Chapter 241: The Real Natural Disaster

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Milky Way had probably never experienced such a chaotic interstellar situation before.

No one had ever thought that there would be two Administrators appearing at the same time.

The type of signal used by the lost empire was the focus of attention in the Milky Way.

After all, the occasional charity from the lost empire was enough to save a civilization for a few decades. It was not shameful to lick the lost empire, but it was shameful to not get anything from it.

And among these lost empires, the Administrator was the most special one.

Even though the original Administrator didn’t look much different from the other lost empires, the biggest difference was that he was suspected to be a lost artificial intelligence.

However, after many crises, the ratings of the Administrator by the civilizations began to rise again and again, and the mysteries surrounding the Administrator became even more profound.

This civilization that was classified as the lost empire by the Milky Way civilization seemed to have surpassed the level of the Milky Way.

The most obvious point was the strength of a civilization that far surpassed everyone else. If a civilization’s strength was measured by specific numbers, an ordinary lost empire would have 200,000, while the Administrator would have at least a million, and this was only a conservative estimate.

Whether it was the Ring Crisis caused by the End of Reincarnation sacrificing almost the entire Watcher, or the Civilization Annihilator Crisis caused by the crazy Observer, they were both major threats that could lead to the destruction of the Milky Way.

However, these threats were easily resolved by the Administrator. In the eyes of the Milky Way civilization, the Administrator dealt with the crisis like crushing a bug. The speed of the process was so overwhelming that it even gave them the illusion that the galactic crisis was here.

However, after coming into contact with the crisis of the World Breaker and the caterpillar fungus disease, everyone understood the destructive power of these threats that spread across the galaxy.

For this reason, the civilizations of the Milky Way had given these experienced threats a fitting name—natural disasters.

It was also the source of the Natural Disaster Appointment topic in the Galaxy Community. They hoped to nip the catastrophe in the bud.

However, if it could be killed so easily, could it still be called a natural disaster?

The real natural disasters were all super threats that came suddenly, had great destructive power, were difficult to prepare for, and could destroy the galaxy on their own.

For example, now, to everyone’s surprise, the Administrator seemed to have become a natural disaster.

They received two messages from the Administrators. One of them looked like a broken Administrator, while the other was a normal Administrator.

In order to sort out their thoughts and find a solution, the civilizations of the Milky Way had to start thinking about the context behind this matter.

“From the current situation, it seems that there were originally two Administrators in the ATilky Way. Or rather, there is an Administrator that we are familiar with and another lost artificial intelligence that has the same origin as the Administrator.”

The scientists of the Pyro Alliance were the first to react. They gathered a think tank team with extremely efficient execution and began to speculate on the situation of the natural disaster this time based on the clues in their hands.

Although the two signals with completely different contents were detected by them almost at the same time, there was still a slight difference in time, and they could determine the order of first come, first served.

The long and dangerous Purify signal appeared first, followed by a string of signals that had the same content as the Administrator’s normal reaction.

“From the looks of it, it looked more like the Administrator had reacted to the previous series of signals…I’ve never seen the Administrator react so violently. There must be something we don’t know about!”

Following this person’s words, the other people present quickly thought of a conjecture that had been popular in the Milky Way for a long time:

“That would be… The Administrator?”

Everyone fell silent.

In the past, when the Watcher and Voyager fought, the Milky Way civilization had considered whether other lost empires also had such an ancient enemy.

At that time, it was widely rumored that the Administrator, as the artificial intelligence that guarded the galaxy, might have had a Destroyer artificial intelligence that was on the opposite side of him.

However, since there was nothing in the Milky Way that could threaten the existence of the Administrator, this theory eventually became just a guess.

But from the looks of it, the Administrator really did have such an ancient enemy.

“Not only that, but from the type of signal that was completely consistent, the Administrator and the unknown enemy…It’s very likely that they used to be of the same origin, or even a whole…”

“Although I don’t know what happened that caused all of this, the deduction of the two Administrators seems to be feasible. It’s just that one of them is the Administrator that we’re familiar with, and the other is a broken Administrator…”

After a round of discussion, the Pyro Alliance, which was already grateful to the Administrator, passed their decision.

They would firmly believe in the former guardian of the galaxy, even if he had previously spread the ghost signal in the galaxy.

The two types of ghost signals that had been spreading wildly in the galaxy a few months ago were now known. The most destructive one was from the currently unknown broken guardian.”

As for the ghost signal that was merely an infection without doing anything, it was also interpreted by the Pyro Alliance as something similar to a vaccine under the enhancement of the filter.

Then there are still some things that need to be discussed. For example, how should we address the crisis caused by the suspected broken Administrator? Is this an Administrator crisis? A lost artificial intelligence crisis?”

“I remember the signal saying that the backup protocol was activated… active purification agreement? Why don’t we call him Purifier?”

Everyone had their own opinions on the matter of naming. However, the Pyro Alliance leader, who had been listening attentively all this while, finally made the final decision.

“Do you still remember what the announcement of purification said? Unexpected enemy detected.”

“At first, 1 thought this unexpected enemy referred to an unknown enemy in the galaxy, or the Administrator himself… However, after thinking about the meaning of those signals, this unexpected enemy seems to be referring to us…”

The leader of the Pyro Alliance paused for a moment before continuing with a sharp gaze, “We seem to have been regarded by this broken Administrator as the source of the galaxy’s damage, as the vermin of the galaxy. It is here to purify us vermin.”

“But why did it make such a definition? We have also gone through countless hardships to finally stand on this Milky Way stage.”

He thinks that we are unexpected foes, but to us, he is the real unexpected foe!”

The leader’s decisive words were agreed upon, and at the same time, it also stirred up their blood.

They were unexpected enemies? No, the other party was!

Therefore, while most of the Milky Way civilizations were still debating, the Pyro Alliance took the lead and put forward their proposal in the Galaxy Community.

It wasn’t a Natural Disaster Appointment that designated a civilization as a threat to the galaxy, but a galactic focus that all intelligent life in the galaxy should pay attention to.

“Galaxy Focus: Unexpected Enemy; Target: Defeat the active purification agreement..”

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