Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 1139 - I’ll Fight You to the Death

Chapter 1139: I’ll Fight You to the Death

The Bai family members’ expressions changed when they saw She Qi suddenly emerge from behind the barrier.

Bai Jiao’er wiped her tears and charged toward him. “She Qi! You harmed my father, right? I won’t let you off. I’ll fight you to the death!”

She Qi raised his hand indifferently. With a sweep of his aura, a pressure suddenly erupted from his palm. It was as if he was controlling gravity as he pressed down on her.

Bai Jiao’er’s legs went soft and she almost knelt on the ground. She used all her strength to resist that force. She exerted so much strength that her limbs trembled crazily, but she refused to yield.

“She Qi, let go of my sister immediately. Otherwise, I won’t hold back.” Bai Wanxi warned with a dark expression.

Little Jue’s figure suddenly flashed and he rushed in front of She Qi the moment she spoke.

With a flash, the sharp dagger in Little Jue’s hand was pressed against She Qi’s neck, cutting open his skin.

“Let her go,” Little Jue said coldly.

She Qi felt a sharp pain on his neck. Warm blood seeped out of the wound, causing his heart to tighten.

Little Jue’s speed surprised him.

However, She Qi only wavered for a moment. With a smile on his face, he said indifferently, “Alright, I’ll stop. However, I hope that we can talk things out. Don’t immediately blame me and delay the best opportunity to save the Bai family head.”

With that, She Qi raised his hand and retracted his superpower, letting go of Bai Jiao’er.

“B*stard, I’ll kill you!” Bai Jiao’er was so angry that her face turned red. She rushed towards She Qi.


Fortunately, Bai Wanxi had guessed that she wouldn’t let the matter rest, so she stopped her and whispered in her ear, “Don’t be so rash. Let me negotiate with him.”

Bai Jiao’er was so angry that she wanted to kill someone, but since Bai Wanxi had spoken, she could only endure the anger in her heart and stand at the side, glaring at She Qi.

A look of relief appeared in Little Jue’s clear eyes when he saw that Bai Jiao’er was fine. However, he did not leave. Instead, he continued to vigilantly press the dagger against She Qi’s neck.

“She Qi, what did you mean by that?” Bai Wanxi looked at him. She knew very well that this man was up to no good. However, for her father’s sake, she had to listen to what he had to say.

She Qi smiled, his eyes shining. “Xi’er, I know two immortal techniques. My strength is four to five times that of your father. I can save him.”

Bai Wanxi narrowed her eyes. “What are your conditions?”

Bai Wanxi understood him. This man was not a good person. He would never offer to save her father for nothing. He must have other motives.

She Qi smiled and did not deny it. Behaving as if there was no dagger at his neck, he just stared at Bai Wanxi with an infatuated expression. “Xi’er, you know very well what I want. I will save your father as long as you agree to marry me.”

Chi Jiao was so angry that she wished she could pounce on him now and grind his bones into dust when she heard his words!

“I’ve met shameless people, but I’ve never seen someone as shameless as She Qi! It’s obvious that he was behind the Bai family head’s injuries. But he still has the cheek to make such a request?!” Chi Jiao was so angry that she laughed helplessly.

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