"This guy, has he completely given up struggling or has other plans?"

On the Plaza of the Poison God, watching Xiao Yan and the filthy poisonous girl fight, their eyes locked on the two and they muttered, because they knew that Jingyue Palace and Yaoyue Palace were undoubtedly the top priority of this election.

As for Xiao Yan and the filthy poisonous girl, no matter their strength or status, they are both powerful figures in their respective palaces. The outcome of their competition will probably be related to the following matters.

For example... the conferment of the Poison God's Crown.

"Brother Xiao Yan..."

Looking at the terrifying scenery of the world of poisonous fog in the realm, such a shocking scene can't help but make Xun'er, who has been sitting on the stone seat of the altar for a long time, suddenly quicken his heartbeat, his hands are clenched, and a thick golden flame is looming.

The strength of this filthy poisonous girl is much stronger than Leng Yuening's two poisonous girls. Even with such means now, Xun'er vaguely feels that the latter has not used her full strength!


Xiao Yan took a deep breath, and the countless powers in his body began to roll. After all, the two had a heart-to-heart, and naturally knew Xun'er's concerns. However, although this level of attack was tyrannical, it did not have any substantial lethality to himself who possessed the holy flame!

"It seems that this so-called Jingyue Palace VIP is not as terrifying as the legends say."

On the stone seat of the altar, Palace Master Lengyue was wearing a white dress and looked like a leisurely and peaceful beauty. At this time, he slowly opened his eyes, and his voice was full of tranquility and disdain.

Through the affairs of the two poisonous women and the existence of the saint named Little Doctor Fairy, his hatred for Jingyue Palace was even stronger.

"Lengyue Palace Lord jumped to conclusions at this time, but it's a little too early... After all, this guy has defeated the tyrannical existence of the two poisonous women in Lengyue Palace."

In the face of Palace Master Lengyue's ridicule, Palace Master Jingyue also spoke slowly, and the voice made people feel like a spring breeze, but everyone knew the meaning of warning contained in the voice.


Listening to the mouth of Palace Master Jingyue, there were traces of obvious anger on Leng Yue's calm face, and the anger spread slowly along with an extremely pungent stench.

That kind of power can be learned from the world, and it is obviously a special power belonging to their level!

Previously, it was also the Xeon Fluctuation that only those who surpassed the quadruple reincarnation rank could possess!

"The election day of the God of Poison is no child's play, you should save it."

The Yaoyue Palace Master, who is above the first place, is dressed in a blue dress, with a strange aura like scattered flowers and mist looming, and a hollow silver hairpin is inserted into his hair. The two were indifferent, just standing quietly, as if waiting for something.


Hearing the words, the other two palace masters couldn't help shaking their heads slowly, but the aura on the Yaoyue Palace Master seemed more terrifying than before... Then everyone focused their attention on the two who were fighting in the realm.

At this moment, a hot and dazzling glazed light suddenly flashed between the heaven and earth in the domain, and then a thin figure slowly lifted into the sky, and countless dazzling flames gathered behind him!

Glazed Wings!

The glass-colored thousand-zhang fire wings fanned the air, and even when the poisonous mist fruit that could destroy everything was attacked by Xiao Yan, it was suddenly dazzled by a violent and hot winged wind, and was forcibly imprisoned in the void. , can't move!

"Wong Buzz!"

Looking at Xiao Yan, who had bizarre flame wings behind him, the pupils of countless people shrank tightly, as if they were aware of something.

Because the fluctuations on the glazed wings are too tyrannical and sacred, people with discerning eyes can recognize it at a glance, it is the fluctuation of holy flames.

"Holy flame... It really has some strength, but this kind of noisy flame, which one is in the holy flame list, why I have never seen it."

At this moment, Yaoyue Palace Master's closed eyes suddenly opened, staring at Liuli Shengyi Road behind Xiao Yan.


In the realm, the filthy poisonous girl also noticed the terrifying power above the flame wings, and immediately did not hesitate, the corners of her mouth surged, and a cold voice sounded, the poisonous mist fruit bound in the air by the glass wings slightly It shrank, and then just like fireworks, carrying a thick green poisonous fog storm that was enough to drown the void, it bloomed.


Seeing this, Xiao Yan sneered. The flame was wrapped in his palm, and it carried a faint power of space, which directly suppressed it.


The huge power of space and the power of holy flames converged, instantly killing the poisonous fog storm in the cradle.

"Dirty poison world, non-toxic swamp!"

After watching Xiao Yan instantly suppress the enormous power contained in the poisonous mist fruit, the filthy poisonous girl roared, and the field of poisonous world could not help expanding, and in a blink of an eye, a gloomy swamp filled with sticky swamps was formed. Poison world!

In the enchanting Poison Mist Swamp Realm, a stench of stench wafts toward the face, like a swamp of death that has accumulated for countless years, filled with an extreme depression of death.

Beneath the Poison World Swamp, there are countless huge swamp mud pillars tumbling continuously, like monstrous waves surging continuously, which is extremely shocking and magnificent.

Beneath the surging mud pillars in the swamp, there was a figure as huge as a mountain dormant quietly. Although it did not show its full face, the suffocation and shock that came upon him still filled Xiao Yan's heart with unease. .

That is a poisonous beast, and it is one of the killers that the filthy poisonous girl has painstakingly cultivated, and its power has even reached a level that no one knows about!

"Have you quarantined everyone... Poison beasts?"

Behind Xiao Yan, the glazed holy wings slowly instigated, each instigation would cause the void in this field to tremble slightly, and then several forces within the body began to surge.

"Holy Flame...Dragon God Claw!"

The faint voice sounded, Xiao Yan's eyes burst out with a ferocious and violent aura, his body trembled, and he stepped out of the void.


The huge poisonous beast hidden in the poisonous fog swamp below, its body flipped, a majestic body like a black hole, spewing out an extremely terrifying sticky fog of venom, swallowing the void domain, and suppressing Xiao Yan.


The incomparably hot energy and the power of the poisonous fog slammed together, Xiao Yan was like an irrational beast, with blue dragon scales appearing all over his body~www.mtlnovel.com~ The dragon claws wrapped in glass-colored holy flames faced him. Blast away.

"As expected, she is the most talented poisonous girl in the Poison God Palace."

The two huge forces clashed, and then gradually weakened. The hot energy storm raged in this field full of holes, and even the huge pressure made the filthy and poisonous girl's neat skirt fit tightly to the skin, charming and charming. There is no doubt that the curve is outlined, but there is a maddening smile in it.

On the body of the poisonous beast under his feet, there were thousands of holes burned by the holy flame, and bloodstains were extremely conspicuous. On the contrary, on Xiao Yan's body, the poisonous mist actually penetrated the dragon scales strangely and entered his skin. Under that, Xiao Yan's face became ashen for a while, the pain was burning his internal organs, and the pain was unbearable!

This seemingly simple fight actually ended in an evenly matched situation?

A touch of consternation appeared in the eyes of countless people, and even Xiao Yan, who was unknown in the Palace of Poison, grew taller at this time.

However, in the remaining filthy realm, the power behind Xiao Yan and the power of the filthy poisonous girl did not disappear.


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