Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2648 - Coffin in Crisis

Chapter 2648 - Coffin in Crisis

"Don't!" The female child pulled on her counterpart and winked. "Our advantage lies in this charge. If we tangle with the nine-headed dragon here, we'll be dragged into a quagmire. We only have to endure it a little longer. If you choose to engage here and hurt Tian Jiu, you'll have made a huge mistake."

"Fine!" The male infant grit his teeth. Even though he was a rex mundi, he had no choice but to ignore the provocative attacks from the rear and focus on the descent.

Right then, the female infant's eyes brightened. "Did you see that?"


"That coffin cosmic artifact. There’s carvings of three-headed, six-armed creatures on it. It should be the core of the astralguard formation with these monsters!"

"Is that so? According to Shenxi Xingtian's deal with me, that cosmic artifact will belong to me, while he gets the sun. Would he really be willing to give me the formation core of this sub-infinitum-class world?"

"I wouldn't give it away either. Perhaps he made the agreement without knowing that detail."

"Hehe... wouldn't that mean that after all that effort of winning this for him, all I'll get is Tian Jiu?" The Flameyellow Coffin was among the spoils they had been promised before the fight began! Meng Ying never expected it to have such a crucial function.

"How about this.... We'll take it for ourselves before anything else. The Star Hunters mentioned that the controller of the coffin is an astral god with really low cultivation. We can easily exterminate him. Taking him out will shut down the astralguard formation, cementing our victory." The recent discovery had changed their plans.

"You're right. That’s more direct! The astralguard formation is their biggest bulwark. Since the core’s right before us, there's no need to do anything unnecessary." The male infant smirked as his pale white eyes burned with fervor. After learning that the coffin was more important than he had thought, he wanted to get his hands on it even sooner. If Shenxi Xingtian ended up taking it first, he would realize its true function and probably pocket it for himself. There was no way someone would offer up the key to a nova source world just like that. Without the coffin, the sun was useless.

The two infants exchanged glances and came to the same decision. They instantly changed their target. Wudi was still trying to ram their ship from within the coffin, but it merely passed through the ship, leaving a crimson-gold trail in the formation.

"A brat that just became an astral god is trying to fight us with an infinitum-class cosmic artifact or higher? It almost feels like we're going to take candy from a kid," said the female infant with a chuckle. They had ignored Wudi before, because they couldn't be bothered to deal with him. But now they were serious.

Divine astralships had miniaturized nova source cores and the ability to defend themselves, but cosmic artifacts were mostly made for combat and the cosmic impulses within them were mainly used for offensive purposes. As such, cosmic artifacts mostly didn't have defensive capabilities. Thus, Wudi seemed like a cute little piece of meat, waiting to be taken down and eaten in a single strike.

The two infants heartily laughed at the sight of the Flameyellow Coffin coming their way. The Dreamchild suddenly changed forms once more, shedding its spear form and stopping its descent. The liquid-like ship turned into a pale white ghost of gigantic proportions, sporting a bloody mouth that was half the size of its body!

Though the Flameyellow Coffin had wanted to ram into it, it didn't even have a chance before it ended up swallowed by the mouth of the ship. The ghost-form Dreamchild closed its mouth; on its surface, the ephemeral world wonder continued to let out an expanding field of mist. It didn't take long before a large illusory formation was deployed within the divine astralship formation, within which countless eightpart apparitions also appeared. The infinitum-class ship and divine wonders formed a truly terrifying combination. The spear from before was the Dreamchild's assault form, while its ghost form and the divine wonders combined were its fortress form. It was trying to defend itself while it tried to digest Wudi within!

"Godfather!" Tianming hadn't expected that change at all. While it was good that the Dreamchild had stopped, Wudi was in danger!

"Don't panic, my son! It thinks I'm a piece of meat ready to be eaten, but it won't be able to swallow me! Don't worry, I have an indestructible shell. No matter how capable they are, they won't be able to break open my shell!" Wudi was as wild and unrestrained as usual.

Fortunately, Tianming knew some of what the Flameyellow Coffin was capable of. "The coffin's lid needs to be incredibly tight to protect the Flameyellow Bloodsoul. I wonder if Godfather can take it..."

No matter what Wudi said, Tianming did still feel nervous about him taking all that risk. If the coffin's lid was really opened, he would be crushed to death! The fact that the seven hundred thousand nearby flameyellow fiends were still attacking meant that Wudi was still on the offense. Another hundred thousand of them had been moved over to join them, though that also meant that the remnant troops of the Exterminatus Army would have an edge.

"But if Godfather’s gone, the flameyellow fiends would vanish with him!" The situation seemed to be getting even more volatile. Fortunately, the fact that the Dreamchild had stopped moving meant that the flameyellow fiends' attacks were starting to be more effective on some level. All eight hundred thousand of them barged into the silent ephemeral world formation and tore away at the eightpart apparitions before slamming into the Dreamchild.

"Keep going!" With the Dreamchild focused on the Flameyellow Coffin, the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb could go wild. Tianming used everything he had to launch another barrage, and this time he had an opportunity to target the ephemeral world wonder.

"Godfather, keep reporting as long as you're there!" Tianming roared. His organs pulsed as hard as his heart did and the soul within his brain shook. Worry seemed to engulf the entirety of his being.

"Stop nagging! I'm alive and well! Calm down and do as I say!" Wudi still sounded incredibly calm, even at a time like this. What was it like where he was? In actuality, Tianming did overestimate how calm Wudi was being. Suddenly being eaten while he was inside a coffin as the Flameyellow Bloodsoul contained within rolled around wasn't pleasant in the least. Though he could see the outside of the coffin from within, all he could see was the innards of the Dreamchild. Eventually, the coffin had rolled around until it slammed down at the very bottom. Wudi looked above and saw two tender infants hovering in the air.

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