Seeing Tang Si Nian's face incredible, Tang Yixuan repeated the words just now.

"Dad, I want to marry her!"

Tang Sinian put down his newspaper and looked at his son seriously. "Yixuan, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Dad, I know exactly what I want."

"Didn't you just say that you didn't find the woman? Or are you just lying to me? " Tang Sinian asked in turn.

Tang Yixuan mouth hook up, talking about Xia Yun Qiao, his mood is very good. "Although I didn't find her, she still appeared in front of me, which is doomed."

"For that reason, you want to marry her? Yixuan, I never interfere with your affairs. This time, I will let it pass with one eye closed, but there is still a long way to go! Are you sure you can handle it? "

According to Tang Yixuan's order, Tang Sinian blocked the specific situation of the wedding, which is also because Tang Yixuan said he had a way to deal with it. He has always held the attitude of letting him make decisions on his son's life.

This time, he was also neutral in his marriage with Yu. But now his son actually said that he wanted to marry a woman who had met once, so he really had no way to accept it.

Tang Yixuan had long expected such a reaction from Tang Sinian, and he was not in a hurry to end it. Instead, Tang Sinian was always asked to speak first. "Yixuan, you've always done things in a proper way since childhood, so I've never worried. But I really can't accept what you're talking about. "

Tang Sinian has put the words out to say that he hopes Tang Yixuan will not do anything stupid. His marriage is not his own decision, so he hopes his son's marriage is what he wants!

Tang Yixuan handed his mobile phone to Tang Sinian. "Dad, I've been waiting for her for 20 years."

Tang Sinian took Tang Yixuan's mobile phone and saw the news above, Tang Sinian was stunned. "She is..."

"Yes Tang Yixuan nodded. "Dad, I didn't expect her to appear in front of me like this. So I don't want to miss her! I've been waiting for 20 years. I want to go to city A

Tang Sinian put down his mobile phone, his face was more worried. If he hadn't let his son go to city a, he wouldn't have done it now. There is a cause, there is a result, this fate has never been clear.

"Your mother won't agree! Her family won't agree! " Tang Sinian put forward two difficult problems.

"If you have difficulties, you can overcome them. I believe I can do that." Tang Yixuan replied.

"Yixuan, it's really hard to stick to one's feelings. Dad's from the past, so he knows how it feels Tang Si Nian's brows are locked. Those pictures seemed to be playing again in his mind.

Tang Yixuan has confidence in himself as well as Xia Yunqiao. "Dad, she and I are not the same as you were back then."

Tang Si Nian didn't say anything more. He watched his son leave, and he wanted to give him more blessing! Next, he will encounter more problems, and there will be more difficulties waiting for him. I hope he and she have a good future.

Tang Yixuan drove back to his apartment. In his study, he opened the golden business card in the desk drawer. "Xia Yunqiao, you must wait for me this time!"

Tang Yixuan looked at the time and thought that Xia Yunqiao and they should return to a city. Just about to make a phone call, a phone number immediately jumped into his eyes, Tang Yixuan slightly sighed, some things can not escape.

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