Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2510 - Tertiary Simulacrum

Chapter 2510 - Tertiary Simulacrum

Fu Yan's order was called the grand earth order, and from the name, it was clear that it was a vast and general order that encompassed many aspects. While it took time to start up, its true power was shocking to behold. She was a seventh-astral orderan too, which allowed her to apply huge pressure on every single astron of Tianming, limiting his movement greatly. Though, in the same vein, the orders of Tianming and his beasts also applied the same kind of pressure on the enemy.

"Buzz off!" While Tianming was fast, Fu Yan was even fiercer. The powerful staff in her hand surged with power as she executed a top-class orderan art, Song of Shattering Earth. A dust storm manifested spontaneously, forcing Tianming and his Grandvoid Universum to be pushed back. The countless grains of sand slammed into Tianming's body torrent after torrent, much to Fu Yan's supporters' glee. The pressure she felt before seemed like it was all a lie. Having escaped the predicament, she furrowed her brows and stopped hesitating. "Secondary simulacrum, Mountain Deities!"

The rearearth mother goddesses that had suffered some damage suddenly descended into the ground, seemingly detaching themselves from Fu Yan's bane-rings and vanishing altogether! Tianming felt that the ground beneath him had transformed completely. It was now the body of the goddesses themselves! He quickly flew into the air. This arena was the ideal one for Fu Yan. The higher Tianming flew, the more terrifying the sandstorm became. There was a limit to how high he could fly, so Tianming found that he was sealed off when he reached the clouds. The sandstorm was controlled by the rearearth mother goddesses as they approached his totems.

"Dang!" Tianming looked down and saw that the ground beneath him had turned into a sea of mud. It looked like a living being that leapt into the air and tried to swallow him! From time to time, the forms of those goddesses of mud appeared within the sea of mud.

"Is the secondary simulacrum usually that powerful?" Tianming had truly been taken aback. Simulacrum was something that fundamentally altered the basic state of totems and elevated them. It was almost like evolution for lifebound beasts, but one that could be deployed on demand mid combat!

There was limited space in the sky above Sandblast City, leaving Tianming no room to escape. The rearearth mother goddesses' might was ground in the absolute suppression of power they had. Had Lan Huang and the others been with him, things would have been much easier. As he was, there was nothing he could do but brute force it! He linked the Prime Cosmic Rings together in a tornado-shaped chain to protect him and his totems from the sandstorm. Then, he went zipping downwards rapidly.

"You two, make an opening!" Ying Huo and Meow Meow were at the very front of the Prime Cosmic Rings. They used their abilities to blast a large hole through the sea of mud right before the Prime Cosmic Rings plunged into it! The tornado form they took helped them suck up much of the sand in an impressive display.

Almost immediately, the goddesses surfaced from the sea of mud and crushed the Prime Cosmic Rings, but Tianming and his totems were ready to strike! He used Grandvoid Compendium, Flowerfall Flow, while activating Myriadsword Providence to turn his ten totems into a million small swords to execute that battle art at the same time! A domain altering the flow of time seemed to manifest, slowing the flow and fall of water to a halt and even reversing it to some extent. The strike had been executed four times back-to-back, their effects stacking on top of one another and bending the local universal laws to their limit. From the outside, that sword strike seemed soft and dainty, but its true might instantly eviscerated the rearearth mother goddesses in an instant.

Countless holes were punched through the sea of mud, allowing Tianming to pinpoint Fu Yan's location. She was right behind him, her staff raised and ready to slam toward his head! Rapidly like lightning and fleeting like a mirage, Tianming instantly turned around to strike, parrying her attack and sending his two cosmic impulses to ravage her body from the inside. Flashes of light erupted along with a shower of blood. While serious physical wounds didn't mean that an astral god could no longer fight, that didn't mean the injuries wouldn't be debilitating.

The sight was completely unbelievable to the billions of people that were watching. Lots of them immediately began to look Tianming up after he rocked the foundations of the Skydome Mundus once more. During that crucial window of time, he pressed his advantage without giving her a chance to recover!

"You!" Fu Yan was utterly horrified. The Vapor Lightning and Flint Infernal Impulses' rampage was utterly unpleasant. Her star reputation would be greatly affected if she lost this fight, so she decided to go all out!

"Tertiary simulacrum, Dynastic Soil!" The moment she used this, Tianming felt a disaster coming.

"Wait, surely it can't be this horrifying…." He felt as if the world around him was changing, while he was locked within a prison of earth, and this was only the start. Things would be getting much worse as it progressed. "Looks like top geniuses are not to be underestimated, no matter what mundus they're from."

Having seen all three levels of simulacra, Tianming started looking forward to his own even more. He didn't have a good counter for the third simulacrum, but he still wanted to win! "Fortunately, this is the wondersky realm, so I can use that move of mine like a normal skill!"

He called his totems back, reforming them into ten swords. Then, he used his second totemic calamity, Shattered Era, Cosmic Swordsurge!

"That's cheating!" Ying Huo said.

"Nonsense!" Tianming chuckled.

Fu Yan glared angrily at him as she mustered the power from her tertiary-simulacrum totems. The whole place morphed continuously, much to the glee of her supporters. She always managed to turn things in her favor with this move. However, her supporters were so glued to her that they didn't pay attention to the light of destruction that began to drown out the sea.

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