Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 314: She was the apple of his eyes, Falling right into his trap

Chapter 314: She was the apple of his eyes, Falling right into his trap

Qin Shu angled her head to look at Fu Tingyu. He had just finished washing up, with his hair sticking to his head and water dripping down his forehead, his face too pale and moist. He was cold and distant, and his sculpted features remained unreadable—he was mad.

“Please don’t be mad at me.” Her tone was discreet.

Fu Tingyu had tried to regain his composure earlier in the bathroom. He was staring straight into her eyes when his voice lowered, “Who hurt you?”

Qin Shu was about to reach out and pull at his sleeve, but her hand froze in mid-air. She was afraid of this question. She would not have hidden the truth if it was that simple.

The Crimson Sand Organization was enigmatic. Their influence and resources were unpredictable. If he had known it was them, he would have sought revenge on them, which was what she did not want to happen.

She recalled what Gu Yan had said—the poison in him was similar to cancer cells, and they would grow and spread until they destroy the body’s functioning organs. In the case of a martial artist, it was equivalent to a drastic declination in their combat strength. It was all her guess, but it was likely true.

Qin Shu shook her head. “I didn’t know who they were. I got injured by accident. The scene was a mess, and they had got rid of the assassins on the spot.” Though she had left out stating Crimson Sand Organization, everything else was what she had mentioned. Ji Fei had killed them all.

Fu Tingyu had his fists clenched. He knew how dangerous it was when one got caught in a crossfire. He could not help but blame himself for everything. Had she witnessed murdering?

Hearing that, Fu Tingyu wrapped his arms around her and tightened his grip. His embrace seemed more like he was trying to comfort himself rather than comfort her. Qin Shu was a little surprised by his abrupt manner. She remained silent as he hugged her.

After a dead silence, she heard him almost in a whisper, “Forget what you saw.”

Qin Shu nodded, “Alright.”

Moments had passed before Fu Tingyu glanced at her and let go. He walked away to get dressed in the dressing room.

Qin Shu watched his back as he walked out of the room. Did he believe her?

She headed to the bathroom and washed herself up. When she had finished, Fu Tingyu was already downstairs. Quickly, she put on some clothes and got downstairs. Fu Tingyu was already sitting at the dining table, eating his breakfast slowly.

She hurried down the stairs and sat at her place before looking at Fu Tingyu, “I want to be at the office with you today.”

Fu Tingyu demanded, “Stay home before you have recovered.”

There was no room for negotiation. Qin Shu had guessed that he would still be mad. She held her tongue. She picked up her chopsticks and started eating in quiet. Fu Tingyu took a quick look at her, and he continued eating with his head lowered.

After breakfast, Fu Tingyu exited the front door, and Shi Yan was already waiting for him. As he entered the car, Shi Yan got to the driver’s seat and drove out of Bright Garden.

Fu Tingyu was leaning his body against the window with his hand, and after a moment of silence, he ordered, “Head to Gu Yan’s.”

“Okay, Lord Fu.” Shi Yan turned the car around, and they were on their way to Gu Yan’s villa.

As Qin Shu finished breakfast, she did not return to her bedroom. Instead, she went to the backyard to look for Boss. She noticed some craftsmen remodeling the garden.

“What’s going on?” She turned to ask Ning Meng.

“Lord Fu has given the order to renovate the whole backyard. I heard it was because you were trying for a baby, Madam.” As Ning Meng answered, she had peeped at Qin Shu’s belly, but it was flat, and it did not look anything like a pregnancy.

A baby?

Qin Shu suddenly remembered the night when Fu Tingyu was drunk. The moment he got back, he started mumbling that he wanted them to have a baby. Be it the bathroom or in bed, he was rambling nonsense about wanting to become a parent.

Ning Meng could not make out whether Qin Shu was pregnant. “Madam, when did you get pregnant?”

Qin Shu tilted her head towards Ning Meng. She gave her forehead a knock, “Since when did you believe anything anyone says?” Qin Shu left her behind before she answered, and she started looking for Boss.

“...” Ning Meng was dumbfounded. Was it not Lord Fu who had instructed the remodeling?


Gu Yan was having his tea, reading on pharmacotherapy, when the door in his medical office opened. Fu Tingyu was walking towards him, and Gu Yan started to have a bad feeling about it. He had just consulted him yesterday. Why was he here again?

“I’ve just brewed a pot of tea, have a seat.” He took out a clean teacup, held up his purple clay pot, poured a cup, and put it in front of Fu Tingyu.

Fu Tingyu had his long legs crossed as he sat in front of Gu Yan, and the furniture started looking a little too small for his slender figure. He was glaring straight at Gu Yan, yet he was in no hurry to open up.

Looking at the man sitting across him, Gu Yan knew that it would be difficult to fool someone as smart-witted as Fu Tingyu. He must have already got the truth.

“You knew it was a gunshot wound. Why didn’t you say anything?” Fu Tingyu had never thought that his childhood friend would lie to him. As a medical professional who had treated countless gunshot wounds, he would have immediately recognized it when he saw one, and upon treating Qin Shu, Gu Yan must have noticed it—but he chose to hide it.

“Well, now you know. Honestly, it was my fault. If it hadn’t been me, Qin Shu wouldn’t be hurt.” There was a little embarrassment and guilt in Gu Yan’s tone. Geez, it was his first time lying to Fu Tingyu.

Fu Tingyu frowned, “Your fault? What do you mean?”

Gu Yan was stunned. He was surprised that Fu Tingyu was unaware that Qin Shu got hurt because of him. Why did he have to be such a big mouth?

“Yes, she was hurt by accident because of me. I was afraid that you would be worried, so I hadn’t told you.”

Fu Tingyu finally understood this time. “You mean, that was the day that the Crimson Sand Organization was here to get you?”

Gu Yan nodded helplessly.

Fu Tingyu was gripping at the armrest of his chair with his pitch-black eyes locked on Gu Yan.”I didn’t realize that you could lie now.”

Gu Yan smiled sheepishly, “I had my reasons.”

Fu Tingyu’s expression was solemn. The Crimson Sand Organization had never seen Qin Shu without makeup, which was why Qin Shu was accidentally injured. Had they recognized her, the consequences would be unimaginable. Though Fu Tingyu had wiped out many of them, the Crimson Sand Organization had always wanted to get their revenge. Just like Fu Tingyu thought, the first thing she did after she was injured was thinking of how to hide it from him, rather than telling him.

Something crossed his mind, and he suddenly lifted his head. “Did you use any painkiller when you took out the bullet?”

Gu Yan knew that he was worried, and he hurriedly answered, “It hurts an awful lot to have a bullet removed from one’s body. How can I not use painkillers? She’s not like you.”

Fu Tingyu let out a sigh of relief. The pain would have been too much even after the effect of the painkiller was gone. He knew better than anyone.


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