Behind the Scenes from Naruto

Chapter 148 - 148: 2 Traces Of Missing-nin

Jiraiya is also very strong in sage mode.

If he wants to, he can escape under the siege and suppression of the top combat power of Six Pain, and with sufficient intelligence, he can even kill a few Pains.

The toad sage Fukasaku and toad sage Shima sitting on the shoulders of Jiraiya seem to be short in stature, but they are actually the highest combat power that Mount Myuboku contractor can summon. In addition to providing him with natural energy to maintain long-term sage mode, they can also help Jiraiya fights together.

It's just that after defeating Guy in the gate of shock state, Uehara's self-confidence has been greatly improved, and he is sure that he can win.

After all, if it doesn't work, Uehara can still summon Galio.

It's just that Jiraiya's relationship with Akatsuki is complicated.

Uehara didn't want to fight too fiercely, he just wanted to take away the rewards for defeating Jiraiya, after all, these rewards would certainly not be too bad.

Uehara looked at Jiraiya and shook his head. He sighed softly: "I respect you very much. My Sensei and elders respect Jiraiya's personality very much. If they knew that I was against you, they would be very upset with me."

This sentence is true.

Even though the masters and disciples parted ways, Konan always respected Jiraiya in her heart.


Jiraiya also raised his eyebrows, and seemed to have some interest in it: "Unfortunately, I didn't know a few friends in Amegakure... Many years ago, I received three disciples in the country of rain. But all of them have died in the third Ninja World War."

"Little Jiraiya."

Fukasaku suddenly interrupted the communication between them, and said solemnly: "Don't waste the summoning time, Gamabunta is still lying in bed! Let's solve it quickly, the old woman and I have to take care of him!"

"Eh, is Bunta hurt? What's the matter?"

Jiraiya also cares for his old friend.

Fukasaku nodded, and explained in a low voice: "Well, Gamabunta said that a friend of little Naruto injured him, he was called...called..."

"Uehara Naraku."

Uehara said his name and explained aloud: "Actually, I just want to help Naruto subdue his summoned beast. After all, Jiraiya-sama asked me to help at the time. I happened to look at the big toad named Gamabunta. It's too smelly and a bit unobedient."

The eyes of one person and two toads immediately stared at Uehara.

Jiraiya couldn't help but patted his forehead and said: "Eh, kid, I didn't mean that..."

Fukasaku suddenly became a little dissatisfied: "This kid is really troublesome! The summoned beast is a ninja's partner, not a ninja's servant..."

Shima couldn't help but began to roll up her little sleeves and echoed: "Little Jiraiya, you should really teach a lesson to this kind of kid... Don't waste the summoning time, solve this battle right away!"


This battle is impossible to avoid.

The Konoha chaos must be put down immediately.

"Doton: Yomi Numa!" (Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld)

Jiraiya quickly closed his hands to form a handseal, and instantly turned Uehara's feet into a swamp, trying to limit Uehara's speed.

However, when this technique was over, Jiraiya looked at Uehara's feet in amazement. There was no muddy stain at all...

This guy has been flying all the time!

"Can the enemy fly in the air?"

Shima frowned and immediately opened her mouth to spit out a slender tongue toward Uehara, trying to restrain his actions: "Zessenbaku!" (Fighting Tongue Bind)

"Twilight Blade!"

A purple chakra broadsword appeared in Uehara's hand trying to cut off the slender tongue with a single sword swing, but the tongue attached to the chakra broadsword was extremely tough and tightly entangled his purple broadsword.

"Suiton: Suidanha!" (Water Release: Water Severing Wave)

A long, slender, high-pressure stream of water spewed out from Fukusaka's mouth, and travel towards Uehara's body, seeming to want a move to divide him into two parts!

Uehara simply let go of the purple broadsword in his hand, then use Shunpo to appeared behind Jiraiya to blasted Fukasaka's head with a punch!

"I'm already prepared for this trick!"

Jiraiya turned abruptly and catch Uehara's fist, only to feel a huge force coming from it. If it hadn't been for Jiraiya to start the sage mode now, he even felt that this fist would be a little difficult to resist.

But this still does not hinder Jiraiya to praise: "Your Body flicker technique is faster than Hanzo and it is not inferior even to the little guy Minato!"


Uehara's body flicker was very fast.

If it weren't for knowing that Uehara didn't leave any mark of Flying Thunder God, Jiraiya would even suspect that Uehara had learned Flying Thunder God.

However, since he caught Uehara's hand, Jiraiya would certainly not give up. The other palm opened quickly, and when his palm was about to slap Uehara's body: "Senpō: Rasengan!" (Sage Art: Rasengan)


Uehara also grabbed his palm with his other hand, feeling the waves of Rasengan rubbing against the air, he slowly raised his head and looked at the tall Jiraiya, and whispered: "No handseal ninjutsu? It's amazing, Jiraiya-sama!"

However, the next moment, the Rasengan suddenly disappeared!

An invisible attack sent Uehara flying away!

Kawazu Kumite (Frog Kata), this ability can mobilize natural energy to attack the enemy and it is impossible to notice.

Uehara glanced at the damage caused to him by the Frog Kata. His brows wrinkled, his palms quickly formed handseal, and a hurricane vortex appeared beside him: "Futon: Howling Gale!"

This hurricane moved quickly in the direction of Jiraiya, dragging Jiraiya, and others in the hurricane.

Jiraiya also frowned, and could only attach Chakra under his feet to hold his body so as not to be drag in the hurricane.

In this way, they could only face the attack of Uehara.

And as expected.

Uehara did not let go of this opportunity, waves appeared under his feet, and the waves instantly rushed in the direction of Jiraiya!

"Not good!"

Jiraiya also looked at the huge waves, his complexion suddenly changed, and he could only use ninjutsu to form a defense: "Doton: Doryūheki!" (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)

A tall earth wall appeared in front of him!

With chakras underneath his feet, Jiraiya climbed up along the earth wall, looking down at the monstrous waves swept in, and quickly submerged the area around the earth wall.

After a while.

The hurricane gradually dissipated, and the waves also gradually faded.

Fukasaku persuaded in a deep voice: "Little Jiraiya, I understand that you may want to keep this kid alive, but you can't fight like this, it will waste our summoning time!"


Shima also persuaded: "Use powerful Sage art right away! This kid is not easy to deal with!"


Jiraiya flew down and lay down, his long hair spread out in an instant, turning into a hard spike, shooting in the direction of Uehara: "Senpo: Kebari Senbon!" (Sage art: Hair Needle Senbon)

"Futon: Wind Barrier!"

Uehara immediately formed a wall of wind, blocking the attack of Hair Needle Senbon, the two of them began a ninjutsu competition across the wide ruined land!

For Jiraiya, this obviously entered his rhythm!

After the wind wall disappeared, Jiraiya quickly launched his attack: "Ranjishigami no Jutsu!" (Wild Lion's Mane Technique)

A group of white hair instantly extended, and after tightly restraining the body of Uehara in the sky, Jiraiya opened his mouth and gushed out a burst of fire oil: "Senpo: Goemon!" (Sage Art: Bath of Boiling Oil)

Following Jiraiya's actions, Fukasaku next to him opened his mouth and released wind ninjutsu, and Shima released fire ninjutsu!

The flame quickly burned the oil!

Wind helps the fire become stronger!

An overwhelming flame rushed towards Uehara in an instant, and the land was also burned by this monstrous fire wave, and even the fire oil caused an explosion!

The speed of the fire waves is so fast that you can't even find a chance to avoid it!

And this is a completely irresistible technique!

Unless foam is used, it is impossible to extinguish these flames.

Uehara frowned, and a golden cover appeared on his body. At the same time, his body rose rapidly and escaped from the flame-burning area.

It is the invincibility of the sacred moment.

This is the first enemy who can force him to use invincibility since his life energy and chakra energy broke 10,000 points!

Sure enough, you can't underestimate Jiraiya!

If you don't pay attention, you may be overturned!

Jiraiya's expression suddenly changed, looking at Uehara who was unharmed in the air: "What kind of technique is that? Is it similar to the defensive technique of the Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)?"

"Sorry, Jiraiya-sama."

Uehara raised his palm, and the golden Chakra lightsaber floated around the cover. He looked down at Jiraiya on the ground and said in a deep voice: "I must tell you that you have lost this time. "

A golden lightsaber flew towards the ground!

Jiraiya also hurriedly turned over to evade, only to see a golden lightsaber shot into the ground.

However, this two lightsabers passed through the bodies of Fukasaku and Shima, almost killing the two toad sage!

In other words, these Chakra lightsabers were originally directed at them!


The two toads dissipated in smoke!

The natural energy in Jiraiya's body gradually became insufficient, and he had to withdraw from his sage mode. This battle was a bit difficult for him.

Now that his sage mode was cracked, Uehara does not hesitate because he has already occupied the victory, and the reward for defeating the sage mode Jiraiya has been obtained!

The next step is to defeat Jiraiya with fiery momentum like his battle with Guy just now!

Uehara fell in front of Jiraiya, clenched his fist, and slammed it into Jiraiya!


This punch went down, but only hit a shadow clone!

Then Uehara was kicked by another Jiraiya who emerged!

Uehara slowly got up, patted the dust on his body, and began to curse in his heart, why is he always fooled by the enemy's shadow clone recently?

Ever since Uehara saw Itachi show a wave to Obito with a crow clone, he seems to have been unlucky. Today he was overshadowed by Kakashi's lightning clone and Jiraiya's shadow clone.

Jiraiya also looked at Uehara who was getting up in the distance, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He whispered: "Little devil, I just a little curious. You were able to copy Guy's ability just now. Why did you not used that technique in me? You have a lot of chakras, right?"

Uehara patted his body and glanced at Jiraiya speechlessly, but he still replied softly: "Because Jiraiya-sama's ability is not worth wasting my precious skills."

This is of course nonsense.

Uehara believes that Jiraiya's power lies in the summoned beast. What if he steals a summoning technique?

Jiraiya's expression suddenly choked, he squeezed his wrist, and his expression gradually became a little serious: "What a troublesome little guy..."

After losing the sage mode, Jiraiya did not actually feel that his strength would be reduced. As an orthodox ninja, his fighting was not limited to a certain method.

The means of fighting are far more important than strength.

The sage mode is indeed very powerful, but because the natural energy was produced by the two toad sage, Fukasaku and Shima, it also restricts Jiraiya's various fighting methods and prevents him from summoning other summoned beasts.

Even if Jiraiya is in a taijutsu match, he must ensure that no one can harm the two toad sage who helps him absorb natural energy.

In the face of Uehara, a genius ninja who possesses many rare ninjutsu and unconventional skills, Jiraiya also believes that he must use some unconventional combat methods.

"Kuchiyose no Ju..."


Just as Jiraiya tried to summon a toad, several Anbu appeared around them to interrupt the battle: "The consultant wants to see him immediately, they will take over from here.!"

Dozens of Anbu ninjas jumped around them, instantly surrounding Uehara!

This time it was Konoha's Anbu who made a big move!

The head of the Anbu ninja came to Jiraiya's side and explained in a low voice: "The Third Hokage-sama have been killed in battle. To calm the people in the village, the consultants believe that Konoha's next Hokage can no longer be defeated so they will take over things here... I'm sorry, but for the sake of the overall situation, let us handle it."

This matter was just decided by two Konoha senior consultants.

Because Jiraiya was unable to defeat Uehara for a long time, the two senior consultants, Koharu and Homura, could no longer let Konoha's top combat power be defeat to soothe the masses.

Strictly speaking, after Sarutobi died, there was only Jiraiya, a top powerhouse with both prestige and strength.

Now Jiraiya and Uehara is fighting for a long time. If Jiraiya also overturned the boat in the gutter, it would be a serious blow to Konoha's prestige.

Therefore, Koharu and Homura decided to interrupt this battle and no longer pitted against this powerful enemy alone.

I have to say that for Konoha's situation, the two senior consultants' approach is understandable. They are just a little cautious, but they can be said to be reasonable.

After the death of the Third Hokage, they desperately needed a top combat power that would make the villagers confident.

In case the Fifth Hokage Jiraiya they believed was also defeated by an Ame ninja, wouldn't Konoha be disastrous?

How can this maintain the dignity of the first Ninja Village?

Especially Konoha now has other troubles.

"I will never do something like being a Hokage!"

Jiraiya shook his head. He didn't like the position of Hokage before, and he hated it even more after today.

Jiraiya also solemnly rejected Anbu's proposal: "Go back and tell them that I will help them find a suitable Hokage candidate!"


The commander of the Anbu rejected Jiraiya's order and continued: "Jiraiya-sama, for Konoha's consideration, please abide by the high-level orders."

"Get out!"

Jiraiya looked at Uehara who was surrounded by a group of Anbu, and said solemnly: "Wait until I solve this kid, he is not something you can easily deal with, so step back!"

However, how could the Anbu arrival be unprepared?

The Anbu commander threw a scroll towards Uehara and said: "The consultant has heard that you want to reach an alliance between Konoha and Ame at all costs, Konoha decided to sign the alliance letter of Amegakure..."

After speaking, the Anbu commander added: "As long as you agree, we will immediately send someone to contact Amegakure to sign an offensive and defensive alliance..."


Konoha would make such a concession?

Why would they give in?

Uehara was a little confused and didn't understand why things had progressed to this point.

He felt as if he had shot himself in the foot!

Jiraiya was also a little unbelievable about these concessions: "What the hell is going on?"

The Anbu commander leaned into Jiraiya's ear and whispered: "Jiraiya-sama, the sensory team found traces of two S-class missing-nin around the village, one of them is Uchiha Itachi!"

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