Battle Through the Heavens’s God: The Flame Emperor

Chapter Vol 4 1805: Devour unripe Devil Fruits!

"This guy actually wants to destroy the Devil Fruit?"

"That's fine..." Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Soul Yan's fierce means, and muttering to the crowd on the other side who were not afraid of death, like moths flying towards the silver soul sword.

This silver soul sword contains countless lonely souls and wild ghosts, and its power may be enough to obliterate the powerhouses in the middle stage of the Eight Star Fighting Immortals. Even under the desperate efforts of Gamma and others, I am afraid it will not help.

"Not good!" At this moment, Mal, who turned into a dark green mist lingering on the evil cauldron, saw this, his body shook violently, and a touch of fear permeated.

However, for a crazy guy like him, the Devil Fruit is indeed more important than his own life. After a moment, Marr's body appeared in front of the Xie Ding, and the ink-colored pupils also appeared for a while, and there was even a rare touch of madness!

At this time, Marr had a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and on the shriveled palm, an agate-like fruit exuded endless evil!

This fruit is not ripe, about one-third of its mature state!

As for the evil cauldron behind it, there are still two devil fruits!

The two devil fruits are about the size of peaches, with an ink-colored liquid flowing slowly inside them. The outermost part is agate-colored, one is half-ripe, and the other is only the tip of the peach is not completely dyed, otherwise it will be in the Completely mature at this moment!


"What are you doing!" At this moment, the ghostly soul sword was temporarily blocked by the countless evil branches of the evil tree, and the pupils of Soul Yan and Soul Wuji shrank violently. Smelled a real devilish breath!

Even if this fruit is immature, only one-third of its mature state, the power contained in it is enough to make them shudder, and they are very aware of the enormous energy contained in it!


"This is also being forced to be helpless."

"But thank you very much for allowing me to become a researcher and an experimenter!" On the palm of the shriveled palm, a scarlet fruit like agate stone quietly floated on the palm, and the strange ink-colored luster couldn't see it in the end. What is it.

"Mar, you lunatic!"

"Immature Devil Fruit, if it is swallowed indiscriminately, I am afraid it will bring unspeakable harm!"

"You have to think about it!" At this moment, Hun Yan and Hun Wuji stared at Mal with cold eyes and said with gnashing teeth.

"Soul flame, are you afraid?" At this moment, Marr let out a strange sneer, squeezed the immature Devil Fruit tightly on his palm, his eyes suddenly shrank, and roared at him like a madman.


"This hall's main hall is eight-star fighting immortals, wouldn't he be afraid of your mere crime division?"

"Give this thing to me as soon as possible!" Soul Yan snorted coldly, but the strong people present could hear a sense of fear from this voice!

He is afraid!

Hall Master Xuantang, who is in the profound yellow of the Heaven and Earth in the Hall of Souls, with the initial strength of the Eight-Star Fighting Immortal, is actually afraid of the demonic fruit on the palm of a sinner whose strength is only seven-star Fighting Immortal?

"Mortals only know that the attributes are divided into five main types: gold, wood, water, fire, and soil. However, with the continuous research and exploration of countless capable people in the world, many attributes have burst out under these five attributes."

"Such as space, summoning, light, etc., every time a new attribute is born, it will cause an uproar and blood flow, but I believe that it is all worthwhile, and the world will always remember the name of my Marr in the future. "

"And what I hold at this time is not just a fruit, it is more like the beginning of a new era!"

"My teachers and I affectionately call it a demon. Of course, you can also call it a demon attribute." This time, Marr was like a messenger of the god's residence, quietly reciting the oath that belonged to him.

As soon as the voice fell, the agate-colored fruit was gently lifted by him, over his head. At this moment, the devil fruit was as fragile as a piece of glass, and as indestructible as a stubborn stone, containing monstrous evil power!

"Sir, this is this?" Looking at Marr, who was already insane in the sky, Gamma and the others in the rear couldn't help but show a frenzy of excitement!

After waiting for so many years, I can finally successfully research the demon attribute, and finally I can serve as a witness of the demon attribute!

Dare to ask this world, what is more refreshing than this?

"Soul Sword, destroy it for me!" After a while, looking at Marr, who was getting more and more mad and his face became more and more hideous, Soul Flame spurted out a mouthful of black blood, and sprinkled straight on the ruling Soul Sword that had emerged before. For a while, The soul sword evil light flourished, breaking free from the shackles of the evil tree in one fell swoop, and roaring away at Marr with the attitude of the sky!



"Everything today is your fault!" After completing the final blow, although Soul Yan was extremely weak, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Under the Immortal Soul Sword, ghosts and gods are destroyed!

"Susu...that's not necessarily!" At this critical moment, Marr gritted his teeth, dark green blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and immediately crushed the devil fruit on his palm with such a crazy smile!

"He..." Marr actually crushed the Devil Fruit in front of everyone's eyes?

What kind of power does this immature devil fruit contain?

Will there be sequels?

Numerous questions plagued everyone present.

The agate-like devil fruit was gently crushed, and suddenly a dark green liquid that was not pure was spread out, just like the breath of a devil. Since the inside of the devil fruit easily surrounded Mal. stand up!

Even the shards of the Devil Fruit turned into layers of dark green blood mist, lingering around Marr's body, as if performing some kind of ritual, extremely eerie!

"Ah ah ah!" At the same time, the face of Marr who was smiling wildly changed suddenly, and a heart-piercing pain suddenly emerged, making his eyes scarlet, and his hands clasped his head and roared!

That kind of torture, that kind of pain, the people around him can hear it clearly from his screams!

"Go back!" Xiao Yan watched from the beginning to the end. When he saw this scene, his heart and Saint Flame Crystal shook violently at the same time, as if some wicked demon was about to be born.

"Retreat!" Seeing this strange situation, Gamma and others also retreated. Although they were studying new attributes, demon attributes, they had never seen the appearance of devouring the devil fruit. Now Marr directly swallows an immature demon. What will happen to the fruit?

Surrounded by dark green blood mist, they are wriggling, shaking, madly devouring Marr's vitality and even strength, and they are more like some kind of living creatures, after devouring Marr's power and life, a new breath is like from Like a demon who escaped from the most evil purgatory, with a contemptuous look, he looks down on the world!

At this moment, the senses of everyone at the bottom of the nest became extremely sensitive, just like the Marr surrounded by blood mist in front of him, just like a demon baby, slowly born!

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