Xia Yunqiao looked back and saw a car suddenly stopped beside him. After the window was lowered, he saw a familiar face.

Chu Zifeng chased very hard to catch up, so he didn't want to miss the opportunity to talk to Xia Yunqiao.

Tang Yixuan saw Chu Zifeng stop the car and knew that he had been following him. Tang Yixuan saw Xia Yunqiao still standing there, "Xiao Qiao, get in the car!"

Xia Yunqiao hears Tang Yixuan's voice and wakes up instantly. "Oh

"Little Joe, wait a minute!" Chu Zifeng said anxiously, and then got off the car.

Xia Yunqiao looked at Chu Zifeng, who walked quickly to her face. She stepped back a step. "What do you want to say?"

In the face of Xia Yunqiao's distant tone, Chu Zifeng's heart pain is deeper. "Joe, I'm..."

"I remember we made it clear last time." Xia Yunqiao doesn't like muddling about. Since he has made it clear, it's better not to have any involvement. This is a good thing for both sides.

Chu Zifeng see Xia Yunqiao has deliberately opened each other's distance, he did not continue to go forward, but stood in situ looking at her. "Little Joe, I mean no harm. I just want to talk to you

"There's nothing to say between you and me." Xia Yunqiao replied.

"Little Joe, you forget everything so soon? I don't believe you're such a ruthless person. "

Tang Yixuan's face sank after hearing Chu Zifeng's words, but he still had the face to say such words. Tang Yixuan gets out of the car and walks to Xia Yunqiao. "Mr. Chu, don't you think it's shameful for you to say such a thing? At the beginning, you gave up the relationship with Joe. At this time, why do you ask Joe not to forget the past? "

Chu Zifeng is blocked by Tang Yixuan's words. He clenches his fist and stares at Tang Yixuan. "Who are you?"

"Who I am has nothing to do with you." Tang Yixuan replied.

Xia Yunqiao opened his mouth to Chu Zifeng and said, "we will have something to do later. We have to go first."

"Who is this man, Little Joe?" Chu Zifeng is ready to break the casserole and ask the end.

Of course, Tang Yixuan wants to be angry with Chu Zifeng. Since he has to know, he will surely tell him mercilessly. Tang Yixuan put out his arm around Xia Yunqiao's shoulder, and declared sovereignty, "Xiao Qiao is my fiancee!"

This news to Chu Zifeng is a thunderbolt from the blue. Unexpectedly, Xia Yunqiao has a fiance. This man looks very powerful. He doesn't look like an ordinary man. I didn't expect Xia Yunqiao could find such a fiance.

"Rich marriage has always been a good match. Do you deserve it? "

"Which eye of yours thinks we are unworthy?" Tang Yixuan asked. What kind of rich marriage, these things are not important to him at all, what he wants is a pure feeling.

Chu Zifeng did not speak, because these words are to move a stone to hit his own feet.

Xia Yunqiao said angrily, "Chu Zifeng, the family status is really so important to you? You give up me because of my birth? "

"I..." Chu Zifeng wants to explain, but Zhang Kou doesn't know what to say!

Tang Yixuan took Xia Yunqiao into his arms. "Little Joe, let's go!"

Xia Yunqiao nods, in fact, Chu Zifeng has just answered himself. What he wanted was a man who could help him gain a firm position in the Chu family. Although the heart how reluctant, is because he is not the person he needs, so he will let go.

Tang Yixuan helped Xia Yunqiao to get on the bus and then closed the door. Tang Yixuan stared at Chu Zifeng, "Chu Zifeng, you and Xiao Qiao have become the past, so please don't appear beside her in the future. I'm not a big person. If I can't help it one day, maybe I will do it! "

"Who are you?" Chu Zifeng always felt as if he had seen him somewhere. But all of a sudden, I can't remember!

Tang Yixuan raised the corner of his mouth. "It doesn't matter who I am! Just remember that I will be Joe's husband

"I think you are also a man of honor. Can you make your own decisions about your marriage?"

"My life, including my marriage, is my own decision. Little Joe is the only woman I can marry! Please don't covet what doesn't belong to you. "

With that, Tang Yixuan opened the driver's door and drove away in a short time.

Chu Zifeng standing in place did not move, if he can be as natural and unrestrained as he is good, or now everything will not happen. Chu Zifeng is really not reconciled, he clenched his hand, he also made a decision in his heart.

Tang Yixuan drove the car to his hotel. After he stopped the car, he saw Xia Yunqiao still in a daze, "still thinking about him?"

"No Xia Yunqiao quickly shook his head.

"There's no best. I'm narrow-minded and easy to get angry. Since we're going to be tied together from tomorrow, my woman can't think about other men, you know? "

Xia Yunqiao heard Tang Yixuan's words and wanted to refute, but saw Tang Yixuan's serious face, she finally nodded. "Well!""That's good." Tang Yixuan reaches out and touches Xia Yunqiao's head, revealing a satisfied smile.

Xia Yunqiao took down Tang Yixuan's hand. She grabbed his wrist and whispered, "Tang Yixuan, in fact, I'm not a very obedient person. Don't think about me too well. If I'm obedient, I won't let you help me to cheat my parents

Tang Yixuan holds Xia Yunqiao's hand. "Joe, whether you're good or bad. You and I are destined to be together. In fact, you don't have to try to cheat your parents all the time, because I really want to marry you

Xia Yunqiao every time hear Tang Yixuan say such words, feel inexplicably good. "So I have someone to ask for, anyway?"

"Of course

"Tang Yixuan, you are so kind!" Xia Yunqiao doesn't care whether Tang Yixuan really wants to marry himself, or is joking. She thought it was enough! When I feel helpless, it is always a good thing to have such a person around.

The next morning, it happened to be the weekend.

Xia Yunqiao drove to the hotel to pick up Tang Yixuan and go home to finish their annual play today.

Xia Yunqiao stood in the lobby of the hotel waiting for Tang Yixuan, and soon heard Tang Yixuan's voice. "Little Joe!"

After hearing the sound, Xia Yunqiao looked back and saw Tang Yixuan's suit was straight. He really sent out all the handsome people on his body, and the whole person was full of energy. Seeing him coming towards him, Xia Yunqiao can't help but be crazy. He is a selfie.

Tang Yixuan went to Xia Yunqiao and said with a smile, "I'm back."

"Well!" Xia Yunqiao immediately put away his coveted expression. "It's true that people depend on clothes."

"Is that ok?" Tang Yixuan specially opens his arms for Xia Yunqiao to evaluate.

"Good!" Xia Yunqiao nodded repeatedly. Tang Yixuan is a typical hanger, which looks good in everything.

Tang Yixuan half bent his arm. "If we are satisfied, let's go."

Xia Yunqiao smiles and takes Tang Yixuan's arm. “OK!”

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