Chapter 104: Class A

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Using a map of ‘A’ university, Qu Xiao made her way to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, heading to a lecture hall in the teaching building.

An old man with white hair walked into the classroom with a thermos. He knocked on the blackboard, and the classroom filled with students immediately quietened down.

The students looked at this elder with awe and admiration twinkling in their eyes.

Lei Qiming was the honorary president of the Chinese Medicine Association. He stood at the pinnacle of Chinese medicine and was the authority in the field. There was no one better able to represent the face of ‘A’ university than the wizened elder before them. His presence alone was reason enough for Qu Xiao to take the entrance exams and compete for a spot in the prestigious university.

Lei Qiming scanned his surroundings, cleared his throat, threw the name list to the side, and raised his wrist to calculate the time.

At the last second, Qu Xiao arrived with the class bell ringing. She said humbly, “Hello, Professor Lei.”

Lei Qiming pushed his presbyopia glasses up and silently flipped through the textbook.

His voice was indifferent as he said, “I do not tolerate tardiness, neither do I dismiss classes before all the allotted time is up. If there is anyone who can’t abide by these rules, leave now! Those who fail the final exams at the end of each year will not receive graduating certificates.”

“I hope those of you present will treat the study of Chinese medicine with the utmost respect and caution; it is no child’s game, nor should it be a stepping stone used to prop up your situation,” Lei Qiming’s tone was not friendly. The dissatisfaction and ridicule in his eyes made Qu Xiao feel uncomfortable.

What did she do to offend Lei Qiming?

Qu Xiao flipped open her blank notebook, huddling in the corner of the lecture theatre as she listened to Lei Qiming’s introduction to Chinese medicine. His class was lively and interesting. Occasionally, bursts of laughter would erupt in the class. The students memorised the points of knowledge in a relaxed and happy environment.

As expected of a well-known professor in the country.

Lei Qiming put away his teaching materials when class was about to end., his eyes falling on Qu Xiao. After pondering for a while, he asked, “Are the prescriptions of old still usable today?” The question made the students nervous; everyone avoided his eyes, trying to escape the fate of answering the professor’s question.

A hush fell over the noisy lecture theatre. Some students would even stand their books and cover their faces to escape notice.

Better students were deep in thought, but they too did not dare answer rashly.

Lei Qiming furrowed his brows in disappointment, deciding to pick two of the better students via roll call.

A girl wearing black-rimmed glasses stood up and stammered, “They are usable. The prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine are the crystallisation of the wisdom of the ancients. We should respect the results of our predecessors…” Lei Qiming waved his hand, gesturing for her to sit down.

“You there! Please answer the question.”

Lei Qiming pointed at a male student in the front row. The male student was frightened out of his wits, trembling like a deer caught in the headlights as he answered, “They aren’t usable!”

“Why is that?”

Lei Qiming’s eyes lit up ever so slightly as he gestured for him to continue.

The male student blinked, turning a begging eye to his friend seated beside him, a flush on his staining his cheeks.

The students of the university only knew what was written in their textbooks. They relied on rote memorisation and did not know how to adapt.

When they walked out of campus, would they truly pursue a profession in traditional Chinese medicine? Would they do everything to save their patients using the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine? The answer was obvious.

Lei Qiming frowned, wanting nothing more than to pack up his books and leave, but stopped short when he saw Qu Xiao raise her hand from her corner of the lecture theatre.

Lei Qiming had noticed her raised hand early on but chose to ignore it. In the end, he decided to hear what she had to say, “You there! What is your answer?”

“One cannot follow ancient prescriptions to the letter because the herbs in those days possess extremely pure and potent medicinal effects. Still, they are usable if adjusted accordingly.”

“Most Chinese medicinal herbs are artificially grown these days. Even ginseng that we used to forage for in mountains and forests are now cultivated in greenhouses; the difference is enormous.”

“Therefore, although the formula can continue to be used, the quantity of the medicine needs to be revised.”

Qu Xiao’s reply made the students gape and nod in agreement.

Lei Qiming stared at her. He did not confirm or deny her answer. He merely reminded her with an experienced voice, “If you want to get good results, you need to be serious and down-to-earth. You shouldn’t rely on cheap tricks.”

“Ancient prescriptions must be adjusted according to the needs and ailments of the patients you are treating. I shall discuss this in the next class. I hope everyone will review what we have covered today and complete the homework assigned. I do not wish to see any students late at my next lecture.”

“Teacher, goodbye!”

The students stood up in unison. They packed up their books and turned their heads to look at Qu Xiao.

“Who is that? Why does she look so familiar?”

“I heard that she got in through the knowledge competition. She was originally a high school student, so she can be considered a genius.”

“To answer the knowledge competition questions and attain a full score… It’s unbelievable, isn’t it? She must have bought the answers to the test questions.”

Qu Xiao listened to their discussions but paid them no attention. Instead, she chased Lei Qiming’s departing figure with quick steps. Stopping in front of him, she asked, “Professor, why are you biased against me?”

Such an obvious difference in treatment… Qu Xiao could naturally see it.

Lei Qiming pushed his glasses with his finger and frowned, wanting to avoid her.

Qu Xiao was unwilling to let it go. “If you don’t answer, I will follow you all day!”

“If you don’t want news of a scandalous relationship between professor and student to spread, you should answer me!”

“If there’s a misunderstanding, I hope to clear the air as soon as possible.”

Qu Xiao stared at Lei Qiming with a determined gaze. “I don’t like your present treatment of me!”

Lei Qiming saw that she did not want to give up, so he pointed to the office in front and said, “Follow me.”

Qu Xiao smiled, feeling pleased with herself and kept half a step away from Lei Qiming, closing the office door behind her.

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