Bai Xi opened the door, Zhang Xiaoxia with in Zhiqing directly came in.

"Mrs. Yu, how can you come to my house today?" Over the years, Bessie has also developed some verbal skills. Of course, Bai Xi knew that Zhang Xiaoxia was playing tricks behind her back, so that other ladies cut off the contact of Tang family.

Zhang Xiaoxia stares at Bai Qian, the woman's face is always hung with such an innocent expression, but she has many tricks! She thought the Tang family would be ruined this time, but she didn't expect to let them have a chance to make a comeback! It's really irritating!

"Bessie, you know it."

Bessie smiles. "What should I know?"

"Well, you're still pretending. Now the whole city of C knows that your family wants to cooperate with HD. How can you not know? " Zhang Xiaoxia strongly points to Bai Qian and says!

"I didn't know these things until I read the news in the morning. You also know that I am a housewife, these things are husband and son's affairs, I am in charge of these household chores. Of course, I can't compare with you. Mrs. Yu is the head of the family and her CFO. "

Zhang Xiaoxia is not a fool. Of course, she knows that Bai Xi's words are ironic. She did not polite, directly put up a cruel words, "now you Tang family is about to be promoted, how to give a statement about the matter of repentance!"

Bai Qian took a look at Yu Zhiqing. "I can't say anything about this! My son doesn't like it. I can't force him with a knife! When my son is older, he has his own ideas, and I can't stop him as a mother. And I'm just one of his sons. I need to rely on him for the aged

Zhang Xiaoxia is angry, she reaches out to hit Bai Qian, but is pulled by Yu Zhiqing. "Mom

"Aunt Bai, what you said didn't count?" Yu Zhiqing blames Bai Qian face to face.

"I don't remember what I said when I'm old."

Yu Zhiqing clenched her hand angrily. "That Xia Yunqiao is not a good man!" Yu Zhiqing went to check Xia Yunqiao, but found some useless information. It seems that someone deliberately protected Xia Yunqiao's data. Otherwise, she won't be able to find everything.

Bai Qian looked at Yu Zhiqing lightly. "Xia Yunqiao is a good man. My son will judge by himself."

Yu Zhiqing is not polite. "Good! You wait for Tang Yixuan to be destroyed! That woman is definitely a disaster

At this time, Xia Yunqiao's voice came. "Miss Yu, why do you think I am a disaster?"

Yu Zhiqing and Zhang Xiaoxia look back to see Tang Yixuan and Xia Yunqiao standing at the door. There was seriousness on both faces! Tang Yixuan stepped forward. "Mom, are you ok?"

Bessie felt comfortable when she heard her son greet her first. "I'm fine!" Finish saying, she looks at Xia Yunqiao, some accident how she came!

Tang Yixuan determines that Bai Qian is OK, and then goes to Zhang Xiaoxia and Yu Zhiqing. "I've made it clear last time! And it has nothing to do with my mother. Please don't question my mother in the future

Zhang Xiaoxia snorted, "now I'm proud, so I'm going home with this fox spirit?"

"Mrs. Yu, please keep your mouth clean! Joe has always been my fiancee, and we have been engaged since we were young. "

"Oh?" Zhang Xiaoxia certainly won't believe it. "That's a good excuse. In this case, why did you agree to marry Xiaoqing? In that case, you are not a good man either

Bessie was upset to see her son being said so. "Mrs. Yu, I didn't understand the matter clearly, which is why such a problem arises."

"You are a family, you will certainly cover up each other! I've seen a lot of them. At the beginning, you would promise to get married, but you just took a fancy to us at home. Now you find such a big supporter, of course, you dare to say anything! "

Zhang Xiaoxia then turned to look at Xia Yunqiao and said, "Miss Xia, there is no one in the Tang family who keeps his word! You'd better wake up early! Big companies like HD won't cooperate with downer, which is going bankrupt for no reason. There must be an interest between them! I heard that HD's chairman also has a daughter. Maybe they've already talked about marriage behind your back. "

Xia Yunqiao's face sank. She stared at Zhang Xiaoxia coldly, but did not say a word. She looked like she was hit. Yu Zhiqing goes to Xia Yunqiao. "Xia Yunqiao, you'd better wake up! Or you'll end up worse than me! Tang Yixuan really has a good face, which is enough to make many women fall in love with. "

Xia Yunqiao a smile, "so Miss Yu is also because of this will have been holding Yixuan?"

"Xia Yunqiao, Xiaoqing is just kind to remind you! What's your attitude! " Zhang Xiaoxia said loudly to Xia Yunqiao.

Xia Yunqiao nodded. "Of course I know you are kind enough to remind me! But I am a man of one mind. I will not die until I reach the Yellow River! "

"Women should be nice to themselves. Don't wait until they are abandoned. It will be too late."

Hearing Zhang Xiaoxia's words, Xia Yunqiao went on to say: "I think that Mrs. Yu's words should be said to miss.""What do you have to pull now?" Yu Zhiqing last ate Xia Yunqiao's loss, so this time she won't start, but move her feet. Looking at his high-heeled shoes are about to step on Xia Yunqiao's feet. But when it fell, it was empty. She staggered several times to stand still, and her ankle accidentally twisted.

Xia Yunqiao raised his eyes and looked at Yu Zhiqing, "Miss Yu, this high-heeled shoes are not everyone can control!"

"You Yu Zhiqing felt humiliated again.

Zhang Xiaoxia sees her daughter being bullied, and she goes to fight Xia Yunqiao. "Little bitch, if I don't teach you today, I'm not a human being!"

Seeing Xia Yunqiao being beaten, Tang Yixuan wants to come forward. As a result, Bai Xi reaches out and grabs her son's hand and doesn't let him go. Tang Yixuan called anxiously. "Mom

Bai Xi just wants to see what Xia Yunqiao will do. There will be a lot of these things in the future. If she can't handle these things well, then she is not suitable for Tang Yixuan. The daughter-in-law of the Tang family is not so easy to do.

Xia Yunqiao over there has avoided Zhang Xiaoxia. She steps back and doesn't want to start. "Madam Yu, please respect yourself!"

"I'll take care of you little bitch today!" Zhang Xiaoxia was completely angry.

Xia Yunqiao reaches out and grabs Zhang Xiaoxia's hand and squints slightly. "I don't want to fight you!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Xiaoxia uses the other hand to hit Xia Yunqiao in the face.

"Stop it!"

Tang Sinian and Huo Dongyang came over. Tang Si Nian said angrily. "Mrs. Yu, this is the Tang family. Please see the place clearly!"

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