"Haah, haah..."

"... Excuse me."

A few minutes after Isaac Adler had come face to face with Silver Blaze, who had been out for a night walk,

"Ye, Yees?"

"Are you having a hard time?"

"Oh, no, not really...?"

"Then why are you breathing so heavily?"

Already tied up with the rope Silver Blaze carried for emergencies on a daily basis, Adler cocked his head to the side and subtly asked.

"Ah, that's because..."

"Well, I suppose it’s only natural to feel that way. Are the aftermaths of the battle still lingering?”

As Silver Blaze hesitated and stuttered, Adler asked again, this time with a bright smile on his face.

"Battle... you say?"

"It must have been tough. Jill the Ripper isn't an easy opponent, after all."

"... Eh?"

Blankly, she stood there, dumbfounded for a few fleeting moments. Soon, she somehow stammered out a reply, however.

"Well, I suppose...?"

"Honestly, I was forced to reassess you. I thought you were just an insignificant self-insert character, but..."

"Th, Thank you...?"

Having grown up in a racetrack, she was adept at pretending to understand and agree with her owner, even if she didn’t grasp what he was talking about.

"Come here."

"... Yes?"

Of course, she knew that such actions would ensure praise and rewards, such as carrots and a warm bed.

"I'll give you a reward, so come here."


And once again, her strategy seemed to have been the right one.

Even though she was in the midst of kidnapping him, her master was calling her over with a gentle expression to reward her.


Silver Blaze approached him with an expectant look, her tail even started wagging in an excited rhythm, different from its normal state where it would stay drooped down.

- Slap...!

However, in the next moment, with a sharp resounding echo, her head turned slightly to the side.


As she stood there dazed, she realised that Adler had slapped her, his expression stern and frigid.

What did I do wrong? Did I take Master's jest seriously and act on it without realising it? Or did I tie the rope too tightly? Or maybe...

In an instant, countless thoughts began to race through her mind.

... Right, I should just slit my wrists before I'm abandoned. If I harm myself quickly, maybe Master’ll take pity on me and won’t throw me away.

"It's a reward."


As her thoughts were about to spiral into a dark, ominous terrain, Silver Blaze heard Adler's chuckling voice, full of mirth.

"You like it, don’t you? Being hit."

"... Ah."

Her eyes filled with unprecedented sorrow, tears began to form in Silver Blaze’s eyes and were about to gush out in streams when,

"Isn't that right, Phantom Thief Lupin?"


Unexpectedly, the name of the was mentioned by Adler.






A few minutes later,

"Wow, my life is completely over now~"


"Being kidnapped by the world's greatest thief, will I disappear forever~..."

As Silver Blaze walked along the footpath holding the rope that bound Adler, she heard his words and flinched ever so subtly, stopping in her tracks.

I thought something was odd with this situation...

"Miss Thief?"

… So Master has mistaken me for the phantom thief, huh?

Muttering to herself, Silver Blaze soon glanced back.

Maybe I should tell him the truth right now...

"Why are you acting like this~"

A wave of gloominess washed over her, but it was short-lived. With a resurgence of her loyalty and devotion, she was about to speak, her heart steeled, but right at that instant,

"Are you planning to leave the treasure in front of you like a coward, hmm~?”

With a mischievous expression, Adler started acting cute and flirted with her in a sly tone.

... Yeah, let’s just take Master away.

"Miss Thief~ Speak up~"

No, rather… I should just take care of Master from now on.

Silver Blaze’s judgment was swiftly revised as soon as she saw him acting in such a flirtatious manner.

With the donations accumulated in my account, I can take care of Master for a lifetime without letting him experience any hardships…

- Thump, thump...

"... Mmphh."

However, her heart suddenly started pounding wildly at that moment.

Not again...

As her body began heating up soon after, Silver Blaze bowed her head, trembling.

I thought I had cooled down a bit... but when I think of Master...

The mating periods that the demi-humans experienced every few months were not something that could be handled with rationality alone.

Silver Blaze had tried various methods to alleviate her sexually charged state at the hideout, as she was left alone with the duty to guard it. In the end, however, she had to leave her guarding duty and venture out to the park as a last resort.


Squirming for a moment, she slowly turned her head towards Adler.

"Haa... Haa..."



As her breathing became more and more strained and ragged with time, Adler looked at her with an alarmed gaze and began backing away, inch by inch.

- Squeeze...


Finally, like a runner who was crossing the finish line in a monumental race, Silver Blaze threw herself at Adler in a frenzy.

"Miss Thief? This isn't the time for that...?"

"I don't know, don't kno… w..."

"Shouldn't we be getting out of here quickly?"

"I don't know anymoreeeeeeeeeee..."

Wagging her tail wildly while being on top of Adler, she buried her head in his chest and started sniffing him like a deranged pervert.

"... Sniffff."

"What, how can a thief be this strong?"

"So gooood..."

"What did you say?"

Adler tried to push her away in his confusion, but the feeble man could not possibly handle the overwhelming strength of a demihuman in heat. Understandable, since demi-humans in heat were several times stronger than their normal selves, and even a base demi-human was still a few notches stronger than your average human.

"You smell so sweet... Master’s smell is so goood..."

"... The hell?"

"I want to live every day just breathing in this scent..."

Struggling for a while more, Adler finally gave up, a hint of despair colouring his face. The moment he gave up, Silver Blaze embraced him with full force and whispered in his ears.


The sweet scent emanating from her master had become exponentially more intense after he accepted his identity as , which ultimately caused her to lose her sanity within mere seconds.

- Rub... Rub...

"I love you..."


As she murmured with a hazy expression, rubbing her crotch against Adler's, he finally seemed to realize something and lifted his head towards her neck.

"This scent..."

He had become quite accustomed to the scent of her fur over the past few months— a scent that would waft over and linger in his nose as he received her habitual displays of affection. Inhaling that familiar scent, he muttered in disbelief.

"You... You're the real Silver Blaze...?"

"... No."

Slowly, she lifted her head and, staring intently at Adler, whispered.

"I am the , Master."

"Ah, that shouldn’t be the ca..."

"It is."

As her rubbing intensified, beads of sweat began to form on Adler's forehead.

"I am a thief, and I am going to kidnap you."

"Miss Thief has never called me before though..."

"I'm going to you."

Tightening the rope bound around Adler's body even further, she quietly amended her statement.

"You, I trusted you, yet…”

"This isn't my fault, it's yours, Master..."


"Did you really think a demi-human in heat, after being asked to tie up and kidnap the person of their affection, could maintain their reason...?"

While speaking, she buried her nose in Adler's neck and took in a deep whiff of his scent before murmuring again in a hazy voice.

"I didn't say to tie me up..."

"And Master, I'm a thief now, remember?"


"I trusted you, I don't understand what you're talking about."1

Just as her eyes, shimmering with a sense of treachery, began to sparkle… right at that very moment,

"Don't worry, Master. I'll make you happy. Even though I'm a thief, I have plenty of money and a lot of support, so..."

- Rustle...

The sound of small leaves being stepped upon resounded from behind.

"Ah, guys!"

Holding onto the last straw of hope, Adler looked behind and immediately started waving his hands with a relieved expression.

"Help me!"


Why would he not? Celestia Moran and Princess Clay, the duo who had fought a bloody battle with the royal knights brought in by Jill the Ripper, were now looking down at him at that spot.

I don’t think I need to correct this anymore now, do I?


– Probability of being Kidnapped — 200% → 500% – Probability of being Imprisoned — 200% → 500% – Probability of ??? — 200% → 500%

"... Guys?"







Meanwhile, at that moment, at the entrance to the park's paved footpath,

"Hehe, hehe."

The vengeful spirit of Helen Stoner, who had been ruthlessly absorbing the frigid energy of all the monsters scattered around into her own body, began to look down at her increasingly distinct form with a sinister smile.

- Grrrrr...

- Too strong...

And before her, bowed down on their knees, were the various spirits and monsters from all across Britain.

- Perhaps... it would be better to submit and scrape up the crumbs...

- Adler won't die even if we share him...

- Right... Grrr...

For the lesser monsters and spirits, who were destined to quietly dissipate into nothingness, a leader had just emerged at that very instant.






"... Cough, cough."

And watching from a distance, hidden behind a tree, a girl observed the scene while coughing up blood.

"As a thief, I can't just stand by and let my treasure be stolen now, can I…?"

It was exactly at that moment... that a strand of hair of a considerably familiar colour popped out from between Phantom Thief Lupin's breasts, who had briefly retreated after sustaining serious injuries in the fight with Jill the Ripper.

"... I was saving this for last."

As she finished speaking, her body began to slowly transform.



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