Chapter 89: Meaning Unknown

A young male voice approached. Yun Qin tilted her head and saw a fair-skinned boy who looked slightly younger than her.

“This is Song Heng, Song Yin’s younger brother,” Wei Nian introduced him to her.

So this was Fifth Master Song’s son. He was a few years younger than Song Yin. Yun Qin smiled at him.

“I heard that my sister-in-law is a graduate student at X University, so I wanted to come by and say hi. I’m also at X University. I’m a sophomore.”

“I guess that’s fate. Study hard.”

Yun Qin replied politely, and then her mind drifted toward Song Yin.

He seemed to be a little confused… was he almost there?

Song Heng looked at Yun Qin’s gaze and smiled mysteriously. “My sister-in-law and my brother are very close.”

Yun Qin only pretended to smile shyly after hearing his ambiguous words and did not answer.

“Xiao Jiu, come…”

“Grandpa, I’m dizzy.”

Song Yin shook his head, indicating that he could not drink anymore.

In the past, when he had poor health, his family was always careful about what he ate and drank. They were always on edge and only occasionally allowed him to drink alcohol.

Now that he was in good health, Old Master Song was very happy. Song Yin understood very well that he should drink more with him, so he did not refuse.

Now that he had a few drinks with Old Master Song and Song Da, he felt that the world was spinning. He could not drink anymore.

At this moment, Song Yin was a little hazy, and he was in a daze.

“Ah, Xiao Jiu is drunk.” Old Master Song’s eyes lit up and called a servant over to support him,

Song Yin waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

“Take Xiao Jiu to his room to rest,” Old Master Song called out, and then hinted at Yun Qin, “Xiao Qin, you should accompany him.”


Yun Qin perked up and then smiled apologetically at Wei Nian. She said softly, “Auntie, I’ll take my leave”

Wei Nian smiled brightly with great relief.

‘My son finally found someone to take care of him,’ she thought to herself.

Song Yin saw Yun Qin approaching and took her hand. “Let’s go.”

He acted as if nothing happened.

Just as Yun Qin was surprised at his alcohol tolerance, Song Yin’s body swayed. Yun Qin quickly held him up and took two steps back.

The servants at the side also reacted quickly and held Song Yin up.

When the group walked out of the small hall, Song Yin’s expression did not change but his steps were faltering.

“Are you coming into my room with me?” Song Yin suddenly asked.

Yun Qin was stunned, and then she could not help but laugh. “Can’t I?”


Song Yin nodded, and then he shrugged off the servant’s hand and led her forward.

As soon as he spoke, Song Yin seemed to sober up. His footsteps stopped swaying and he strode forward.

After passing through a small garden, he entered a room.

Song Yin opened the door and stood by the door, waiting for Yun Qin.

Yun Qin then looked inside. She saw a clean bedroom with calligraphy and paintings hanging over the bed. There was a desk and a simple wooden bed.

This was Song Yin’s room when he was young. Although he no longer lived here and would leave after visiting Old Master Song or dining with him, the old man still ordered the servants to clean his room every day.

“This is my room. Please come in.”

Seeing Yun Qin enter his room, Song Yin was relieved. Then, he glanced at the servant beside the door and said indifferently, “You may leave.”

Then, he closed the door with a bang.

The servant, “…”

Seeing Song Yin close the door, Yun Qin was shocked.

Was this guy drunk or not?

However, not needing any probing, Song Yin glanced at her, then walked to his bed naturally, took off his shoes, and laid down.

After a few seconds of silence in the room, Yun Qin asked hesitantly, “Song Yin?”

The person on the bed did not answer.

“Song Yin? What are you doing?”

There was still no sound.

Yun Qin did not know whether to laugh or cry. She thought that she would have to spend some effort to coax Song Yin to sleep, but instead, he went to bed on his own accord.

She walked up and looked at Song Yin’s sleeping face. Yun Qin reached out and gently touched the space between his brows.

After smoothing Song Yin’s slightly furrowed brows, Yun Qin couldn’t help but touch his lips.

It was warm and soft, very elastic.

Song Yin still didn’t wake up. His breathing was even, and his face was slightly red.

Yun Qin pinched his face again and scratched his neck.

Seeing that Song Yin didn’t react at all, she was relieved. She covered Song Yin with a thin blanket.

While waiting for Old Master Song to come over, Yun Qin admired the decorations in Song Yin’s room.

The calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall were quite elegant, each brushstroke flowed like water yet still held a sharp edge.

It was quite unique, Yun Qin thought to herself. Then, she looked at the signature at the bottom corner.

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