Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2580 - Close the Doors

Chapter 2580 - Close the Doors

According to the original plan, the Gladean Ruins would have to return twenty days after the Sun moved out.

"Although the intelligence from Ebonia is relatively consistent, there's still a certain risk without Yin Chen's presence. If the Ebonfiend activates as soon as they learn that I've taken control of the ownerless nova sources in the Myriadstar Zone and manage to avoid the monitoring network, Gladeus might be in trouble within a few days." The worst-case scenario was something that made them worried. Gladeus remained their most crucial base.

"We can't joke about the safety of Gladeus just to deal with the Star Hunters." Tianming and Lin Xiaodao couldn't afford to take chances, even though they believed in the Infinitum Swordsea's intelligence.

"However, the current problem is that the Star Hunters have too much time on their hands. They probably won't act until the Gladean Ruins returns to Gladeus." The enemy's fleet was now within Yin Chen's perception range, hanging far behind the Sun.

Yin Chen had reported that they’d basically reached a consensus and wouldn't take any risks as long as the Gladean Ruins posed a threat. They had only ever feared the lion that was the Gladean Ruins, not the sanctuary-class sun. Compared to the past Myriadstar Zone, the current sanctuary-class sun was like an orchard with an added fence that could be plundered at any time!

Because of those issues, it would be impossible for Lin Xiaodao to stay a bit longer and let Wudi's flameyellow bloodline rise a bit more. For safety's sake, the Gladean Ruins finally turned around. Seeing the scene, the Star Hunters were probably salivating.

Before they left, Lin Xiaodao and Wudi made new adjustments to the plan. First, favorable terrain had appeared ahead of them. An extensive area of stone debris and chaotic streams had appeared in the direction the Sun was advancing. Of course, they had specifically come over to that region.

The area was full of shattered star debris, with no nova sources and very dim light. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face, and basically no one came here. Even the Star Hunters would avoid such places to prevent collisions. From a logical standpoint, it was actually quite suitable for the current sun. Thus, when the Sun couldn't wait any longer and hurried into this area, slowing its pace to find a favorable hiding spot, all their actions were... reasonable from the Star Hunters' perspective.

However, in truth, Tianming's purpose for entering the area of shattered stone debris was to slow down.

"It seems like the Gladean Ruins has to return to Gladeus for the enemy to choose to act. Therefore, the slower I advance, the less time it'll take for the Gladean Ruins to reach this area again."

Everything needed to make sense, otherwise, the enemy wouldn't take the bait!

"In these twenty days, we've been advancing at the maximum speed of a sanctuary-class sun. That’s already quite fast, but it's still incomparable to an infinitum-class ship. When we enter the area of shattered star debris, we'll slow down. Once a battle breaks out, given the Gladean Ruins' incredible speed, it should still take two 'days' for them to arrive!" Those two days would be crucial.

Tianming sneered, "Once the ships below the ether class enter the Sun and there’s flameyellow fiends present, they’ll find it easy to get in but difficult to get out! Even in the last half day, as the enemy sees that they’re about to break through us, it’ll be very difficult for them to give up at the moment before victory despite the uncertainty, given their greedy nature. Moreover, when the ether-class ships find that the others can't retreat, do you think that, with the personalities of the three leaders, they’ll easily give up on these nearly ten thousand ships?"

They both laughed.

"If they give up, they'll become nothing but generals without followers! Without the support of the rabble, just a few ether-class ships would be eighty percent weaker!"

"Good disciple, you need to know that, in the Star Hunters' daily activities, it's their skypiercer-class foot soldiers that go around burning and plundering!" Lin Xiaodao grinned. What they were creating for the opponent was a quagmire they would fall into and couldn't escape from. Even if they wanted to escape in the end, it was simple: cut off their own hands and feet! They could only leave if they had the courage to do that!

And even if they did cut off their hands and feet, the ninety thousand flameyellow fiends might not necessarily let those seven ether-class ships escape! The only difference was that holding on for two days was much more difficult than in the original plan. The other variables that might arise in the meantime couldn't be predicted for now.

Ebonia and the ebons mustn't be underestimated, either.

They discussed various details, then it took two days for the Gladean Ruins to fly back to Gladeus. Gladeus was beyond Yin Chen's perception range, so many of its bodies directly entered a dormant state in space. Therefore, when the enemy attacked, Tianming would notify Lin Xiaodao through multiple transmission stones as a relay. During their journey, they had left behind bases.

Tianming moved a few Yin Chens across the Sun's surface to track those Star Hunters that were about to be put into the Flameyellow Guard Formation. For those two days, the nearly ten thousand ships that entered would become prey for the Reaper and the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb.

The pursuit and killing of the enemy inside was completely logical. As long as they culled the enemy's numbers without exceeding the leadership's limits, there wouldn't be a big problem. Once the second day came and the enemy developed a mentality to retreat, that would be the time to launch an all-out assault; at that moment, Yin Chen's accurate positioning of the enemy Star Hunters would be crucial.

"Everything’s ready. Next, we just have to wait for the hunters to take the bait." Who was truly the hunter in space? The highest-level hunters often disguised themselves as prey.

The Gladean Ruins returned to Gladeus while the solitary sanctuary-class sun boldly entered the expanse of shattered stone debris. Behind it, a pack of wolves called for blood.


Turbulent currents and shattered stones filled the expanse of the starry sky before them. Therefore, the Star Hunters had to proceed with caution, as stealthily as wolves.

Their greedy eyes intently focused on the dark star deep ahead that was almost enveloped in mist. Even if the cloaking was only half active, it was still quite difficult for the enemy to track them, which was reasonable to them.

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