My birthday so far had been weird. Mostly because I knew something was up – Kallisto had told me that he was arranging a huge party, and it seemed like everyone but me was in the know on the details.

21st birthday! Woohoooooo!

I still wasn’t entirely sure when I’d died on Earth, but I knew I hadn’t gotten to my 21st birthday. I’d officially spent more years on Pallos than I had on Earth, and that was before considering that each Pallos-year should be worth more than one Earth-year, due to the swiss cheesing of my brain when I got transferred over.

It was supposed to be a “surprise”, and by how everyone was acting I interpreted that to mean “the location and type of party is a surprise”, not the fact that I was having one.

Most of the day I spent getting told “don’t worry about it.” or “we’ve got it.” or “we can’t tell you.”

Even Autumn and Neptune were busy!

I ended up spending most of the day with Auri. We went to the temple and prayed for the upcoming year, to thank the gods and goddesses and ask them for any favors. Auri went to the gods and goddesses around Fire, Inferno, the sun, birds, and whoever was in charge of good looks. I kept it more eclectic, asking Aion and Thanatos if they could bring all my dead friends back to life, including petitioning the moon goddesses about Lyra. Impossible, but asking couldn’t hurt. Naturally, I got silence, as usual.

I had a few dozen mundane prayers as well. Good health for the upcoming year, success for my friends and family, fairly boring stuff. Blowing out candles was much quicker and easier than all this running around praying, but prayer did have a higher chance of success. In theory.

I’m not sure what Auri prayed for. Probably lots of things to burn and juice to drink.

Auri and I wanted to see if we could make a fiery dance routine-thing. I was immune to fire, and there was some cool stuff we could do. Probably.

There was a lot more goofing off than actually practicing anything, but most importantly, we had a TON of fun. It wasn’t particularly structured, and we would’ve horrified any [Dancer] – apart from the bit where I was dancing through fire. They might think that part was cool. Hot. Whatever.

Then again, we’d gotten the idea seeing a show where [Dancers] did exactly that. Magic never failed to amaze me. It had everything, and I had eternity to discover it all.

I briefly flirted with the idea of cycling my 3rd class through every single class that I possibly could. The idea was tempting, but I had the feeling that I’d find something that I just fell in love with so hard I’d never want to switch.

But what would it BE!?

Night’s advice was to take my time to work it out, and Hunting thought I should find something I loved and enjoyed. Destruction’s advice to make it work with the rest of my other classes and skills was also solid, but I was rating it lower than everyone else’s.

Albina was the first to show up to my villa as the sun was getting low. A notice that things were getting started and that the party wasn’t happening here. Like, there had been no prep work at all here. Surprise parties that I knew about were a weird sort of tension. I didn’t know the where, and I only knew the when because it was so late in the day. Had to be an evening/night party, which was the traditional time for an adult party. Who wanted to get wasted first thing in the morning?

“Elaine! Happy birthday! I’m SO sorry I can’t make it to your party! Here, let me fix you up so you’re just perfect. Sit. Sit! I brought you a cosmetics set - no lead, just the way you like it - and this lip gloss is supposed to reflect the night sky. When I saw it, I thought of you, and just how perfect it would be for you. Why, just the other day…”

I let Albina work her figurative and literal magic as she nattered on.

“There!” She triumphantly finished. “What do you think?”

She used her mirror skill, and I thought she’d done a good job. My elemental dress still fit, and I was channeling my Celestial element through it. Worked better for the night-time party that was planned. All in all, Albina had worked her usual miracle.

“Perfect.” I said.

“Brrrpt! BRRRRPT!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Auri wants to know if you can also make her look pretty.”


“Oh, but Auri darling, you just look fabulous already! I can’t possibly improve on such perfection.”


I rolled my eyes. Flattery was the way to Auri’s heart. No doubt about it.

“Whoops! Look at the sun! Anyways, you have fun now! Go have a blast! Kiss a few boys!”

I chuckled at her.

“I will! Thank you again!”

We were close to the Summer Solstice, and the sun was still shining bright in the sky as dinnertime rolled around, which was the same time Hunting swung by.

“Dawn.” He greeted me.

I socked him in the arm.

“Bluebeard. This is about as off-duty as we get. What’s with the titles? …unless there’s a problem?”

Was he… embarrassed? He quickly brightened back up.

“Tell you what. I’ll use your name if you can name every Sentinel.”

I opened my mouth, then froze.

“Thank you, Hunting, for coming to pick me up.” I gracefully transitioned.

He snorted at me.

“Yea, you’re welcome. Didn’t come just to pick you up. I’d like to make a mosaic for you, but I need to know where in your house you’d want it.”

I clapped my hands together.

“Oooh! Isn’t this the first one you’re putting out in public?”

“Your house isn’t exactly the market square now is it?” He smirked at me.

“Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. Follow me! I’ve got a great idea!” I led Hunting through the house to my room.

“That wall!” I pointed to a boring white wall in my room. Hunting stroked his famous beard.

“Yes, yes… I can work with the square dimensions… any ideas what you want?”

“Surprise me!”


He lifted an eyebrow at me.

“Auri wants it to be entirely showing her off. Burning… lots of people.”

Hunting gave Auri a Look. She puffed out her chest.

“Right then. Surprising you it is. Got everything to head on over?”

I gave myself a quick once-over.

“Well, I’m pretty sure I’m all set and ready, unless Albina did me dirty and got me ready for a fancy party when it’s actually on the beach or something.”

Hunting barked a laugh at that.

“No, you’re fine as-is.”

He gallantly offered his arm, and I took it. We made small talk as we walked towards the party venue.

“Speaking of. Everyone’s kept it quiet. Where is this party happening?”

“Oh, Kallisto found a brothel he thought you’d just love.”


I facepalmed. Of course Kallisto picked a brothel. Did I honestly expect anything else?

Vaguely in his defense, brothels in Remus did more than the name implied. They were often gathering or meeting places, with the men and women working there able to provide dozens of different types of entertainment and service. It would be high up on the list of anyone organizing a party, no matter how big or small.

Well, the truly massive parties wouldn’t fit in one, but thank goodness Kallisto wasn’t organizing one of those. That would’ve been too large of a social event, and I would have either been banned from attending my own party, or I’d end up feeling overwhelmed then miserable.

Also, no matter how normal it was, being in a brothel with my parents and brother was going to be THE WORST.

We quickly arrived, and Kallisto and Cordelia were there to greet me.

“Elaine! The woman of the hour! At the rate you’re going, woman of the year! Happy birthday!”

“Thank you! Although, I suspect this is going to be awkward with my parents.”

“Ha! What party isn’t awkward with your parents around!” Kallisto beamed at me. “Don’t worry, they know they’d ruin your fun. They only be around a short while, then they’re going to head off.”

Cordelia must’ve seen me sag, and giggled at my obvious relief. She companionably threw an arm over my shoulders, and leaned in to half-whisper at me.

“I know this place, and there’s a fine gentleman and lady who can take care of you well.” She winked, and yeah. I should’ve seen that coming.

She was married to Kallisto of all people, and somehow managed to tie him down.

“What my lovely wife means to say,” Kallisto added as he stole said wife back. “Is that I thought you’d approve of this brothel. It’s new, and almost entirely owned and operated by women, no slaves.”

“Almost entirely?” Kallisto had clearly baited me with that part, and it’d practically be rude not to bite.

He nodded at me.

“Everyone that works here owns a part of it, and would it really be that great of a brothel if there weren’t a few men?”

I rolled my eyes at him. I was feeling terribly pigeonholed into what I liked and didn’t like, and I was thinking he’d sort of gotten the wrong impression from me.

It was extremely thoughtful, though. Kallisto knew how much I hated slavery, and went out of his way to find a place that didn’t use slaves at all. He got that part spot-on.

Hunting rumbled at Kallisto, an animalistic grunt. Either reminding Kallisto of the pecking order, or that we were all hovering outside still.

“Enough standing around! Come in, come in.” Kallisto ushered us all in.

I took in the scene.

Kallisto knew how to throw a party!

The first thing I noticed were the people. Somehow, Kallisto had managed to invite – and get to show up! – nearly everyone I knew in Ariminum.

Most of the Sentinels were here, along with some of their family! Mostly spouses and a few older kids. Bless the Sentinels, in all my time with them I’d only ever had to field one discreet inquiry if I was looking to get set up with somebody. Night was notably absent, but I had hopes that he’d show up later, when the sun set. My family, Artemis, Maximus, Autumn, Neptune, and more were all here and partying! Caecilius and Marcus were here, although it looked like their apprentices hadn’t managed to warrant an invite. All were mingling around, and I had a vague stab of sadness and loneliness wash over me.

I needed more friends. Having gone on the road at 14, then losing a set of friends when I went from being a Ranger to Sentinel didn’t help my social skills or social life.


It was like Auri read my mind.

“You’re the best.” I reassured her.

However, tonight I’d focus on the friends I did have, and enjoy myself!

Tables of food lined the walls, filled with small finger delicacies. One whole table was dedicated to nothing but fruits, with a large bowl filled with mangos acting as a centerpiece.

I took back everything bad I’d thought about Kallisto. He knew me.

There were a number of amphoras along one wall, and I watched with some amusement as Toxic and Brawling had both commandeered an entire one, and were busy trying to out-drink each other.

“Leave some for the rest of us!” I yelled across the room, getting the attention of the rest of the party-goers.

Elegant recliners were scattered around the room, in neat circles around low tables for easy, intimate conversation. Flowers adorned… well, everything. Tulips on the recliners, roses on the tables, lilies climbing the wall, and petals scattered throughout.

“Wow.” I said, taking it all in.

I’d drawn attention to myself, and as the woman of the hour, most of the crowd was gravitating towards me. There was probably some social thing or another going on, and I wasn’t getting immediately swamped by everyone.



I should remember that next time I’m at a party.

“Dawn!” Destruction, by sheer virtue of being near the door when I came in, was the first to say hi.

“Destruction! I’m so glad you could make it!”

He chuckled.

“We’re a small group. You’ve shown up for our birthdays, of course we’ll show up for yours.”

A thought flashed through my head, a question I had about his latest mission. With great effort, I pushed it aside. This wasn’t the time or place to bring work into it, even though our bonds and companionship was primarily made through work.

I gave Destruction a great big beaming smile.

“Well, thank you still!”

“The flowers are from me. I know how much Auri likes to burn them, and I’m fueling a regrowth inscription. They’ll keep coming back.”

The best present ever – a nice gift for my companion. I loved it.

“Brrrpt!? BRRRPT!??!?!?!”

I looked at Auri, an amused twist to my mouth.

“Only if you can tell me the rules about burning things indoors.”

“Brrrppt. Bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpt. Brpt brpt brpt BRTP!”

I facepalmed.

“Yes, those are all the ways you kill someone inside with smoke and fire.”


“No, ‘I just won’t do that’ isn’t–”

I facepalmed again at Auri’s smug look. Hunting clasped his hand on my shoulder.

“I know.” His voice had the thousand-yard-stare. “Believe me, I know.”

I could just imagine a juvenile Katastrofi wondering why she couldn’t eat all the tasty, easy-to-access humans. They even color coded themselves with how acceptable they were to eat!

“Ok, have fun Auri. If you ruin things though…”


I smiled at her. My mouth was going to get a cramp from smiling so much, but eh. I could always heal it away. Happy Sentinel problems. Too many good things happening on my birthday. Too many people loved and cared for me.

What a terrible fate.

“Great! Enjoy!”

Auri promptly flitted around the room at high speed, lighting a few tastefully located flowers on fire. I noticed that she made each one a different color.

Interesting. Her natural control was growing, even without a class-up. There was also no smoke coming off of them, burning impossibly, magically clean.

My parents came up next, and flanked me on either side.

“Hello everyone! If we could get your attention please!” My dad announced, and the crowd quieted down.

I mentally cursed my dad’s timing. I was hungry! There were mangos to be had! And I’d gotten ambushed before I could get to them.

Grumble grumble. I could see Auri landing on the table and starting to snack on one, all while shooting me a self-satisfied look, the traitor.

“We all know Elaine – Sentinel Dawn to some of you – and I can’t say how proud of her I am. From the time she…”

I loved my dad. I really did.

Did I need an entire speech about my life in front of everyone I knew!? This was a marriage-tier speech, not a normal birthday speech!

Embarrassment levels rising…

Dad thankfully finished. Applause, cheering, cries of happy birthday, the works.

Finally done! Mango time!

Then, of course, MOM started her own speech, sabotaging my mango-hunt.

“I still remember the day I found out I was going to have Elaine. It was raining, and…”

THEY WERE RIGHT THERE. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I swear this was some cruel torture for something I didn’t even know I did.

Just kill me now. Please. This speech didn’t even have the good grace to start when I was born!

Finally mom finished.

“... and I can’t say I could possibly have a better, more loving, caring, wonderful daughter. Thank you Elaine. And happy 21st birthday!”

I gave her a hug. I did love her. I did appreciate the gesture.

How many people had their parents still showing up to their birthdays? What more could I ask for, honestly?

“This is for you.” Mom murmured in my ear. “From both of us.”

I broke the hug, and got a small folded piece of cloth from mom, like a napkin.

“Open it!” She said, and I unfolded it.

Blue stitching met my eyes against white cloth. Words, sewn into a prayer.

I read over them, tearing up. Mom and dad’s wishes for me to be safe and protected, an affirmation that they loved me, and that there’d always be a home for me with them. That they were proud of me. A reminder for me to stay true to myself, to believe in myself. That I was loved, not just by them, but by the people around me.

“Hopefully you can keep it on you when you go on one of your missions.” Dad said. “A little something from home.”

“The [Weaver] who made it claims it’ll repel dirt, but who knows how long that skill will last.” Dad added in. “Also claimed it was fireproof, but I have doubts that there’s anything Auri can’t burn.”

I hugged both of them, burying my face in their tunics so they wouldn’t see my tears.

“I’ll always keep it with me.” I promised. “I love you.”

They gave me a quick hug, and we broke again.

“Now, we’re off for some fun of our own.” Dad threw eyes at mom, and I wanted to barf.

“I know we’d just spoil your fun.” Mom hooked her arm in dad’s. “Enjoy!” She called back as dad escorted her out.

The crowd practically shuffled along with me as I went to raid the food. I went straight for the mangos, and laughed at a small sign on the large bowl.

“Elaine ONLY!!

I’d taught Autumn enough to recognize her handwriting.

I loaded myself up – not only with mangos. Occasionally eating a nice dino-steak helped cleanse the palate and reminded me of just how tasty mangos were.

Also, everything went well with mango, and it’d be a crying shame to miss a combination.

“Finding everything ok?” Neptune asked.

“I am! This you?” I gestured to the food. I recognized most of what was out as Neptune’s various specialities. He nodded.

“That Kallisto fellow found me, wanted me to do the catering. When I found it was for you, well, you’ve done so much for Autumn.”

I snorted at him.

“Which rule is ‘give a ton of free food to your VIP customer?’”

Neptune gasped at me.

“Why Elaine! What do you take me for? I’m not some cold, heartless–”

“Rule 28.” Autumn cheerfully threw her dad under the bus. “The occasional present gives vast rewards. Also, dad, remember Rule 4?”

“Elaine doesn’t count as the guard!”

“She’s a Sentinel! She absolutely does!”

I’d tell Autumn later I was delighted that she was around. I left her to bicker with her dad, and found an extra well-padded seat in the center of the room, seemingly reserved for me.

Even at my own party, this was a bit much on the social side. Still, I’d enjoy it as much as I could, and when I stopped having fun?

I’d plaster on a happy face and not ruin everyone else’s enjoyment of the party.

Artemis elbowed her way through the crowd.

“Healy-bug! Happy 21st!” She tossed an absurdly heavy block of metal at me, which Brawling fortunately caught.

That would’ve gone straight through my precious dinner! It might’ve utterly ruined my dress which would be entirely unacceptable. Or worse, destroyed a mango.

Glad to see my love of mangos was still beating Auri’s vanity from the companion bond.

“What is it?” I poked the block of metal that Brawling put down on a table with one hand, using the other to chow down.

“Dunno.” Artemis shrugged. “Crazy hard to burn or melt though. Figured Auri might like it.”

I shot her a grateful look. I was totally getting her something nice for her birthday.

“May I?” Ocean asked, pointing at the block. I nodded, he picked it up, and it got passed around a bit.

The party continued, people getting together and mingling, breaking apart and moving around. I stayed in my chair, Brawling helpfully refilling my mangos whenever I ran out.

I swear I was going to explode, but I always had room for one more in my mango-stomach.

Night showed up almost exactly as the sun set, and spent quite a lot of time chatting with Artemis.

He did have a history with her, and they didn’t exactly get to catch up often.

Almost everyone had brought a gift. I had no judgment for anyone who didn’t.

Maximus had written several scrolls worth of interesting Classes and skills. I was touched by his thoughtfulness – he’d only included elements that I’d mentioned I was interested in taking.

Arthur had tried. Bless his heart, he’d put his full efforts towards composing me a song. Which he sang. Loudly. And badly. In front of everyone.

The only thing I can say for his efforts was his song was soooooooooo LONG. It was like he was trying to recreate the Iliad, except with none of the writing prowess of Homer, nor did he have any classes helping him.

Brawling, Hunting, and Artemis eventually unceremoniously threw him out of the brothel, to general applause.

The brothel owners made sure they stayed well-hydrated the rest of the evening.

Markus had gotten me a set of the Medical Manuscripts that I had written, but beautifully written on black hide with red borders. His taste in everything dark and edgy hadn’t changed in the slightest.

Ocean got me a lovely silver-framed mirror.

“If you listen closely, it’ll sound like home to you.” He told me with a wink.

I was skeptical, but I held it up to my ear. I could faintly hear the sound of crashing waves and the ocean surf.

“It sounds like the sea.” I was somewhat doubtful.

Ocean spread his arms all innocent-like.

“Well, you grew up in Aquiliea, and now you live in Ariminum. Is that so surprising?”

“Anyone else? Maybe. Coming from you? I think it’s inscribed to sound like water.”

Ocean’s grin shrunk a few notches.

“Ah, you got me. Yeah, it’s supposed to sound like the water, but I thought I’d put a romantic spin on it. Make it feel nicer.”

“It’s lovely.” I meant it.

Nature mentioned he wanted to plant and grow a few “fruit trees” at home. While I suspected he wanted to give me some mango trees, I knew we were just a bit too far south for them to properly thrive. They’d require extensive skilled attention, and my money would be better spent on raw mango acquisition, in terms of yum per coin.

Still, there was something to be said for having a few of my own trees, even if the price was exorbitant.

“For you.” Acquisition laid one of the most beautiful things I’d even seen in front of me.

“No.” I gasped. “Are these really…?”

“Angel feathers.” He confirmed, tapping on a clasp at the end. “I’d been thinking a pair of earrings, but they were a bit on the large side. My kids insisted on the hair piece though. My youngest said you’d look great with it. She’s quite obsessed with you now.”

Well, I wasn’t going to disappoint Acquisition’s kids. I took the feathers, and braided them into my hair.

Ocean’s new mirror confirmed that I looked great.

I didn’t bother asking Acquisition how he’d managed to find angel feathers of all things. It was his title. It’d be like asking Hunting how he’d tracked down a mouse in a field, or Ocean how he’d sailed across the sea.

It was just what he was.

Bulwark had a larger-than-life statue of Auri made out of marble.

“He made that about three minutes before coming here.” Brawling stage-whispered to me.

I knew exactly what was going to happen next.

“Everyone who wants to fight – do it outside.” I ordered before the first punch could get thrown. I was not getting food thrown on my lovely dress.

“If anyone wishes to besmirch the Sentinel name by brawling in public, you will first have to explain to me why you believe it to be a good idea.” Night softly added.

We had no overt, open fights. I did see a quiet shadow war of messing with people’s food, tunics, seats, flirtation attempts…

It was hilarious when I wasn’t involved.

My only involvement was making Maximus think Kallisto had swiped his dagger. The resulting mini-feud and escalating pranks was better than any play at the theater.

Emperor Augustus and Sextia didn’t appear in person, but they did send a courier with a present. An expensive bottle of perfume.

There were all sorts of levels present in that bottle. Like, something about socializing, Sextia’s curse, and…

I was a bit too drunk to try and interpret the meanings of a gift from someone with a [Sinister Schemer] class.

Fortunately, tomorrow, I’d be too sober to try and figure it out as well! Yay me! Easy win, nice perfume, ignore whatever undertones or messages there were.

“Dawn.” Night politely greeted me.

I wasn’t sure if he was using my title because everyone else was, or if there was business to discuss. The lack of Sentinel made…

Forget it. I was tipsy, and it was my party. I’d just see what he wanted.

“Night! My favorite vargleeeeeeee.” I tripped over myself, almost forgetting that we were in too public of a location to mention that he was a vampire.

I got a sharp, toothy smile for my almost-mistake.

“The elves you traveled with had an interesting idea, and I would like to extend a courtesy to you. Call it a type of experiment between us, a show that I believe you will quickly grow into a peer for many centuries.”

I straightened up.


“Yes. For your birthday, this one time, I wish to offer you a favor, that you may call upon when you so desire. I will attempt to fulfill your favor when such a time comes to pass.”

That was one hell of a gift. I could do so much with that.

I’d let sober-Elaine figure it all out.

“Thank you!”

I meant it, from the bottom of my heart.

The party continued late into the night, early into the morning. People came and went, and the brothel workers were kept busy entertaining us all in a myriad of ways. From the food, to dancing, singing, playing, to all manner of other activities, my party was an unqualified success.

Night had quietly asked each of us if there were any issues, and let us know tomorrow’s meeting was skipped. Par for the course when one of us had a major celebration with everyone like this.

It was starting to wind down when a new, surprise face showed up. Not exactly a friend, not something I particularly liked, but not a person I held any animosity towards.

“Guildmaster!” I was honestly shocked.

“Sentinel. A most merry… birthday, I believe?”

“Thaaaaaaaaaaaats right! What can I do for my favorite member of the most dishonest, irreputable organization of thieves and cutthroats I know?”

I… might be more than a bit tipsy. I was enjoying myself.

His congenial half-smile froze in place. Whoops, that might’ve been a bit too honest.

“I just got word about the quest you posted.”

The quest I posted? What quest?


RIGHT! Julius’s quest! The quest for Julius. The quest chosen specifically to find Julius. That quest.

I smacked myself with [Dance with the Heavens], instantly sobering myself up. Night whistled, a sharp noise that cut straight through the festivities, and a heartbeat later all the Sentinels – well, the ones that could still stand, at least – were practically surrounding the Guildmaster, hanging onto his every word.

He gave a nervous swallow.

“I brought you the news as soon as I heard, and I got the news almost as soon as it happened. The adventurers were racing to see who could claim the bounty first, you see.”

I could just imagine three different adventurers charging toward the guildhall, cheerfully sabotaging each other and brawling in the streets to be the one to get the news back first.

Even an innocent quest could make adventurers be terrible people. Honestly.

I was letting my imagination run away from me a bit…

“Please, speak. What news do you have?” Night asked, and honestly. It was a bit rich coming from Mr. Verbose over there to tell someone to cut to the chase.

The Guildmaster spoke slowly, carefully. Enunciating every word, carefully measuring our reactions as he delivered the news.

“A ring of brightly colored mushrooms has appeared in the spot where your Commander Julius went missing. A fairy ring.”

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