it Qin Zichen's voice was very serious.

Maiziqi looked at Qin Zichen. She blinked. "What did I do wrong to make you angry?"

"You are so anxious to go on a blind date, do you really want to get married?" Qin Zichen yelled.

Hear Qin Zichen tone with the meaning of blame, maiziqi heart a sour. It turned out that he thought of himself like this in his heart, and his temper rose at once. "Yes! I want to get married now

Qin Zichen frowned, "you are so superficial! So in order to get married, you can find any man you like? "

"Yes Maggie said aloud. "I used to like a man so much, but that man didn't mean to me. I'm tired too. Now I just want to find a man who loves me, so it doesn't have to be so hard! "

Qin Zichen was really stimulated by maiziqi's attitude. "Have you ever confessed to the man yourself? If you don't even have a confession, how can you conclude that the man has no idea of you? "

Maggie a Leng, the tears in the corner of his eyes were also immediately stopped, "what do you say?" Does Qin Zichen already know?! Or he wouldn't say that!

"Maggie, you say once in front of me that you like me!" Qin Zichen strongly let Maggie say his feelings.

Maggie felt that everything around her became quiet, and all the voices disappeared in an instant. She only heard his heartbeat, she looked at Qin Zichen in a daze, why he was so angry. "Brother Zichen, I..."

"Say it! Don't you dare? Or are you just talking about it? "

Maiziqi clenched her hand, "Qin Zichen, I like you!"

In a minute after this sentence was said, Qin Zichen did not respond at all. He just looked at Maggie seriously and didn't say a word.

Maggie couldn't help laughing at herself. She knew it was the result. But now she has no regrets, and her heart is much more comfortable after saying it. Maiziqi broke Qin Zichen's hand and went back.

But after two steps, Qin Zichen hugged him tightly from behind. "Kiki, let's get together!"

Hearing such a sentence, maiziqi's tears burst out in an instant. She finally heard Qin Zichen say this sentence himself. She slowly closed her eyes and said, "Zichen I... "

"Kiki, since you want a new start, stay with me!"


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