Battle Through the Heavens’s God: The Flame Emperor

Chapter Vol 4 2130: Angel Kaili is back, the danger of endless fire...

Time passed by minute by minute. Even in this tense and exciting atmosphere, the Holy See did not make any open movement, and continued to maintain the peace of the Holy Flame on weekdays. Therefore, the coalition forces composed of ancient races did not dare to act rashly. only stalemate outside

At this point, it has also bought time for Xiao Yan's nirvana, but the Endless Fire Territory is completely unaware that a massacre is slowly approaching.

It seems that Feng Wan'er's existence and her departure are extremely transparent in the eyes of the Pope. She left on the front foot to go to Douyun Continent to jointly kill the Holy See, and then an angel came to slaughter on the back foot.

The endless fire domain of Xuanling Continent.

Xuanling Mountain is also the veritable home base of the Endless Fire Domain. It will be opened every once in a while, allowing countless forces under the vassal of the Endless Fire Domain to come to visit and study.

Xuanling Back Mountain, which is below the huge building complex in the Endless Fire Territory, is composed of hundreds of stairs. It is also a place where these sect disciples like to gather on weekdays, because as long as they can successfully overcome the depression of these stone steps, they can enter Inside the Endless Fire Territory.

"Big brother, what happened ahead?"

"Why are there so many adults guarding?"

At the foot of the mountain behind Xuanling, dozens of young men are surrounded here, and one of them is a beautiful figure who came from a distance, with a sweet appearance and a magnetic voice, and asked him.

"Cough, this junior sister."

"The former convenience is the headquarters of our Endless Fire Territory. It is also the place where the famous territory owner Xiao Yan and the two mistresses live and practice. If you can enter it for cultivation, it will have a multiplier effect."

"It's just that I don't know why recently, Xuanling Mountain doesn't allow anyone to enter or leave. In the past, it would be open to us regularly and let us go inside and learn."

"By the way, Junior Sister, I don't know which sect you belong to in the Endless Fire Territory, maybe we..."

There was a bustling voice in the crowd, and a handsome-looking man explained the confusion, but these people maintained extremely pious respect for the so-called mistress and the endless fire domain from beginning to end.

"The two mistresses, are they on the mountain in front of you now?"

the sweet woman asked.

"It's definitely there. The two mistresses manage many things in the Endless Fire Territory, and they usually live in seclusion on Xuanling Mountain."

"Oh...that's easy."

"Is there any way to get past these annoying flies and see them directly?"

The woman asked, but her eyes started to turn, and traces of white light emerged from the sky, like a mighty water curtain that was about to collapse.

"There's no way, the two mistresses don't see anyone in the state of martial law, and there are heavy guards around Xuanling Mountain, ordinary people..."

"No... you can't step in the air, this is contempt for the endless fire domain, you are seeking your own death!!!"

Before the young man could finish speaking, the sweet-looking woman in front of him actually lifted off slowly, with extreme fluctuations in his eyes.

That kind of power makes you feel like you are in Senluo hell, and it is cold!

"For the sake of your truth, I'll make your death a little more enjoyable!"

"Light Blade!"

The woman showed no mercy, just like a murder weapon, she raised her palm, and the dazzling blade of light easily took the lives of the young men in front of her.

"By the way, my name is Kelly, and I'm here to hunt you down."

After killing these people easily, Kai Li stepped on their icy corpses, making their bones hum, and then a rather pleasant smile appeared on her cheeks, as if this kind of torture was very comfortable.


When this guy just finished his work, in Xuanling Mountain, the brigade of the brigade burst out from the stairs of the back mountain, and immediately came around here.

"Let the two mistresses of the Endless Fire Territory come out to see me, or I will make life here go to pieces!"

Kai Li snorted coldly, the dazzling energy of light overflowed, and immediately frightened the guards around them. After all, their strength is not eight-star, and facing the power of reincarnation, it is not easy to maintain the appearance of the guards. .


A few minutes later, Cailin and Mu Yingying also arrived as scheduled.

"Hand over the demon Xiao Yan, the two of you call yourself here, go back to the Holy See with me to apologize, maybe I will consider letting go of the innocent humans here."

Angel Kaili spoke slightly, and there was no room for negotiation in her voice, more like a tone of contempt and sarcasm.

"Reincarnation... is it strong?"

At this time, Mu Yingying took a step forward, and the pink Acacia Heartbroken and the azure blue body Sacred Flame were intertwined.

"Yingying, you step back."

"She's not something you can handle."

On the slender hand with colorful scales, snake shadows with ten-color luster kept flowing, and they opened their mouths softly.


Mu Yingying hesitated.

Even with Fen Jue's help and two holy flames, he still couldn't catch up with Sister Cailin.

"That guy's teacher partner, and the territory behind him, I'll leave it to you."

After Cailin finished speaking, she jumped up directly, and dragged the angel directly into the sky in order not to let the battle between the two destroy this place.

"What power is this?"

The always arrogant angel Kaili saw this, Liu Meixing's eyes were full of strange fluctuations, Cailin's strength was clearly only less than the eight-star fighting fairy, but the power contained in the ten-color snake shadow on her body, even if it was Now that I have reincarnated, I feel a deep fear!

"It appears to have succeeded."

"Although our Endless Fire Territory will face extremely terrifying dangers, I'm afraid you won't be able to win the battle over there."

"At a critical time, I draw a person to come back to my endless fire domain, and I really look down on us."

Cai Lin smiled sweetly, and immediately the power of the ten-color swallowing python filled the whole body, and the mysterious snake pattern contained ten-color colors, forming a suffocating rainbow in the sky and clouds in the endless fire domain.

"Don't waste your time."

"Go ahead."

"I have long heard that there is a false **** in the demon world, and the ten-color swallowing python is infinitely powerful. Let me kill you today."


The angel's shadow snorted coldly, and the endless ripples of light swept out uncontrollably, forming a space storm on top of the conditioning in an instant.

"What kind of power is that?"

"What kind of tyrannical opponent did Xiao Yan provoke?"

In the depths of the Endless Fire Territory, at a high level, Zhu Jin and the others wondered.

"Are you afraid?"

After a while, many of Xiao Yan's elder teachers in the Burning Incense Pavilion spoke out.

"We are not afraid, we swear to coexist with the Endless Fire Territory!"

"Coexist and die!"

A mighty sound was constructed into a sound of bells, striding across the is extremely loud.

Even though their strength can no longer help Xiao Yan, they will form Xiao Yan's backing, as the back that will always support Xiao Yan.

Gou rich and noble, do not forget each other, if you want to die, live and die together!

This is the demeanor a person from the Endless Fire Territory should have!

"The power of a group of ants, feel the destruction of the world!"

"Light Blade Storm!"

A mighty voice emerged, and this place completely evolved into a real battlefield. As for Xiao Yan in Nirvana below, he seemed to feel this long-lost disgust, and his Nirvana speed became extremely fast.

However, on the edge of the Profound Spirit Continent, the dawn appeared one after another. In this light, it turned out to be a figure, and the strength of these guys was not bad. Most importantly, their relationship with Xiao Yan was extraordinary!

This time, the Holy See's abacus may not be so easy to succeed!

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