"We should think about the hideout tomorrow, let's see what Leia and Sofia are doing"

"Okay tomorrow is planned" Ivan shouted excitingly.

Ray and Ivan walked towards where Leia and Sofia were training but they were surprised to see Sofia standing there with a frown on her face and Leia in a heated rivalry with another girl.

"Leia when will the training start, evening is fast approaching" Sofia said angrily.

"I'm sorry, give me a minute" Leia said.

Both girl were competing furiously, the other girl was winning but Leia wasn't backing down she wanted to get as many bullseye as the girl.

"Leia I thought you wanted to train Sofia what are you doing?" Ray asked.

"Haaa, why can't I beat this girl" Leia shouted in frustration.

"I'm that good, you can't beat me, even if you train for years" the girl said boldly.

Ivan wasn't paying attention, he was busy ogling at two female knight that was sparing with each other.

"What's your name?" Leia asked the girl.

"I'm Annie, what's yours?"

"I'm Leia"

"I'm Sofia" Sofia said as the girl looked at her.

"Those girl are hot" Ivan said as he walked towards Ray, he was still looking at the girls.

"Hey dude, watch where you are going to" Ray said as Ivan got close to him.

Ivan finally faced his front on laid his eyes on the girl in front of them.

"You pervert..." Annie shouted as soon as she saw Ivan's face.

Ivan quickly hid behind Ray, "I told you it was a mistake, I didn't mean to do it"

"Lies, you were falling down and the only place you can think of holding is the front of my clothes, along with my undergarment huh" Annie shouted and the rest of the group now understood what was happening.

When her clothes were torn, only the students in front saw her naked breast, Ivy the female knight who was in charge of the archery class quickly rushed over to cover the girl and take her away, so the rest of the class just heard what happened.

"I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry" Ivan said.

"I don't think you are sorry, I just heard you talking about the girl training and how hot they were, maybe you did it on purpose" Annie said.

"I'm telling you, I swear it was a mistake, I didn't even see it"

"See what?" Annie asked.

"Your breast, I swear I didn't see it"

"What... liar, you fell on the ground and was looking at my breast, you pervert" Annie ran towards Ivan and he ran away.

"So she's the girl that her clothes were torn, poor Ivan, I wonder what she would do to him if she catches him" Sofia said.

"She's pretty fast, or is it my eye" Ray said.

The girl finally caught Ivan and used his hand to blow him all over his body.please visit

"Hey Leia, we should train a little before the sun goes down, I pretty hungry" Sofia said making a sad face.

"I'm sorry, let's start training, come over" Leia said.

Ray wasn't really interested in learning archery so he slid over to the other side and took the bow that Annie dropped and used it to test him self.

"So before we start, they are some things you need to know first" Leia said.

"One is proper stance" Leia held the bow and demonstrated for Sofia.

"Line up, so your feet are in a line towards the middle of the target. Your feet should be shoulder width apart, and your toes should be pointing at a 90-degree angle from the target. In other words, if you drew an imaginary line from the center of the target, it would hit the side of your foot"

"Two you have to..." Leia was cut off by Sofia.

"I have trained with a bow before, so I know all this" Sofia said.

"Okay, here try shooting the dummy" Leia handed the bow to Sofia and she stepped forward.

Sofia carefully placed the arrow and targeted the dummy, her stance was not perfect but it was okay.

'Wow, she would be good at archery' Leia smiled but the smile didn't last as Leia sighed heavily.

Sofia had fired the first arrow and it didn't even get to the dummy, it just flew a few feet and hit the ground.

"See, I'm not good at it" Sofia said.

"You can't try once and say that, try more" Leia encourage her and she kept trying.

"Aren't you guys done, the sun is almost down, you wouldn't see the dummy in a few minutes" Ray complained as he was tired of waiting and watching Sofia shoot off target.

"We should rest, we will continue tomorrow" Leia said to Sofia was wanted to cry.

"Why do you want to cry"

"I'm really useless, you tell me what to do but I can't seem to do it, I'm sorry for wasting your time" Sofia said sniffing.

"You can't get it once, you learn by practicing, you will continue tomorrow, we should go and eat dinner" Leia said.

Ivan had left them earlier, Annie beat him that he was feeling pain in all part of his body, she said it was revenge for tearing her clothes in public. When both of them were struggling Ivan mistakenly touched her breast again and she was furious and chased Ivan all round the training ground.

The group ate dinner and returned to their room, Ray and Ivan went to the boys room to take their bath, it was only the two of them so there was enough space in between them.

Sofia refused to take her bath no matter how much she sweated and how much Leia disturbed her.

"The bathroom is for girls only, there is nothing to be ashamed of" Leia said to Sofia.

"I'm not ashamed, I can't go there for personal reasons, I would take my bath when everyone is done with theirs"

"Hey Ray, you know we have work to do tomorrow right" Ivan whispered to Ray.

"Work, I don't understand"

"We need to find a hideout tomorrow, have you forgotten"

"Ohh, yea we do" Ray said making Ivan to smile weirdly.

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