"Woohoo!" Xiao Yan bid farewell to the huge army behind him and stepped directly into the forest of death.

"Since this thing is the evil tool of the evil scholar, how can it contain the power of darkness?"

"The power of darkness is something related to the underworld, how can the evil races outside the realm be contaminated?" Xiao Yan was vigilant about his surroundings, but he communicated with the dark underworld priest in private through the branding of his palm.

"I don't know, but in the first battle of heaven and earth, the foreign evil race fought with countless powerful people in the world, and with some highly intelligent creatures, I am afraid that this thing was secretly fused with dark power and evil power. product."

"The power is infinite, even if I don't know the specific secrets, you should be more careful." Dark Hades also shook his head.

"The chessboard of life and death, using everyone on both sides as a bargaining chip in the battle of life and death chessboard, once either side fails, all the powerhouses behind will be completely deprived of all vitality by the power of evil tools, even if they are immortal, they cannot escape this law of heaven and earth. ."

"The oppression of this evil tool can't be broken even by gathering the strength of all of us. It's really tricky." After a brief understanding, Xiao Yan also figured out the evil tool of the evil scholar, the power of the chessboard of life and death.

"Weng buzzing!" As soon as the voice fell, the passage behind Xiao Yan disappeared completely, leaving only the blood dripping soil under his feet, which squirmed like a stream of quicksand, transmitting a trace of evil power to Xiao Yan. On top of his body, there was a **** suffocating aura, like greedy worms, trying to devour Xiao Yan's power and corpse.

"Xuuuu!" Xiao Yan felt this suffocating power and couldn't help but jump up tightly. He wanted to use his strength, but found that he had no choice but to endure it forcibly.

"The power of darkness!" Feeling the huge threat Xiao Yan was facing, the brand on Xiao Yan's handprint became pitch black. After a while, the dark warrior turned into a layer of dark armor, protecting Xiao Yan's entire body, and Xiao Yan was under pressure just now. Greatly reduced.

Looking up, there is something similar to a chessboard a thousand meters away, and the ghost of the evil scholar is also flickering slightly, where the stairs connect the top of the forest of death, the top of the forest of death, and the position of the chessboard of life and death. , that is Xiao Yan's final destination.

Xiao Yan tried to walk some distance and found that he could not use any of his own power, whether it was fighting qi, holy flame, soul power, or even the magic cube, all quieted down. Obviously, the darkness and evil forces in the forest of death converged, forming a true heart. of trance imprisonment.

"You can't go back, you can only go forward."

"Then let me come and meet you." Every time Xiao Yan took a step, the blood and soil behind him seemed to evaporate like a human world, and his eyes became sharp.

Slowly moving forward, the **** suffocation in the surrounding air became thicker and thicker, making Xiao Yan, a veteran of the battlefield, feel nauseous, and even a trace of dark matter sand slowly entered Xiao Yan's line of sight. Among them, with the protection of the Dark Underworld, the dark sand grains did not enter Xiao Yan's body. Instead, there was some kind of power in Xiao Yan's body that made them quite familiar.

"Zizzi!" The further forward, the more Xiao Yan could clearly feel the innate power in the forest of death, and the white bones under his feet had already turned into piles of dust. Xiao Yan could clearly feel the thirst for life of the powerhouses in the fallen dust, and the deep-rooted fear on their faces when they died, none of them emerged in Xiao Yan's heart.

While walking around, Xiao Yan has come to the middle of the forest of death.

This is a quiet forest. There are many trees in the forest, but there is no vitality. Instead, there is only a dead silence that is extremely quiet. The trees are twisted and prostrate, and the shape is strange, even like a human body, a monster state. , has everything.

"This level of evil equipment is definitely not within the control of an eight-star fighting immortal. I suspect that this evil equipment was stolen by an evil and charming scholar." Even if it is protected by the dark armor of the dark underworld, Xiao Yan is also a burst of energy. The scalp is numb, it seems that as long as he takes one wrong step, he may fall into the endless abyss.

"Master, it seems that there is no way ahead." The voice of the dark priest reminded him in Xiao Yan's mind.

"There are ten steps here. As long as you step here, you can break through the forest of death."

"Bless me." Xiao Yan smiled casually, and immediately took a light step.

The first step is to step on the steps, there is only one step, it is easy to step on it, and nothing happens.

"The second step, the second step, the wrong step, I'm afraid..." Xiao Yan looked at the two identical stone steps in front of him, carefully observed it, and after the observation was fruitless, he could only shake his head.

I am the hope of the entire ancient clan. If I take a wrong step, I may stay here forever!

Although there is a power of darkness here, and it may be possible to use this to lead to the underworld, but at that time, Xiao Yan would probably become a creature in the underworld, not a human being.

"Pfft." This time Xiao Yan looked vigilant, and suddenly stepped on the stairs to the left.

After resting, the figure stood firm, nothing happened, Xiao Yan just stepped on the stone steps to the third.

The first step on the stone steps, one.

The second step on the stone steps, the second.


The ninth step on the stone steps was as many as two hundred and fifty-six!

"The last step... Five hundred and twelve." He walked to the last step without any danger. At this time, Xiao Yan was relieved and didn't think much, just closed his eyes and walked away at the last step at will. go.

"Crack!" There was no error in nine consecutive steps, but there was a problem in this last step.

"Tear La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La!" Endless grains of dark matter and **** suffocation roared out at the same time~www.mtlnovel.com~ gave Xiao Yan an extremely strong pressure for a while, and two terrifying forces made Xiao Yan's whole body torn apart. It cracked, and it seemed that the next moment would be smashed to pieces by these two forces.

"No, I can't die here."

"The power of clan marks!"

"The power of the Xiao family's bloodline!"

"Dragon God Transformation, the Pattern of Dominance!" Feeling the unrivaled power of two forces, Xiao Yan used his last resort.

"Xuuuu." The terrifying power on Xiao Yan's body had just been released, but those dark sand grains were suddenly stuck in the air. It seemed that the power on Xiao Yan's body made him very familiar.

"Squeak." After the blink of an eye, the dark sand changed the target of the attack. It turned around a hundred and eighty degrees, easily swallowing the **** suffocation, and then quietly dispersed.

"Strange, what exactly is this kind of power?" Xiao Yan was prepared to fight with death, but he couldn't help but wonder when he saw that the dark sand grains would actually help him.

When he successfully reached the top of the forest of death, a terrifying scene washed over Xiao Yan's sight, and Xiao Yan couldn't help but murmured while watching that scene, "This lunatic..."



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