Seeing Xia Yunqiao put down her mobile phone, Maggie walked into her office.

"Joe, these are our next work arrangements." Code Maggie put the document in front of Xia Yunqiao.

Xia Yunqiao has not started to work to feel the pressure of today. "So much?"

"Yes! These are all accumulated. "

"Didn't yesterday tell you to deal with it first?" Xia Yunqiao asked.

"Of course our business is done. You are the designer who will handle all the roll calls Maggie replied.

Xia Yunqiao nodded. "OK, I'll take care of it later."

Maggie see Xia Yunqiao finally willing to put down the mobile phone, can't help but ask. "Joe, have you found a new boyfriend?"

"What?" Xia Yunqiao didn't expect that Maggie would ask such a question. She couldn't resist.

Maggie and Xia Yunqiao have known each other for many years, so she knows what it is like to fall in love with Xia Yunqiao. "Isn't it? Who was that phone call just now

Xia Yunqiao's heart trembled. "Telephone?"

Maggie nodded and simply sat down opposite Xia Yunqiao. "Yes! Just now I saw that you were talking to your boyfriend on the phone. Is the second spring so soon? But in my opinion, it's also a good thing

"Boyfriends?" Xia Yunqiao asked.

"Well! I don't speak in the same tone as my boyfriend

Xia Yunqiao was really suppressed by Maggie's words. Is the tone that oneself and Tang Yixuan say so strange?

Maggie saw shock from Xia Yunqiao's expression. It seems that this time she was wrong? "Little Joe, are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Xia Yunqiao quickly shook his head. "Was it really strange what I said just now?"

Maggie shook her head. "It's not strange, it's natural. Before you and Chu Zifeng seems to have no such. I can tell you're very dependent on each other. "

"Dependence?" This word once again into Xia Yunqiao's heart. She depends on Tang Yixuan?! How could that be possible? At most, they are just acquaintances now, and their feelings have not reached that level.

Seeing Xia Yunqiao's appearance, Maggie boldly made a hypothesis in her heart. "Xiao Qiao, you didn't talk to brother Zichen just now, did you?" If it is really Qin Zichen, his heart must be very uncomfortable.

"Well?" Xia Yunqiao is completely in the clouds.

"Is it really brother Zichen?" Maggie's mood suddenly went down. Since she knew Xia Yunqiao, her heart also likes a person, and this person is Qin Zichen. Maiziqi has been working hard for Qin Zichen, and wants to follow Xia Yunqiao's steps in order to see Qin Zichen from a close distance.

Maiziqi is very clear that Xia Yunqiao and Qin Zichen have no real blood relationship at all. Her parents and Qin Zichen's parents are very good friends, and Qin Zichen's father and Xia Yunqiao's uncle are good brothers working together. So Xia Yunqiao and Qin Zichen are at best subconscious brothers and sisters, and they really have no relatives in reality.

Moreover, Qin Zichen has taken care of Xia Yunqiao since he was a child, and they both grew up in childhood. In terms of feelings, the two of them have been emotional for more than 20 years. This kind of childhood love is the easiest thing to get together. Xia Yunqiao really depends on Qin Zichen sometimes!

Thinking of this, Maggie's heart is even more heavy. If Xia Yunqiao is really with Qin Zichen, then she will bear heartache and bless them. One is his best friend, the other is his secret love. Isn't it a virtue to be perfect? Then I will bless them.

Xia Yunqiao feels the change of maiziqi and catches some situations from her worried eyes. "I didn't talk to brother Zichen just now."

"No?" Maggie's eyes lit up.

Xia Yunqiao finally understood when she saw here. She asked with a smile, "Qiqi, do you like my brother?"

"I..." Maggie didn't dare to go on. After all, it was her own single love.

"So you always like Qin Zichen. Shall I have a look at him? "

"No!" Maggie shook her head. "I know who I am. He and I are not from the same world."

Xia Yunqiao frowned at maiziqi's words. "Qiqi, you're not bad at all! Why do you have this idea? Love has always been regardless of age and nobility, and now it is regardless of gender. Why should you think too much? "

"Little Joe, you don't understand that." Maggie replied. She readjusted her mood and regained the initiative. "Don't talk about me. It's not the time to talk about me. Who did you talk to just now?"

Xia Yunqiao was asked by Maggie again, but he really didn't know where to start. She wants to ask another question. "Kiki, can I ask you a question?"

"You ask.""Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Believe it!" Maggie nodded seriously, because she fell in love with Qin Zichen at first sight and fell in love with each other. She believes in fate very much, so many encounters, certainly not by accident.

But Xia Yunqiao did not, in the heart is not clear how this is a kind of feeling. "What kind of feeling is that?"

"Even when you see him, your heart beats faster and you feel shy unconsciously. And every time you see him, you always have an inexplicable sense of security, and then you think that you can get along with him a little more! "

Speaking of an answer, Qia heard these features! How could she react to Tang Yixuan!? So, does this mean that I have fallen in love with him subconsciously?!

This news is like a bolt from the blue! Xia Yunqiao's face turned white, which is not a good thing.

"What's wrong with you, Little Joe? You look terrible Maggie saw the change of Xia Yunqiao. Just now that person is not Qin Zichen, so who can it be?

Xia Yunqiao shook his head mechanically. "Qiqi, if a handsome man chases you, he even offers to marry you. What would you do? "

"Handsome boy?"

"Well! It's really handsome. There is no dead angle in 360 degrees, and the family background is also good. " Xia Yunqiao continued.

After hearing Xia Yunqiao's description, maiziqi also imagined in her mind, "and Zichen brother compare?" In maiziqi's eyes, Qin Zichen is her God. If there is someone better than her God, then this man must be wonderful!

Xia Yunqiao heard maiziqi take Qin Zichen as a reference, she followed the combination to contrast. The final conclusion is that in their own heart, it seems that Tang Yixuan is better!

"I think he is better than brother Zichen."

Maggie exclaimed, "Little Joe, do you like him?"

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