Seeing the people standing not far away, Maggie's good mood in the early morning disappeared in an instant.

Zhang Yaohua walked to maiziqi and said, "you really work here."

"What do you want to do Maiziqi glared at Zhang Yaohua and asked.

"You should know." Zhang Yaohua reached out to touch maiziqi's face, but she soon evaded it. Zhang Yaohua's brow frowned for a moment, and his hand was awkwardly across the air.

Maiziqi immediately opened the distance with Zhang Yaohua. "It's none of your business here. Go back!"

"Ziqi, it's time for you to go home."

"My home is long gone." With that, Maggie immediately bypassed Zhang Yaohua.

Zhang Yaohua reached out and grabbed maiziqi's arm. He couldn't stand being ignored by her. "Are you sure you want this?"

"I don't know you at all. Let go!" Maggie moved out from Xia Yunqiao.

In the face of Maggie in front of him, Zhang Yaohua said that his heart was surging. Last night, he had no sleep. In recent years, he had never been so keen to bring Maggie back.

Maiziqi broke away from Zhang Yaohua's hand, and there were more people around. After all, this kind of gossip has always been the focus, of course, there are also some gossips. Maggie really wanted to talk back when she heard those gossips. She has nothing to do with Zhang Yaohua!

But this man clings to himself, a pair of desire to pull any relationship with himself. "Let go! Don't you worry about your fiancee being jealous? I don't have that relationship with you at all! I want to live a few more years. "

Maggie said in two voices that she had been struggling. Is there anyone to help her?


This sound is like a life-saving straw, so that Maggie's heart to settle down.

Tang Yixuan helps Xia Yunqiao to appear. Xia Yunqiao looks at Zhang Yaohua, and his voice is cold. "Who are you? Let go of Kiki

Seeing Xia Yunqiao, Zhang Yaohua relaxed her hand. Maggie immediately broke away from Zhang Yaohua and quickly moved to Xia Yunqiao.

"Why are you here, Little Joe?"

"There's something to deal with." Xia Yunqiao replied. "Let's go in!"

Tang Yixuan holds Xia Yunqiao. "Slow down, Little Joe." Maiziqi also holds Xia Yunqiao on the other side, hardly looking at Zhang Yaohua.

After seeing the people go in, the people around are scattered. Zhang Yaohua stood there looking at maiziqi's back with firmness on his face.

At this time, I felt that someone was patting me on the shoulder. Zhang Yaohua looked back. Behind him stood a woman with a wide brim hat and a pair of sunglasses. "You are..."

"Are you free to talk?" The woman said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Zhang Yaohua is also very vigilant. This woman is not an ordinary person at first sight. Such a woman usually comes with a purpose.

The woman took off her sunglasses and looked at Zhang Yaohua with her heavily made up eyes. "I think we can cooperate?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Take back the woman you want from me. Then we have a common enemy. Do you know Xia Yunqiao

"Why should I cooperate with you?" Zhang Yaohua knows this. There is no free lunch in the world.

"As long as Xia Yunqiao is broken, your woman will leave here. She is now working for Xia Yunqiao, if the company does not have. Isn't she going home with you

Speaking of this, Zhang Yaohua couldn't help feeling a little excited.

"Shall we find a place to sit down?"

"Then I always want to know who you are? Otherwise, there is no integrity in such cooperation. "

The woman put on her sunglasses again. "Of course, I'm Yu Zhiqing."

In the office.

Xia Yunqiao looks at maiziqi, who still has no return to God, and is worried. She just remembered that there was a document in the office in the morning, so she asked Tang Yixuan to send her to her. But I didn't expect to meet such a thing.

"Kiki, are you all right?"

"It's OK." Maggie replied. "I'll go to work right away."

Xia Yunqiao looked at maiziqi with worry on her face. Is her state really OK? I always think something's wrong there. Tang Yixuan poured a cup of hot water to Xia Yunqiao, "drink a cup of water first."

"Yixuan, you go to the hospital to take care of your aunt! I'm fine here. "

"Who was that man just now? I seem to know Maggie

Xia Yunqiao shook his head. "I don't know. Everyone has privacy that they don't want to talk about. If Kiki doesn't want to say it, I won't force her to

Tang Yixuan agreed with Xia Yunqiao. "But there are too many women on your side. I think it's safe if you don't hire two men."

"I'll think about it. Go back to the hospital as soon as possible! " Xia Yunqiao let Tang Yixuan go, now his own situation can not go to see Bai Xi, so can only come back to work.Tang Yixuan nodded and then leaned over to kiss Xia Yunqiao's forehead. "I'll pick you up after work."


Xia Yunqiao this busy, really to the afternoon. As soon as you get off work, Xia Yunqiao calls Tang Yixuan to learn about Bai Qian's situation.

"My mom is stable today."

"Good! Take good care of her. I'll go back with Kiki later. You don't have to run to pick me up

"So don't like me to pick you up?"

Xia Yunqiao smiles. "I just don't want you to be so tired. I am considerate of you

"I'll go to Huo Dong's house in the evening! I happen to have something to look for him


After work, Maggie helped Xia Yunqiao out of the office. After a few steps, he saw Qin Zichen waiting at the door.

Qin Zichen saw Xia Yunqiao and maiziqi come out, and immediately got off to help Xia Yunqiao. "Slow down."

"In fact, I can go by myself, but you are too nervous." Xia Yunqiao replied.

"At this time, you'd better not try to be brave." Qin Zichen helped Xia Yunqiao to get on the bus. Looking back to see maiziqi still standing in place, Qin Zichen felt strange: "Qiqi, don't you get on the bus?"

Maggie nodded. "I'll be busy later. You go back first. "

Qin Zichen goes to maiziqi and knows something by looking at her appearance. "What's the matter with you?"

Maiziqi doesn't want to be the light bulb of Qin Zichen and Xia Yunqiao, "I'll have a dinner with a friend. I'll go back later. " With that, maiziqi waved to Qin Zichen, "I'm leaving!"

Xia Yunqiao saw maiziqi run away and immediately called out: "Qiqi, where are you going?"

As if she didn't hear, Maggie reached for a taxi and left.

"Brother Zichen, follow up immediately." Xia Yunqiao said aloud.

"What's the matter?" Qin Zichen can see that Xia Yunqiao is very nervous.

Xia Yunqiao took Qin Zichen's hand and said, "that man came to find Qiqi this morning."

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