Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2543 - The Sword Art of the Gladean Ruins

Chapter 2543 - The Sword Art of the Gladean Ruins

To be honest, he had been quite mad in the last few moments, feeling like Tianming shouldn't have offended him like this. However, the foreign taste of defeat introduced some self-doubt. It was fine as Tianming couldn’t see that anyways.

After killing Fengqing Yin, Tianming didn’t hesitate to move on to Xu.

But it was unnecessary. Although Xu was individually stronger than Fengqing Yinguang, he had an even more frightening opponent. At the same time as Tianming defeated his opponent, the shadefiend had dissipated with great unwillingness.

Thus, the Skydome Mundus' best and brightest three-man youth team fell in battle.

Tianming’s Skyhold Bridge reached quadruple its initial size and continued on its journey.

“Done!” Tianming grinned. To him, it didn’t matter how high Fengqing Yin’s status was, he was naught but another stepping stone toward the greatest wonder in the universe. His opponent wasn’t anything special since they wouldn’t meet again.

“Let’s go! We’re having a barbecue to celebrate!” Tianming said.

“What are we eating?” Xian Xian perked up.

“Chicken wings! Chicken gizzard! Chicken heart! Chicken neck! Chicken ribs! Sounds good?"

Ying Huo twitched and quickly shifted back into a little yellow chick. "Don't look at me, I'm barely a mouthful!"

Ying Huo's panic was justified by Xian Xian’s love of barbecue.

“Did you see that clearly?” the baby boy asked.

“Yes. Those three are shocking indeed. I feel we’re losing out based on the current agreement. Tian Jiu is important, but these three are also chances for us! If Shenxi Xingtian gets them, that’s too much of a profit for him. That’s someone who has no chance without us!” the baby girl said.

“We can’t let him profit that much indeed.” The baby boy frowned.

“Then, how about this. We take that Jiang Feiling too. I think her abilities were much more miraculous than Tianming's. Lin Xiaoxiao isn’t that useful.”

“Alright. We don’t have an agreement about those two anyway. His target should still be Li Tianming so he won’t give up even if we alter the conditions. After all, no one benefits in that scenario,” the baby boy said.

“Then let’s hurry, I can’t wait any longer.” The baby girl’s tender face revealed a ferocious grin.

“Only Tian Jiu can help us break past the limit of life and death. This is a gamble we have to take.” The baby boy stepped onto the cylinder and had a sinister look as he overlooked the countless cylinders around.


Everyone was happy and comfy at Skyhold Palace after a hearty barbecue. It wasn’t just any random barbecue, but one with valuable ingredients provided by Lin Xiaodao from the underground world. Every underground wildbeast was a premium delicacy of its own.

Lin Xiaodao was also around. He was in a good mood after having killed one of the Gladeus ebons’ top three and had taken out his Dragon Piss again. He slapped Tianming on the shoulder. “My filial disciple, Gongyang Yan looked down on me that time and I for one, am not happy! She can teach you some little tricks, but can I, your Master, not? Since I’m free now, I’m going to pass down my strongest and bestest skill to you!”

“Where are we going?” Tianming asked. Now that he had grasped the second stances for the two reges mundi’s sword arts, he could start learning other styles.

“The Gladean Ruins of course! That’s where my killer move comes from!”

Tianming was elated to hear this. “So it's a sword art of the flameyellow divinities?”

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