Chapter 342: The Supreme World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Whether it was ‘Mechanical Ascension’ or ‘cocooning,’ it was an extremely crazy thing for them.

One was to kill one’s own physical body and upload the data of the so-called ‘self’ consciousness into the mechanical body. One was to dissolve their physical bodies before ‘developing’ again and praying that the new life they were born with was still themselves.

They hoped that there was another way, rather than having to choose one of the two ways of ‘suicide.’

The introduction of ‘Mechanical Ascension’ or ‘synthetic evolution’ was still flashing on the big screen in the conference room. According to the ‘Administrator,’ that was an ‘evolution’ direction that had been proven feasible.

Theoretically, that could solve the problem caused by the primitive genes of the ‘Firechasers’ in their bodies. After all, without a physical body, genes naturally did not exist.

Not only that, but they would also have an efficient mechanical body after that and would not be troubled by fatigue and disease. The eternal life brought about by sleepless nights and changeable bodies was also a revolution of ‘synthetic evolution.’

Their work efficiency would increase by several levels from then on. That was a good thing for the individual, and it was also a good thing for the civilization. At the very least, the level of civilization would be elevated at that moment.

Rationally speaking, if they had to choose, regardless, the ‘synthetic evolution,’ which had been proven to be feasible, would be a safer and more effective option than the unknown ‘cocooning’ suggested by the biologist a few minutes ago, right?

However, in the conference room, many scientists, including the ‘Lightchaser’ Leader himself, were mostly focused on the biologist who proposed the ‘cocooning’ method.

In the past, the scientists who had always been clamoring for a ‘rational view’ and had indeed acted that way seemed to have given up on their persistence and gradually distanced themselves from the ‘most perfect’ ‘synthetic evolution.’

“…To be honest, if I have to choose, I would still think that ‘cocooning’ is better.” A certain scientist’s monologue received everyone’s approval.

“If what the leader said is true, then I don’t want to abandon this body. This is a product created by the civilization of the ‘previous era.’ I would rather die than see this precious legacy lost…”

“Moreover, based on our theory, memories are stored in the genes. Even if we completely change our appearance, as long as the genes that make us up remain the same, T will still be me.”

They were not a group of idealists, and they would not be as resistant to ‘synthetic evolution’ as the species of the idealistic civilization.

What influenced their decision was their own theories, culture, and philosophy. In other words, it was their valuing of their own heritage that prompted them to make such a decision.

They believed that genes determined memories, and memories would determine a person’s soul. Even if their bodies were destroyed, as long as their genes were still the same, their memories would not be ‘fake,’ and their souls would still be them.

In the end, everyone in the conference room looked at each other and seemed to understand each other’s thoughts.

The leader of ‘Lightchaser’ also said sincerely to the big screen that was still flashing with ‘synthetic evolution,’ “Thank you, our respected ‘Administrator.'”

“Thank you for your guidance, but please let us make our own decisions this time.”

After that, everyone in the conference room stood up as if they had connected their hearts at that moment.

“…It’s time to convene the National Assembly…”

“In the past, everything could be decided by the Scientific Assembly. But we need a public vote at least for this matter. If the people are unwilling, we can only think of another way.”

The government, which had always functioned based on a highly planned and controlling nature, changed its past practice and handed the deciding right to everyone in the civilization.

The civilization was ultimately formed by the people. They might seem unable to decide anything, but in reality, they were the final decision-makers.

Not long after, everyone in the ‘Lightchaser’ civilization received an ‘important notice’ from the government at the same time.

[Based on the latest research findings, we have confirmed the source of the disaster. We are now making the relevant information public.]


[In conclusion, we have decided to hold an online ‘National Assembly.’]

[My fellow countrymen, we will decide our own fate.]

Everyone knew about that news, from the Homeship ‘Dawn Song’ to the furthest ‘Shrinking Universe Observation Ship.’

At first, everyone was very confused. They were used to the government giving them orders and found it difficult to understand what the government wanted them to do.

Only a few scholars who had studied history gradually remembered the origins of the ‘National Assembly’ and spread it throughout the entire civilization.

The ‘National Assembly’ was the highest authority in their civilization, and the way it was held was extremely special.

A topic proposed by the government would be publicized, and everyone could only choose to vote yes or no.

In the past, that assembly had only been held once at the start of the civilization battle royale. After countless years, when almost everyone had forgotten about it, it was held again.

After the confusion, the people gradually realized that the government was giving them the power to decide on a major event.

They could not understand the contents of ‘cocooning’ and gene reassembly, but they could roughly understand that it was an extremely dangerous method that could solve a life-and-death situation.

Some people were terrified, not because they were afraid of ‘cocooning,’ but because they did not know what to choose.

That was the first time they were standing at the crossroads of life to make a choice. In the past, the road signs carved by the government would guide them, but this time, they had to rely on themselves.

However, the commotion and panic only lasted briefly before they stopped. Everyone temporarily put down their work and seriously considered their choices.

It wasn’t that they didn’t know anything. After their numb minds had been awakened after a long time, they also understood what kind of big choice they were facing.

That not only concerned each of them but also the fate of the entire civilization.

Logically speaking, they should choose a safer method.


“How is the current voting result?” The leader and the Chief Scientists of various fields listened to that anxiety-provoking report in the conference room.

The result was also somewhat beyond their expectations.

“The current voting progress has been completed by 67%. Out of a total of 1.1 billion votes, the pass rate is…100%!”

“So high?” Some people were extremely surprised by that because that seemed to indicate that no one had any objections. That was almost impossible in a non-Gestalt consciousness collective.

However, in the additional content of the voting, the ‘Lightchaser’ Leader saw an indescribable enthusiasm.

[It’s just another ‘adventure.’ It’s not a big deal. Isn’t the starting point of our civilization a space adventure? Although I’m only a construction worker now, my dream was to fly a spaceship and explore space alone! ]

[…I’ve been in the nursing home for a long time. I thought that my life would pass peacefully like this, but now that I have a chance to be reborn, I can’t give up. That universe is my destination.]

[The road to stardom is long. It is just death.]


The people seemed to have poured their feelings into the choice this time. Each of them more or less said one or two words and submitted them to the system together with their choices.

The leader of the ‘Lightchaser’ recalled the choice he made when he faced the ‘Firechasers.’

“The universe is still vast. We cannot stop here..”

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