At eight o'clock in the evening.

Huo Dongyang returned to Jiangwan villa.

"You are back, sir." Lin Juan is waiting at the door.

Huo Dongyang nodded. "Well!"

Entering the living room, Huo Dongyang is quiet and strange. Qiao Wei seems not to be there.

Huo Dongyang took off his coat and said, "is Qiao Wei not here?"

"Well, Madame hasn't come back yet." Lin Juan replied.

Huo Dongyang immediately frowned. "Not back?"

"Yes." Lin Juan nodded. "I didn't come back to the South either."

Huo Dongyang was very nervous when he heard this. What's going on!?

Take out the mobile phone and call Qiao Wei immediately. The phone is connected, but no one answers.

At this time, Huo Dongyang began to be nervous, and an inexplicable uneasiness haunted his heart.

He'll call South right away. The mobile phone to the south is also connected, and no one answers.

Huo Dongyang immediately couldn't sit still. He took out his mobile phone and called again. He called out loudly, "Xiang Qing!"

"In a minute." Huo's voice is answered immediately.

As a result, Xiang Qing ran to me because of his untidy belt. He was just changing clothes.

"Boss!" Xiang Qing also found that Huo Dongyang's face was not good. It seems that something happened.

Huo Dongyang calm face, "immediately locate the position to the south."

"Yes Xiang Qing also became serious.

Soon, Xiang Qing was positioned to the south.

"Boss, it's been found."

"Go Huo Dongyang was worried. He felt like this for the first time.

Xiang Qing and Huo Dongyang set off immediately, and Lin Juan was also worried. I hope nothing serious happens, otherwise their Mr. Huo will explode! He was very nervous about his wife, which was obvious to all!

On the way.

Call back to the south.

Huo Dongyang immediately asked, "where are you?"

"I'm sorry, boss! I lost my wife. " The sound to the South was not loud, but Huo Dongyang could hear clearly.

Huo Dongyang immediately frowned. "What's going on?"

"I had a car accident on the way back from my wife. Now it's a mess. My wife and I are separated. "

"Wait! I'll be there in a minute

Xiang Qing speeds up the speed and hopes to arrive early.

The car was stopped before it arrived at the scene of the accident.

"The road is closed, please take a detour." The police came up and said to Huo Dongyang.

Huo Dongyang pushed open the door and got out of the car. He said to the police, "my wife is in it. I have to go in."

Hearing this, the policeman nodded. "People can go in, but cars can't go in."

"Here you are, hold on to me!" Huo Dongyang confessed directly into the scene.

Xiang Qing didn't have time to say anything, just saw Huo Dongyang's figure. "Boss, this time is really not calm."

Huo Dongyang ran into the scene and saw many people, as well as doctors and police. The scene was indeed in a mess. He walked a few steps forward and saw the cars that had happened.

It was a serial accident, including a bus.

Huo Dongyang stood in situ hoping to see Qiao Wei's figure, but after looking around, he still did not see.

"Boss!" South first found Huo Dongyang.

See the head do not dare to raise the south, Huo Dongyang's tone is not very good. "What's going on?"

He told Huo Dongyang what happened.

In the afternoon, Qiao Wei and Mo Ling separated and went back to the company. After work, Qiao Wei and Jian LAN completed the new design before leaving.

So it was seven o'clock in the evening when we received Qiao Wei in the south. When the car drove to this side, Qiao Wei suddenly wanted to eat cake, so he asked him to park south to buy it.

And the accident happened at this time. A BMW sports car seems to be out of control, one skids and hits another car in the opposite direction. The two cars were transformed in an instant.

Then the third car in the rear had no time to brake and hit again. After taxiing for a long time, I bumped into a bus waiting to get on and off the bus stop at the station.

Because of the impact of the bus, it flew onto the sidewalk beside the station. In a moment, many people were crushed and some died on the spot.

In a moment, it has become flustered. Many people are panicked. Some people run away in fear, and others rush to save people. The scene was really chaotic, and many people were scattered.

Looking at all this happening in front of his eyes, he still felt the lingering fear. A moment ago, if Qiao Wei didn't say he would stop, they would be in that position.

"That's what happened!" Looking back to the south, I feel breathtaking. "When I got out of the car to find my wife, she was gone. Sorry, boss! I didn't take good care of my wife! I'm willing to be punished. "Huo Dongyang heard such a description, his heart rate also accelerated. That's a little bit short of time, or I'm from two worlds with her.

Huo Dongyang raised his head and looked at the cake shop nearby, "Qiao Wei, you must wait for me!"

Forced to calm down, Huo Dongyang began to analyze. If Qiao Wei didn't leave, then she should be there.

"South, you wait here! I'll look for it. " Huo Dongyang opens his mouth.

"Boss, I'll go."

Huo Dongyang shakes his head. "No, you wait here. If you wait for Qiao Wei to come back, you will call me right away."

Qiao Wei's bag and mobile phone are in the car, so she must have no way to contact other people now.

Huo Dongyang went forward and started the search mode. He didn't miss every place. His eyes became sharper and sharper. He walked forward step by step. The scene was still very chaotic.

There were several ambulances, doctors and nurses everywhere. Traffic police are also helping to deal with the situation at the scene.

Huo Dongyang also saw the bus in the accident, and firefighters were rescuing people under the vehicle.

There are all kinds of noises on the scene. It's really noisy. Huo Dongyang frowned, these voices made him disgusted, especially those shrill cries. The scene was also filled with a smell of blood, which also made people feel uncomfortable.

There are a lot of nurses who bandage the wounded, and some enthusiastic people are helping.

It seems that this traffic accident is really more serious than expected, and the estimated death toll is quite a lot.

At this time, the two ambulances in front of Huo Dongyang's line of sight drove away.

Huo Dongyang saw that there was a temporary treatment point where he was blocked by two ambulances. Huo Dongyang just want to take back his sight, a familiar figure bumps into his sight range.

The figure in a white shirt and a pair of light blue jeans is sitting on the ground holding the child. While comforting the child in her arms, she cooperated with the nurse to help the child with the wound.

Huo Dongyang stood in situ, eyes tightly locked me not far away that white figure. It is difficult for Huo Dongyang to describe his mood at the moment, but there is one thing he can be sure of. He was relieved!

Huo Dongyang walked with his steps, and his heart beat faster with each step. Until a few steps away from the figure, he stopped his own steps.

He saw her face gentle in coax the child, Huo Dongyang even looked at her body at this time sent out the light. At the moment, she makes Huo Dongyang very moved. He knew that she would be a good mother in the future!

"Qiao Wei!" Huo Dongyang called out.

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