Xia yueqian and Yun Muxin didn't expect Tang Yixuan to say his purpose so directly. What's more, in their eyes, the real meaning of his words is to let them marry their daughter to him.

Tang Yixuan looked at the two people did not speak, he continued to add: "I am based on the premise of marriage and Xiao Qiao contacts. If you agree, I can marry Joe right away. I heard a little bit in Xiao Qiao before, saying that if she wants a husband, she needs a husband who can cook. I think I just fit in with that. "

Of course, Tang Yixuan said these points are also in line with Xia yueqian and Yun Muxin's selection criteria. Tang Yixuan with a calm, and all aspects are very good, and Xiao Qiao is also very good!

Tang Yixuan is better than the former Chu Zifeng. They haven't had dinner with Chu Zifeng before. They really don't know how he is. But always feel that he is to have no time to push off the meal, and Chu Zifeng such behavior is not very satisfactory. The only good thing is that his home is in city A.

But now they are satisfied with Tang Yixuan, but his family background still needs to be considered. The Tang family always haunts their two old people like a magic spell. They don't want their daughter to suffer in the Tang family!

Now this boy is surnamed Tang. For this reason, they are hesitant. It doesn't look like he's lying. So Xia yueqian and Yun Muxin chose silence. They looked at each other in tacit agreement and exchanged views.

Xia Yunqiao heart with tension, this parents in the end will nod? Tang Yixuan reaches out and holds Xia Yunqiao's hand to let her not worry.

"Tang Yixuan, right? I'd like to ask what you do in City C?"

"Doing business."

"Your own company?"

"Not my own company." Tang Yixuan replied. "Because my father hasn't fully delegated power to me, I'm also working for him."

Yun Muxin then asked, "what industry is your family doing?"

"Transportation." Tang Yixuan replied. "My dad used to have a company in America."

See cloud Mu Xin and Xia yueqian take turns to ask Tang Yixuan questions, Xia Yunqiao is really holding a cold sweat. "Dad, mom, it's almost OK. You look like you're on trial."

Xia yueqian glared at her daughter and didn't seem to want her to interrupt. But Xia Yunqiao is also a man of character. "Yixuan, absolutely no problem! He is very kind to me, so you can rest assured! "

"Sure enough, it's a woman who doesn't stay." Xia yueqian felt speechless. Although I knew from my childhood that my daughter would leave home one day when she grew up, I felt bad every time I thought about it.

Cloud Mu Xin looks at Tang Yixuan, "I still have a problem."

"Auntie, please."

"Why do you use the name Kevin?" Yun Muxin hopes it's just a coincidence.

Tang Yixuan pauses, he looks at cloud Mu Xin suspiciously. "Is there a problem with the name?"

Cloud Mu Xin shakes his head, "just once I had a friend called this name."

"The name is optional. If my aunt doesn't like it, I can change it. " Tang Yixuan replied. In fact, this English name is borrowed from my father. He has no English name.

Yun Muxin heard Tang Yixuan's words and then said, "no! I think it's a good name. "

After that, Xia yueqian invited Tang Yixuan out for dinner. Of course, the restaurant is my brother's. But today, Yun Yiyan is not in the restaurant, and the company's business has not been finished, so he did not come.

Xia yueqian ordered many dishes that his daughter liked to eat, and finally asked Tang Yixuan what he liked to eat.

"I'm not picky."

"That's good! Today's young people choose everything. " Xia yueqian said with emotion.

In the process of eating and putting, Tang Yixuan takes care of Xia Yunqiao and helps Xia Yunqiao with vegetables. These Xia yueqian and Yun Mu Xin all see in the eye. Generally speaking, they have a good impression of Tang Yixuan.

During this period, Xia yueqian instantly mentioned a sentence. "Do you want to come to city a for development?"

"Yes! After all, I don't want Joe to leave home. But I had an agreement with someone before that I could leave after this period of time. "

Xia yueqian is still satisfied with the answer. Tang Yixuan is a responsible person. "About when?"

"Three months later." Tang Yixuan replied. This is his agreement with Huo Dongyang. And now this has become an opportunity.

"That's good!" As expected, Xia yueqian nodded.

Tang Yixuan knows that they want to get rid of the engagement, so this time he can only take the initiative to attack.

Cloud Mu Xin pulled Xia yueqian for a while, lest wait for him to be excited for a while, blurt out promise to be frank. "Eat!"

Xia yueqian immediately returned to his senses, "well, have a meal."

After dinner, Xia Yunqiao said he would take Tang Yixuan out for a walk and leave first.

"Women don't stay at all." Xia yueqian repeated again. He seemed to see the future situation of his daughter's marriage. At that time, there were only two old men left in the family. He thought that he was really reluctant to give up.Cloud mu heart clear summer Yue Qian's mood, "don't show this look, daughter has not married yet!"

"Wife, what do you think of Tang Yixuan?"

"Not bad!"

"Actually, I have an idea." Xia yueqian opened his mouth. "Anyway, he is also a surname of Tang. If that official card appears then, we will have an excuse to say that. And I think Xiao Qiao is very dependent on Tang Yixuan. "

Yun Muxin didn't speak. He always thought of a sentence that his uncle had said. That child is not really from the Tang family. What does that mean? Is that the child's surname is not Tang, or that the child has nothing to do with the Tang family? If it doesn't matter, then how can that child have that golden business card?

There are too many problems. Yun Muxin has never thought clearly, and the uncle should have had any agreement with the child, so he never said much. If only Joe had heard the child's name, they would not be so upset now.

Xia yueqian saw his wife's trance, "admiration, what do you want?"

"Think about it."

"Tang Yixuan doesn't look like that child at the beginning."

Yun Muxin nodded, and she also observed for a long time. "The more modest, do we sometimes think too much? At the beginning, we also went through difficulties to get together, but why do our children still move out of that set of standards? "

Xia yueqian is stunned. Yun Muxin's words are not wrong. "Or if you're old, think more about it!"

"Children's happiness is the most important thing. If Joe and that kid are really meant to be, shouldn't we stop it? "

"Mu Xin, you should know that the Tang family can't get in, which will harm Xiao Qiao."

Yun Muxin didn't say anything. If it was true, it would be Qiao's life. It's no use how to escape. Fate is always elusive.

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