For a while.

Tang Si Nian didn't speak. He seemed to be giving himself a buffer. It is not easy for him to disclose these things. Today, he regards Huo Dongyang as his friend, so he tells them all.

"Sorry! I should not lie to you. "

"It's been so many years, there's no need to mind." Huo Dongyang replied.

Thank you Tang Sinian felt that he had made the right decision. Now he told all the things, and his depression was relieved.

Huo Dongyang poured himself a cup of tea again, "is it comfortable to say it?"

"Well!" Tang Si Nian nodded. "So I hope you can help with the marriage between Yixuan and Xiao Qiao. I don't have much time in my life, but I brought Yixuan in, so I support him to pursue his own happiness. Don't follow my old way! "

"You are very good, too! Think of such a way to get rid of the shackles of the Tang family! Now the Tang family... "

"After my father died, in fact, the Tang family's Qi was almost the same. So I don't want to let Yixuan carry anything about the Tang family. He has been the Tang family for more than 20 years for me. That's enough! "

Huo Dongyang then asked: "so you and Tang Yixuan will let the current Tang family, even don't want to save it?"

"Yixuan made a lot of efforts, but I stopped them secretly." Tang Si Nian said truthfully.

"You're really a good dad." Huo Dongyang added. "But I think Tang Yixuan should know your hard work. Otherwise, he will not give up the Tang family until now. I think he also wants to help you keep the Tang family. This is your foundation. "

Huo Dongyang's words shocked Tang Sinian for a while. Is that really the case? He could never have imagined such a situation!

"Two days ago, Xiao Qiao asked me to help Tang, but Tang Yixuan simply refused. I think he wants to make the final effort on his own, or he wants to stick to it for you! "

Tang Si Nian sighed. "This child is really stupid! Tang is not his shackles, such persistence is really meaningless. "

"Or you can get down to inject fresh blood. Don't you also have your own dream? Why not really choose a thing you like to do for yourself? Only in this way can you live up to your efforts over the years

Listening to these words, Tang Sinian felt as if he could see the sun through the clouds, as if he had all figured it out all at once. "I should have called you earlier!"

"It's not too late." Huo Dongyang knew that Tang Si Nian had made a decision.

"But I wasted more than twenty years."

"You just spent more than 20 years to make up for your guilt towards the Tang family. Now you should live your own life, it's not too late! "

Tang Si Nian a smile, people also spirit a lot. "Listening to your words is better than reading ten years."

"I'm not that good." Huo Dongyang replied.

Tang Sinian then said, "as for those legends you want to know about the Tang family, if you don't get bored, I can tell you too!"

Hearing the sound of the room, Tang Yixuan left in silence. He was worried about what period there would be, so he followed him, but now it seems that his worries will not happen. Leave the rest of the time to them!

Tang Yixuan walks out of the restaurant and Xu Nan comes forward.

"Where are you going now, young master?"

"Go to the company!"


Just arrived at the company, Tang Yixuan saw Bai Xi. She was carrying a lunch box in her hand and seemed to be coming to deliver food to her father.

"Mom, you're here."

Bessie nodded. "Is your father out?"

"Yes." Tang Yixuan replied.

Bessie's face did not look good. "Where has he been?"

"He goes to a restaurant to eat."

"Did he have a guest?" Bai Xi heard Tang Si Nian call last night, saying who would like to come to C City.

Tang Yixuan saw Bai Qian's appearance and knew that she had come to check the post specially today. Bessie has always been very kind to Tang Sinian and is very concerned about his affairs. But there is always a knot in her heart, that is, Tang Sinian doesn't love her! So she sometimes does things a little paranoid.

See Tang Yixuan did not answer, Bai Qian's face is more ugly. "Did your father meet that woman?"

"What woman?"

"You two father and son still want to hide from me?" Bessie's tone was cold. "Yixuan, mother can not care about you and the things in Zhiqing, but you and Xia Yunqiao things, I will not nod!"

Tang Yixuan frowned at Bai Xi's words. "Why?"

"Because Xia Yunqiao is yunmuxin's daughter!" Bessie almost gnawed her teeth and said that she had a deep hatred for Yun Mu Xin.

Bai Xi is more angry because of Tang Yixuan's silence. "Your father thought it was beautiful! I will tell you how he will support you. It turns out that Xia Yunqiao is the daughter of that woman. In those years, he could not get her, so I will let you marry her daughter now. So he has a chance to meet Yun Muxin, right? "Tang Yixuan saw Bai Xi's emotion a little excited, worried that she could not breathe again. "Mom, don't get excited!"

"I'm fine! I'm tough now, I won't fall down so easily, because it will only give them a chance! " Bessie was a little out of control.

Tang Yixuan came forward and took Bai Xi, "Mom, you misunderstood Dad!"

"I don't have one." Bessie shook her head. "Yixuan, don't be with Xia Yunqiao! Mother to find you other women, Xia Yunqiao is a disaster, you and her together will not be happy

Seeing this, Xu Nan withdraws in silence. Only Tang Sinian can solve the problem, so he wants to call Tang Sinian to come to the company.

Tang Yixuan is still persuading Bai Qian, but Bai Xi doesn't listen to anything. She keeps repeating this sentence, that is, she doesn't agree with Tang Yixuan and Xia Yunqiao! Nothing else makes sense.

This situation makes Tang Yixuan headache. On the one hand, she doesn't dare to stimulate Bai Qian. Her health is not good. Secondly, he doesn't want to aggrieve himself. I just want to marry Xia Yunqiao. Now this situation is really thorny.

"Yixuan, you and Xia Yunqiao will not be happy!"

"Mom, I really love her!" Tang Yixuan can't stand Bai Xi, who has been saying bad things about Xia Yunqiao.

Bai Xi glared at Tang Yixuan. "So you and your dad are united now? I've paid so much for both of you in my life, but now you are doing this to me! Why don't you listen to me! "

"Mom, I don't think Joe and I have the same thing you think!" Tang Yixuan explained.

"It's not the same! What's good about Yun Muxin's daughter? " Bessie retorted.

This sentence happened to be heard by Tang Sinian and Huo Dongyang who came in. Huo Dongyang immediately opened his mouth, "so I would like to ask Mrs. Tang, what's wrong with my admirer and Xiao Qiao?"

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