"Xiao Yan...Wait a minute, it seems that some restrictions have been set here."

The distance between the fortress and the headquarters is only a hundred miles. For Xiao Yan and the three now, it is only a few minutes, but now half an hour has passed, the bodies of Xiao Yan and the three have been entrenched in the void.

The thoughtful Yun Yun's beautiful eyes stretched out, clearly aware of something.

It seems that this space is isolated by some powerful force, as if someone is restraining and covering up something.

It seems that no matter how fast they speed up, the distance from the headquarters is still as far away as ever!

As if caught in some kind of endless cycle of time!



Hearing Yun Yun's cold voice, an invisible energy ripple spread out from Xiao Yan's body!

In an instant, countless mirrors were suddenly broken in the space, and I saw that the entire originally clear sky was covered with endless thick magic energy!

That picture of a thousand miles of clear sky was actually just a blindfold!

The real path to Soul Eater Domain has already been covered with countless evil and extremely evil breaths at this time!

"The headquarters is in danger!"

The three of them looked at each other and looked at the center covered by black smoke, where there was a faint smear of terrifying light infiltrating, and the terrifying fluctuations contained in it were definitely not something that could be solved by the powerhouse of Soul Eater!

There, is the headquarters of Soul Eater!


In Xiao Yan's eyes, there was a lifeless killing intent, and the brilliant flames all over his body turned into an angry dragon, circling, an indescribable anger and coercion of heaven and earth, like a storm coming, All over the world!

On the other side, Soul Eater Headquarters!

The Soul Eater Headquarters, which was originally a gathering of strong people and full of talents, is now a little bit of talent withered. Even in the entire headquarters, there is no anger. The magnificent palace, completely imprisoned!

Even some creatures walking in the hall are full of an extreme evil aura... These guys are no longer normal humans!

The entire headquarters was imprisoned like a prison!

In the center of the hall, there are several figures standing, one of them is a fierce woman with a spider pattern on the center of her eyebrows, and several powerful men with fierce eyes are standing above the hall. The breath of the remaining people in the hall was suppressed to the extreme!

"Fang Yanghao, why lead them to make these stupid decisions?"

"Follow us, and what awaits you is inexhaustible wealth and power."

The woman sat on the stone seat in the main hall, her beautiful eyes flickering slightly, and a terrifying power that was enough to easily drown everyone turned into waves of energy ripples, entrenched in the main hall.

Looking at the entire hall, except for the stairs above the hall, the lower part was actually eroded by some evil power, and a hundred-zhang abyss was cut out abruptly!

In the abyss, snakes, worms, rats, ants, and various hundred-legged snakes and scorpions flocked in an endless stream, and at the bottom of the abyss, there were several figures with scars all over their bodies.

"Yan Luo, the fifth hall of the Xiao family... Xiao Mu, who belongs to Soul Eater Realm... This time, I have really gained a lot."

"But you don't have to waste your energy in vain. The evil realm in this seat is extremely evil. With your strength alone, you can't completely break through."

Seemingly aware of the resistance of everyone in the abyss, the woman in the stone seat smiled lightly.

"Senior...Is there nothing I can do?"

In the abyss, the black qi was like rolling molten lava, exuding extremely evil power. Under the prestige of this power, even Fang Yanghao's face became ugly.

"Now... I can only pin my hopes on the Dragon Blood Emperor."

The first two Yan Luo Xiao Yuan spoke with regret.

After the demon emperor rescued them, they quietly hid in the ghost realm to cultivate their health. With the attack of the evil clan outside the realm, the Ten Temple Yamas were also scattered in the Soul Eater Realm and the Li Soul Realm, each with a 55% opening.

The second Yan Luo Xiaoyuan, the quasi-five-fold reincarnation level strength, led a total of five Yan Luos, including ten, nine, eight, and seven, to stay in the Soul Eater Domain. In addition, Xiao Mu, the Dragon Blood Emperor, who suddenly emerged from the void channel, Gathering these powers would not be able to show any prestige to the demigod in front of him.

Half-evil god, evil spider.

The five-fold reincarnation level peak strength, and there are two four-level reincarnation level peak red king powerhouses behind him.

The fortress crisis, Fang Yanghao, as the new master of Soul Eater Domain, sits at the headquarters, and wants to send troops to save the fortress several times, but for some reason, he was secretly attacked by the army led by the half-evil god, and they were caught off guard.

Now the entire Soul Eater headquarters has fallen into their hands.

Even Fang Yanghao himself didn't know, why did they know about the second passage leading to the headquarters of Soul Eater?

"Everyone, are you still doing useless work?"

"If you swallow this pill, you won't die."

"Otherwise, these snakes, worms, rats and ants under my command have coveted the power in you for a long time."

"chirp... chirp..."

The evil spider demon sneered, and in the abyss, there was a harsh sound of countless evil creatures biting and rubbing.

The dark shadow of the half-evil **** stepped into the sky, with demonic energy all over his body, and around him, there were several powerful auras, dormant here together.

"There is indeed a last chance, but you have lost the Soul Eater Talisman, and you can no longer ignore her evil power. If you insist... the price is too high, you will die without a place to be buried."

Er Yan Luo, Xiao Yuan, Xiao Mu and the others looked at each other and couldn't help admiring Fang Yanghao's courage.

"Then start with you!"

The evil spider demon looked at the group of stubborn guys in the abyss below, and immediately sneered.

If it wasn't for the Heretic God's order not to indiscriminately kill innocent people, I'm afraid they would have already become the souls of their subordinates.


Snakes, worms, ants and ants emerged from the abyss together, and a pair of cold and greedy eyes locked onto Fang Yanghao's body.

"Boys... your lunch is here."

The sound of the evil spider and demon spider just fell, and countless creatures swarmed, directly filling Fang Yanghao's entire body!

Crawling on a hundred feet, the snake body and scorpion tail touched, Fang Yanghao's body contracted and trembled, forcibly enduring the heart-piercing double torture.

"Woo... Shenmu Tianji!"

In an instant, under Fang Yanghao's inhuman torture, a green light shot up into the sky below the entire abyss!

Then it turned into a celestial tree with a size of 10,000 zhang!

On the divine tree, wisps of ancient and pure green light were spread, slowly moisturizing and sheltering everyone in the abyss!

"Fang Domain Lord!"

After a while, Xiao Yuan and the others looked at the abyss, who was being devoured by countless silkworms, rats and ants, and roared angrily in their hearts!

The divine tree spread, and the monstrous pure aura turned into a green light curtain, easily resisting the gloomy demonic energy in the hall!

"Do you think... a mere top-level immortal technique is enough to protect you?"


The evil spider and demon spider watched this scene, and raised its sharp fingers quietly, and countless demonized snakes, insects, rats and ants swarmed around, and the sharp teeth seemed to be able to tear apart the void in an instant. Bite away!


"You go!"

Looking at this scene~www.mtlnovel.com~ Fang Yanghao's body suddenly became strange, and immediately turned into a black crescent black hole, roaring up!

That's some power left over from the Soul Eater Talisman!

"Bye now."

The bite of the snake, worm, rat and ant completely tormented Fang Yanghao's last nerve. When he clenched his teeth, the black hole was destroyed, turning into a whirlpool of black holes, which was about to explode!

The bites of those snakes, worms, rats and ants invaded the soul and penetrated into the limbs and bones. Even with the latter's firmness of heart, it was unbearable and completely fell.

A touch of scorching energy continued to spread, and the deafening wave of destruction slowly spread out from the hall. It turned out that the entire world was filled with an unprecedented crisis!

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