Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2432: Another Catastrophe Falls

Chapter 2432: Another Catastrophe Falls

At Chi Hun’s command, the ebons’ ether-class astralships fell into formation with the Nethersoul as the center, aimed at the Dongshen Scorching Sun Guard Formation below. A total of thirteen ether-class astralships began building up nova source and focused on one point. Their grandeur and power made those watching despair. They couldn’t believe that the ebons would deploy enough astralships and astral gods to rival the Lin Clan’s full military power.

Without a doubt, the ebons were showing their fists. Each of these ether-class astralship would be the most precious asset of any clan. There were only two such astralships in the entire Grandnorth Dongshen Clan.

At that moment, the Dongshen Clan could only stare at the astralships capable of destroying worlds with trembling gazes. They were far more intimidating and lethal than every one of the thousand astralships from before, combined. Even before they launched their attack, the ground began to shake and rumble.

"The Fiend Qiangnan Clan from the Qiangnan Gloria Province, the Eastpole Skyshaker Family from the Eastpole Divine Province, and the new Central Shuntian Clan! Any one of them could easily destroy the Dongshen Clan. The ebons and them… what on earth did we do to offend them...?"

"They clearly could’ve taken the ancient relic and left, but they insist on just standing there, luring us out to our deaths. It’s obvious they’ve been planning on destroying us all along!"

"How depressing! Is there no one in the entire Infinitum Bodhimanda, besides Second Patriarch Lin, who’ll stand up for us?"

"We’re also a part of the Infinitum Bodhimanda. What gives the ebons the right to treat our lives like dirt?!"

"Who would dare stop an alliance made up of four great Infinitum Regal Clans? They can destroy whoever they want, of course. If the first rex mundi doesn't stop them, is there any meaning in the existence of the Infinitum Bodhimanda or the reges mundi ranking?!"

In the face of thirteen astralships that symbolized power and judgment, members of the Dongshen Clan were filled with resentment, grievance, and unwillingness.

"Men of the Grandnorth Dongshen Clan!" Dongshen Yang was engulfed by the light of Mount Taia’s Quintessence. He stood atop the altar as the sun in the hearts of all three hundred million members of the Dongshen Clan.

"The ebons invaded our homeland, killed three thousand of their own people to frame us, used their power to break the rules of the Infinitum Bodhimanda, and labeled us criminals! The viciousness in their hearts and their treacherous schemes are abhorrent! They stand on their moral high ground and continue slandering us. They even formed the Rex Mundi Alliance determined to kill every last one of us—including the old, the weak... the women and children. They’re wicked and inhumane, no better than beasts! They’ve completely exposed their true colors! There may be no one in this entire world who can help us uphold justice and restore our innocence.… However, we, the people of the Dongshen Clan who have been on Mount Taia for generations, are not cowards! We aren’t afraid of death, much less powerful enemies. They won’t give us a way out, so it doesn’t matter what we do, we’re going to die anyway. So let’s show these bastards what damage we can do if we give it our all! From this moment on, the enmity between the Dongshen Clan and the ebons is absolutely irreconcilable!"

Mount Taia was like a majestic roof that towered over Ebonia. It was a profound and righteous symbol, a bright and noble pillar that reached into the sky.

A group of passionate, unyielding people had been forged on this sacred mountain. Dongshen Yue had always been hot-tempered, and these three hundred million people seemed to have been cast from the same mold. The spirit bestowed upon them by the mountain had been carved into their blood. Dongshen Yang ignited the rage in their hearts and they roared as loud as they could. Despite how powerful their enemies were, none fled from battle.

“Guard Mount Taia, protect our companions! We are the children of Mount Taia and no one can defeat us on our land!"

All three hundred million people lined up shoulder to shoulder, attaching formation spirit threads to their waists. Man and lifebound beast alike joined, forming a single blazing unit. They all looked up at the sky with fiery eyes, eyeing the cold astralships.

Faith could create miracles. When the entire Dongshen Clan placed all their faith on their sacred mountain, the power formed by the belief of three hundred million gods was stronger than the entire sun’s belief in Tianming. The Mount Taia Quintessence in Dongshen Yang’s hand caused tremors throughout the mountain as Mount Taia absorbed boundless nova source and poured it into the guard formation. At that moment, the formation transformed into a blazing sun in the night sky once more, like the red-hot flames in Dongshen Yue’s heart. They shouted, forming a rhythm with their breaths that the light from the formation seemed to follow. The dazzling formation became the beating heart of Mount Taia.


All thirteen ether-class astralships launched their attacks at the same time, releasing colorful beams of light that were all concentrated on one point. The bright light made the Dongshen Clan turn pale as a thunderous boom resounded through the heavens and the earth, causing a momentary hearing loss. If they had been alone, they might have fallen to the ground, blinded, shaken, and scared out of their wits. Perhaps not even the Infinitum Swordsea’s astralguard formation could withstand the combined power of those thirteen astralships.

However, three hundred million people had clasped one another’s hands. Shoulder to shoulder, they combined to form an extremely stable structure, supporting one another both physically and mentally. Not only did they withstand the attack, they also felt the fighting spirit from their companions’ palms. They seemed to have merged with their sacred mountain.

They put all of their faith into Mount Taia, and the mountain gave its power back to them.

Tianming witnessed the shocking scene through Yin Chen’s eyes. As he stood in the council hall, he suddenly gained a profound understanding of true belief and the path of an emperor and his people.

"It turns out there’s another way to my path...."

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