The two were silent for a while.

Yunmurin is thinking about Su Mo Li's affairs, and Su Mo Li is thinking about yunmurin's affairs. Anyway, yunmurin is the sister of yunyiyan. Isn't that all that said? It is also a good breakthrough to start from the people around.

What is the relationship between Su Mo Li and his second brother? When did they know each other and what stage has it reached? Before the two brothers experienced the things of Jane LAN and QinHao, it seems that he should not start a new relationship so soon.

"How long do you know your second brother?" Yunmurin asked.

"A week." Sumberry replied.

Cloud murun frowned. "A week?"

"Well, love at first sight!" "Said sumberry, laughing.

"How old are you?" Yunmuring asked. Seeing Sumeria is not very big, it is a student.

Sumberry answered truthfully. "22, I am at my age of marriage. You can rest assured of this. "

"My second brother is 30 this year, and you are a little older." Answered yunmurxin.

Sumeria heard the meaning of cloud admiring her heart. "Love is not age!"

"My second brother is not a man like you who can hold." Answered yunmurxin. "You'd better go home early!"

"Yunmurin, why do you think it is not suitable for me and yunyiyan?"

"Feeling." Answered yunmurxin.

Yunmurin did not continue to talk to Sumeria, and turned to enter the room. Su Mo Li stood in place, all of her heart was not willing. The more they don't care about themselves and yunyiyan, then she will prove that she and yunyiyan are OK.

Sumberry knew she couldn't stay today. She was ready to go home after cleaning up. She will go back to make a long-term combat plan, and she must pursue Yunyi Yan.

In the living room, yunyiyan is playing Hachi constantly, he is rubbing his nose with a paper towel. "What do you think of it?" asked Joe Wei, who sat next to him? Is it a cold? The weather is changing recently. Pay attention to your body. "

Yunyiyan shook his head. "I'm fine." I don't know what happened to me. My nose has been itching from just now on.

"Someone wants you!" The voice of cloud muring came.

Then they saw yunmurin coming in from the yard, carrying a bag of things in their hands.

"Moose, how do you come in from the yard?" Joe Wei stood up and went to pick up the things in yunmuring's hand.

Yunmuring let the sofa throw bag, she sat opposite yunyiyan, eyes have been staring at yunyiyan.

Xia yueqian sees the appearance of yunmuring, and feels something. "What, Yi Yan did the wrong thing?"

"Brother two, what's wrong with that Sumeria?" Yunmurin asked directly.

Yun Yiyan was shocked, and he didn't expect yunmuring to ask like this suddenly, and did not expect that yunmurin would know SUMARI.

Xia yueqian was listening to a fog. "What does it mean? What's Sumeria? " See cloud murxin did not answer, Xia yueqian looked at Xiang Yun Yi Yan, "the name of this girl?"

"Yes!" Yunmurxin replied. "I saw her in the yard just now. She said it was for your second brother. "

"For me?" Yunyiyan will really admire the patience of Sumeria, and actually come here.

"Well..." Then yunmurin also said all the situation just now.

After listening, the most exciting is Xia yueqian. "Yi Yan, I think this girl named sumali is good. It looks like a play! How do you look? How did you know that? "

Yunmurxin went on to say: "it's good to grow! What a wonderful age 22, plus Molly, some people are really named. "

"In that case, brother, you can think about it." Xia yueqian responded positively. Since QinHao and Jane LAN have also been married, then there should be a new start. Now someone is chasing his brother like this. He must clap his hands and say hello!

Looking at the warm Xia yueqian, Yun Yiyan is not very interested. "I can't do it with her."

"Why? Everything has to be known at the beginning. " Xia yueqian went on to say, "or will my brother check the situation of sumberry?"

"No." Yunyiyan shook his head. "If you pick up that day, I would not have met such a wonderful flower!"

"Wonderful flowers?" Xia yueqian heard this, suddenly, she was full of curiosity about this Sumeria. What kind of person is she? What yunmurxin said was that he said with yunyiyan, which seems not to be very like a person.

Yunyiyan doesn't want to continue the topic, so he also changed one: "don't you let me come to talk about the wedding? Say it! Where I need to cooperate. "

After entering the theme, Xia yueqian and yunmurin also temporarily put the matter of sumberry aside, and began to discuss the wedding with yunyiyan.

At night. Yunyiyan also stayed at JiangWan villa for dinner.

Xia yueqian secretly went to the study to find huodongyang while others did not pay attention.

"You look a little sneaky." "Huo Dong Yang said, looking carefully in.Xia yueqian smiles and closes the door. "Hey, you found it."

"Say it

Xia yueqian goes to Huo Dongyang and sits down. "Huo Dongyang, can I trouble you

"What's wrong with the wedding?"

"It's not about the wedding. This is about my brother's lifelong happiness. " Xia yueqian replied.

Hearing this, Huo Dongyang understood. "You want to know about Sumeria?"

"It's Huo Dongyang. I can understand it."

Huo Dongyang leaned back in his chair. He looked at Xia yueqian and asked, "do you think they are possible?"

"Why not? There is no absolute Xia yueqian replied.

Huo Dongyang sighs, he turns out a document from the side and hands it to Xia yueqian. "Just watch it here. Don't take it out and don't tell anyone else."

Xia yueqian opens the document with Xiao Xu's doubts. When he sees the name of Su Moli, Xia yueqian smiles. "So you are ready."

Huo Dongyang did not say anything, his eyes fell on the computer screen, while moving the mouse to do his own things, while waiting for Xia yueqian to finish reading Su molli's information.

In fact, he just got this one. When he saw Su Moli chasing QW that day, Huo Dongyang asked Xiang Qing to check Su Mo Li. I didn't expect that her deeds were more wonderful than they had seen.

Xia yueqian after reading, the whole person is also unavoidably some stupefied. Su Moli was once a bad girl?! It's so different from her background.

"Huo Dongyang, is this true?"

"The investigation is like this, the facts are not clear." Huo Dongyang replied. "I also heard that the Su family has been arranging a blind date for Su Molly recently, hoping that she will get married as soon as possible."

Xia yueqian is silent. Is it that the Su family wants to throw this hot potato out now, so that Su Moli can make a blind date?!

"Huo Dongyang, what do you think of this Sumerian?" Xia yueqian didn't get in touch with Su Mo Li, so it's not easy to make an evaluation.

Huo Dongyang thought of Su molli's appearance, "a small pepper."

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