Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2539 - Strongest Sword

Chapter 2539 - Strongest Sword

What made Fu Yan feel even more horrible was the terrifying level of control Feiling had over Perpetia. The moment her tertiary simulacrum shattered, the spacetime flow of Lightless Universe was drawn to Fu Yan through her totems! She had just moved away from Fengqing Yin, only to fall into the fatal torrent of Lightless Universe. She could barely move, as if she had fallen into a quagmire.

"Danger!" Xu called out from above Fu Yan. He had launched his attack and had no choice but to double back and ended up in front of Fu Yan. Xu was incredibly fast and deflected a blood-lightning arrow away from Fu Yan; only then did she know that she had been in fatal danger! Xiaoxiao's ether-class cosmic artifact had almost taken her out. Her disbelief grew even more to the point that she was losing it.

She took a deep breath, face completely pale as she hurriedly recouped the energy of her rearearth mother goddesses. She was still distraught from the sudden, unexpected setback and at a complete loss as to what to do next. Fengqing Yinye, Fengqing Yinguang, and Xu all joined in the fight, with the two divine wonderians working together to fight Tianming.

"Fu Yan, we'll leave the archer to you! She's weaker! Since she excels at controlling the crowd, use your totems to work with our divine wonders to isolate them! We'll take them out one by one!" Fengqing Yinye said solemnly.

"Remember. We can't afford to lose this fight. Otherwise, the sacred shamans and divine wonderians will both lose face!" Fengqing Yinguang said, his tone even colder.

Fu Yan knew better than anyone how important reputation was to their respective peoples. "Alright, I can't panic! My opponent is Lin Xiaoxiao..."

"What?" Xu felt his speed relative to his enemy's fall and furrowed his brow. Shadefiends mainly relied on their speed, yet his was being affected and he kept running into walls! "That woman!"

Amidst the illusory shadows, he looked up and saw the primalwinger girl beside Xiaoxiao who had slain Fu Yan in almost an instant. It was a two-on-one! He took a deep breath, his dark green eyes radiating with killing intent as his body crackled audibly. Then, he charged toward them. "I have decent opponents today. Let's see how many levels of my forbidden power I'll have to use against you!"

Xu had his own secrets that he wouldn't reveal unless he absolutely had to. But since this fight was of paramount importance to his two benefactors, he resolved himself to use all he had to win! "It shouldn't be a problem for me to defeat these two, but can they take on Li Tianming?"

Xu looked back during his charge at the other battlefield and saw it completely covered by Fengqing Yin's light and dark energies. Thanks to being the children of the rex mundi, they were able to forge low-ether-class divine wonders despite being only orderans. Even though they were not yet complete, the destructive power of such divine wonders were amazing to behold. Like Xiaoxiao, they also had low-ether-class cosmic artifacts which were fatal to other orderans.

"I should have faith in them." He grit his teeth and focused on only one thing: killing! Yet, his killing intent was not completely pure. When he looked back just now, he could see that Tianming didn't just have lifebound beasts, a divine wonder, and his terrifyingly powerful arm. He also had ten sword totems, which he seemed to have absorbed into his weapon. The sword caused a primal fear to surface from the depths of his mind. Even though he thought of himself as the most powerful single-target combatant, his astral organs shook at the thought of standing before Tianming's sword.


Facing an opponent with low-ether-class divine wonders and cosmic artifacts was harrowing to say the least. Tianming didn't dare to be careless at all. The moment their skylight titans and primalnight eclipsefiend wonders sealed off all escape routes for him and his beasts, he used the strongest sword in his arsenal: the primary simulacrum of his decapath era godswords!

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