Battle Through the Heavens’s God: The Flame Emperor

Chapter Vol 4 2486: The highlight is the entrance to the main hall!

"Wong buzzing!"

The next moment, for some unknown reason, in the center of the entire palace complex, there was a crack like a black hole abyss, carrying a strong aura of destruction, slowly spreading out.

Where the abyss of the black hole spreads, everything is devoured by it!

"Xiao Yan, what are you doing now?"

The two shadows came running one after the other, and their breath was quite chaotic. It was obvious that they had consumed a lot of reincarnation just to **** the keys.

Yun Yundai frowned, holding a huge blood-colored stone knife in her hand, which was naturally one of the keys to enter the main hall.

However, by gathering the strength of the two, they only snatched one key.

"That abyss seems to be the entrance?"

Xiao Yan's attention has been stuck in the abyss of the black hole. Judging from the feedback of soul power, **** flame slave and holy flame, etc., the entrance can basically be determined.

"You... go."

Yueru gritted her teeth, and then her body was filled with bursts of glittering moonlight, and she fled directly to the outside world.

"Xiao Yan..."

Yun Yun's eyes were hesitant for a while, the danger contained in this black hole abyss made her feel a little uneasy.


Xiao Yan suddenly took out the residual image from his body, and immediately took Yun Yun and swept away directly towards the abyss of the black hole!

According to the feedback from his own soul power, it seems that this is the entrance to the main hall, and now that the palace complex is collapsing, I am afraid there is only this last way.

"Will this be too risky?"

With Xiao Yan holding her palm, a touch of reassurance emerged, but looking at the black hole abyss whistling below, Yun Yun couldn't help but ask.

An attack of that level is not something that can be easily defeated.

"These are blind tricks."

"Stick to your heart and run the key of the fairy weapon in your hand."

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, the two of them poured into the abyss.

Since Tang Feng didn't **** the key, it's enough to show that you can also enter it using the residual image!

With the two residual pictures and the five fairy keys, there will be a total of seven people to **** the last main hall!


Just after submerging into the abyss of the black hole, scorching energy swept out from all directions. The terrifying high temperature and strange power were actually absorbing the reincarnation power in their bodies continuously, causing Xiao Yan to frown.


After passing through the most difficult palace complex, Xiao Yan's bodies seemed to be swept toward the depths of the black hole and abyss, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Yan...that is?"

Just when Xiao Yan relaxed his vigilance, Yun Yun suddenly pulled the corner of Xiao Yan's clothes with his jade hand, and a rare fear appeared on his face!

In the deepest part of the abyss of the black hole, there are countless fire slaves of different shapes emerging, they stand here quietly, glaring, guarding an ancient portal.


Xiao Yan's heart suddenly filled with a long-lost heart palpitation, such a huge number of fire slaves, even if they started, it would be an extremely difficult existence!

Moreover, what puzzled Xiao Yan the most was that these Huo slaves seemed to have the aura of holy flames!


Just when Xiao Yan was puzzled, several figures swept across his body at a rapid speed, directly facing the ancient portal, unaffected by those Huo slaves at all.

On the ancient portal, strips of golden lines were slowly drawn into a strange incantation. Every time they looked at this incantation, the holy flames within Xiao Yan and Yunyun hummed and throbbed, as if they had some kind of special magic power. Vaguely caused a lot of prestige to the holy flames in their bodies.

Above the door, there was a handsome man in a white robe sitting quietly. The man's eyes were closed, and there was no energy fluctuation in his body, but there was a very conspicuous orange-gold fire pattern between his eyebrows. The identity of the guy is on full display!

"This guy, is Sheng Yan?"

At this moment, Yun Yun's heart trembled slightly, and she said with some doubts.

"Not quite right."

Xiao Yan did not answer, but the sixth evil **** outside the realm and the evil shadow in blood he encountered before echoed in his mind all the time.

"How is this going?"

"This abyss is constantly devouring our power, we can't wait long."

"But the man in white robe guarding the door in front of him... this?"

A few strong men with keys in the distance also stopped, and no one dared to act rashly.

Looking at the white-robed figure on the ancient portal in front of them, a look of extreme greed appeared in the eyes of several people. Their cognition and insight were extremely keen. Naturally, they sensed that this man was the so-called Heavenly Path Samsara!

But even so, no one dared to act rashly until the situation was clarified!

The power of the reincarnation flame of the Heavenly Dao is inexhaustible, and it will undoubtedly benefit a lifetime.

"It always doesn't feel right."

Xiao Yan did not act rashly, but carefully distinguished the white-robed man in front of him.

There are fire slaves all over the place, and there are even white-robed men who are suspected of reincarnation, but the fluctuations on their bodies are too weak, so weak that they can almost be ignored.

"Xiao Yan, go!"

Just when Xiao Yan was puzzled, a huge roar sounded, and a huge energy slap suddenly slapped Xiao Yan and Xiao Yan in the void.


Xiao Yan and Yun Yun's figures surged together, directly following the low roar, and rammed towards the ancient portal.

"Wong buzzing!"

The body touched the ancient portal, but there was no danger to pass out, but the ancient portal slowly released a touch of extremely mysterious power towards the remnant picture in Xiao Yan's hand and the key in Yun Yun's hand!

This portal seems to be checking the key in their hands to see if they have the qualifications to enter the main hall.

" This place is just an illusion."

"It should be the refraction of some space forces."

"These six reincarnation immortals really deserve their reputation."

The secluded sea dragon snake on the side grinned.

"Where's the Myriad Poison Gu Girl?"

At the moment of checking, Xiao Yan said slightly.

"Five keys, the girl beside you took one, I took one, and the remaining three were taken by some powerful people with stunts. The ten thousand poisonous girl seems to be moving towards the others in the cave. She's gone, and that's not her purpose."

After being asked by Xiao Yan, Youhai Dragon Snake shook his head slightly, and there was a violent aura in his eyes. Obviously, even he underestimated the strength of other powerhouses.

"So... in the main hall, three to four, it's not very friendly."

Xiao Yan frowned and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, this time, we will definitely succeed."

Yun Yun held the divine tool in her hand slightly, and a firm expression poured out.

Just after Xiao Yan finished speaking, everyone's bodies instantly submerged above the door and rushed towards the main hall of the Six Paths Samsara Immortal.

The real highlight, at this moment, just started slowly.


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