Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2582 - Fiendish Interception

Chapter 2582 - Fiendish Interception

Tianming was free to destroy as many divine astralships as he wished. If the enemy recognized him, they would find it even harder to leave! With how long the Star Hunters had been working with Shenxi Xingtian, they definitely knew how important the 'Lin Feng' name was. If they managed to take him down, they would have a huge bargaining chip to use with the ebons. In other words, Tianming's mission was to serve as bait so that the Star Hunters would find it hard to leave.

The troops were split into three paths. The first clash occurred where Wudi was, with the second path seeming likely to clash next. As for Tianming, he had been waiting for quite some time.

"They're here!" Yin Chen had been reporting the enemy troop movements to Tianming since they began their attack. It had just signaled that a flotilla of ships led by the Traceless had entered the Flameyellow Guard Formation. Wudi was waiting for them near the middle point of the formation. The Sun's flaming clouds were completely pink, though they seemed to rage and burn all the same. The flames had a similar effect to Moran's firmament ocean wonder, but Wudi had intentionally decreased their power.

"The enemy chose to invade the formation from different directions, spreading their force thin to ensure they’d be able to break through as soon as possible. However, all seven of their ether-class ships are together." They used both tactics of spreading out the attack and concentrating the bulk of their forces on a single point. It was truly a terrifying tactic indeed, but it would pose no trouble for Tianming and Wudi.


The seven divine astralships that looked like sharp, spinning gears took the vanguard position with countless other sanctuary-class ships or lower following behind. They tore apart a small opening in the Flameyellow Guard Formation and plunged into the sea of fire.

"This astralguard formation is fire based. While it deals a lot of damage, it probably isn't that good at defense!" the colorful-eyed, white-haired man in the Traceless concluded.

"Don't jump to a conclusion so quickly. We must be vigilant! Keep the reports constant and frequent!" the invisible figure said.

"Understood! The Star Hunters' ships maintained frequent communication, reporting everything at a moment's notice.

"What in the world are those things?"

"There's quite a lot of them, probably ten thousand or more!"

The three bosses' orders immediately soothed them through all the chaos.

"Don't panic. This is on par with a normal sanctuary-class astralguard formation. The enemy probably concentrated all their power where we are. As long as we can take it, it'll allow the others a much easier time to invade. They'll be crushed once they get through!"

Hearing those words, the Star Hunters turned calm once more. "Charge!"

Battles began all over the sea of flames between divine astralships and flameyellow fiends.

"It actually has so much power.... It's no wonder Lin Xiaodao chose to use this world to absorb the nova source worlds in the Myriadstar Zone instead of Gladeus!"

"The stronger it is, the better. It's theirs for now, but it'll be ours in the future."

The might of the tens of thousands of flameyellow fiends made quite an impression on the Star Hunters, not to mention, they couldn't actually be taken out for good!

"Those numbers alone won't be enough to stop us! Troops, head our orders! Divide and breach their perimeter!" The three leaders of the Star Hunters still seemed rather calm. They watched the fight with the flameyellow fiends play out, their desire to possess them budding and blooming. Clearly, they didn't think the flameyellow fiends could breach their ether-class ships at all. When they saw the fiends attacking the deific- and sanctuary-class ships, the bosses took the initiative to bombard the fiends with their ether-class ships.

"All of you, scatter and get out of the way!" the leaders ordered before they launched their barrage. One of their main objectives was to take this sanctuary-class world without suffering many losses.

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