Watching Qiao Qingdong close the door, Liu Su's face is full of despair.

Qiao Xin really does not know what makes her father like this.

"Mom, you get up first." Qiao Xin wants to help Liu Su up.

But Liu Su sat on the ground and refused to get up. "Why do you do this to me?"

"Mom, Dad, what's going on?" Qiao Xin asked.

Liu Su looked down at the indictment. She angrily tore it to pieces. It must have been Qiao Wei who gave it to Qiao Qingdong. Now she has found a big supporter, so her style of work is different.

Liu Su is not convinced. She lost to Su Lirong 20 years ago, and now her daughter is losing to her daughter. It's really unfair. How can her daughter fly to the branch and become a phoenix!

Qiao Xin also found her mother a little strange. Who can tell her what is going on? When he arrived at the court, Qiao Wei suddenly withdrew the case. Now back home, Dad actually wants to divorce his mother. Is this Qiao Wei's offer?

Liu Su calmed down, and she really felt that she and Qiao Xin had no way out. She must now find a new way out for herself and her daughter, otherwise she really has nothing.


Liu Su looked at the closed real door again and felt a chill in her heart. In fact, everyone was selfish. "Qiao Qingdong, you will regret your decision today!"

"Xinxin goes back to the room to pack up, we leave here."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Qiao Xin felt incredible.

"Didn't you hear that your father said he was going to divorce me and let us leave Qiao's house?"

Qiao Xin was very angry. "I don't go. This is my home. Why should I go?"

"Be obedient! We need to get out of here now. " Liu Su said with a loud look at Qiao Xin.

Qiao Xin saw such a mother for the first time, "Mom You... "

Liu Su got up from the ground, her eyes fixed on the door of the room, and made a decision in her heart.

Qiao Xin is very unwilling, but still go back to his room to pack things. She likes everything in this room, and she wants to take everything away.

Liu Su followed Qiao Xin to the room, "take the valuable away, and don't want anything else."

"Mom, everything in this room is valuable."

"Then pick the most expensive."

An hour later, Qiao Xin shuffled out of her room.

Liu Su frowned as she came down with two suitcases. "What are you doing? With so much? "

"Mom, these are all valuable." Qiao Xin's suitcase has a box of cosmetics, a box of famous brand clothes and jewelry. There are some bank cards and cash in the backpack.

Liu Su took her handbag and didn't take anything else.

"Let's go."

Mother and daughter walked out of Qiao's house and stood at the door looking back on the home that had lived for many years. Heart is really too much unwilling, but now they have to bow their heads, at least do not have to squat in prison.

After they left, Qiao Qingdong came out of the room. Looking at the empty house, he felt very sad. This is the only thing he can do for Liu Su and Qiao Xin, at least so that they can live.

Liu Su and Qiao Xin left Qiao's home, or to Huo Dongyang here.

"I really didn't expect Qiao Qingdong to drive Liu Su and Qiao Xin away in such a way." Xiang Qing said.

Huo Dongyang is also an accident in fact, but think carefully, he still chose Liu Su and Qiao Xin, he did so to save them. This is really unfair to Qiao Wei.

Huo Dongyang or decided to tell this matter to Qiao Wei, but Qiao Wei did not have much reaction. Since last night, she has been dead of heart, so now everything in the Qiao family has not been able to lift a little waves.

Qiao Wei stretched out his hand and held Huo Dongyang's hand, "Dongyang, I know you are worried about me, but now I don't mind. Because I have you, grandfather and grandmother, and our baby in the future, I have been satisfied

Huo Dongyang is really in love with Qiao Wei, he also made a decision in his heart, that is to be good to Qiao Wei.

"Jovi, we'll have a better tomorrow." Huo Dongyang is also looking forward to the future.

The next day.

Jo Wei went shopping with Mary.

"Grandma, look at the clothes." Qiao Wei points to a nice dress.

"This is too old for you. You're still young. Choose some bright colors. " Said Mary, frowning.

Qiao Wei smile, this if by grandmother see oneself before wear clothes, that is not more old-fashioned.

Since Mary has good eyes, she has a high eye for picking things and pays special attention to the quality of life. These are what Qiao Wei doesn't have. She doesn't pay attention to life all the time. She just thinks that she has to go.

Mary also took Qiao Wei out today to give her a good demonstration of the quality of life.Seeing a chain of gold jewelry stores, Mary took Joe Wei in. Once inside, Mary went straight to see the gold bracelet.

"Grandma, do you want to buy something?"

"Well!" Mary nodded. "Yes."

"Then let's sit down and choose slowly." Jovi helped Mary sit down.

Mary's eyes were fixed on the delicate dragon and Phoenix bracelets. She knows something about the traditional Chinese customs. The elder will prepare some gold rings and dragon and Phoenix bracelets for the newly married younger generation.

This time, she also came in a hurry, and her family didn't bring the ring. It happened to be such an opportunity today that she wanted to prepare one for Qiao Wei. Because of her, the Huo family is like a home. So she can't treat Qiao Wei badly.

"Show me the innermost pair." Mary has a really good eye for the best couple in the room.

The clerk also brought it out to Mary, "Ma'am, you really choose. This is our store. "

Mary laughed. "Yes

"Slightly, stretch out your hand and body." Said Mary with a smile.

Qiao Wei thought it was just a try, so he put out his hand.

Mary looked at the two gold bracelets on Joey's hands. "Well, not bad!"

"Slightly, what do you think?"

Qiao Wei replied: "grandma, you like it

"Whatever I like. I bought it for you Mary replied. "If you don't think it's good, we'll choose again."

"For me?" Joe blinked, as if he had not expected it.

Qiao Wei took a look at the price of the bracelets. It's really expensive. She can't afford such a valuable gift. "Grandma, this is too expensive."

"I still have the money." Said Mary domineering. "If you don't like this style, choose another one."

Finally, when there was no way out, Joe chose a moderately priced one.

Just after paying, Fu Qing went into the store and said, "is my ring ready?"

At the sound, Jovi and Mary raised their heads at the same time, and the three stood face to face.

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