Chapter 454 Energy Conflict

How many feet underground it was, Seth wasn't sure, but he was sure Adriana had mentioned how deep their location was on their way here. 

That the presidency was bound to be filled with secrets was not something new to Seth, but when Adriana had taken him below ground and then had them navigating several tunnels and paths in the ground, if not for his soul sense, Seth would have thought they had long since left the capital and were now on their way to another city.

After traversing tunnels layered with wooden walls and some seal symbols, Adriana had brought Seth before an intricate eight-circular door. and after shifting around some symbols and putting in several keys, the woman pushed open the unsurprisingly wooden door and then welcomed Seth to a new world.

"Alright, maybe I was being too arrogant and underestimating Earth's years of seal practising." These were the words Seth had said when he stepped through the circular wooden door, and even now, he would still stand by them.

Seth had classified Earth to be well below par in terms of cultivation, but when he stepped through the door and was welcomed to a bright blue sky with a warm sun, he knew that his planet wasn't as backwards as he perceived. 

Other than back when he had gone after the Hammer Gang and been teleported into what he knew was a sort of pocket world, this was the second time he was finding himself in another pocket world. Though it was a less complex one, that didn't stop Seth from giving praise where it was due.

With a sweep of his soul sense, Seth easily found out that other than the tall grasses and few trees in the 1 km world he was now in, he and Adriana were the only living things.

"With bountiful qi at the middle grade suffusing the whole environment and higher-grade qi located at the interior, the pocket world made for an amazing cultivation spot, though Seth did find himself chuckling when he realized that Adriana didn't even know much about the words she was currently in and the wonder specifications behind its creation

At the moment, after spending some minutes strengthening his will that he came here for a purpose and resisting the urge to begin finding and studying the hidden seal of the pocket world, Seth now sat in a field filled with tall grasses which went way above him and was located to the side of the pocket world.

Though there were the center parts of the pocket world which had far denser and higher-quality qi, Seth had no need for such. Seth had gone past the mortal realm, he was way past using mortal qi, and now, to complete his transformation, he needed immortal qi. 

Having cleared a small space in the field of tall grasses for himself and then kicked Adriana out with strict warnings about being disturbed, Seth was now seated cross-legged and as he took in a deep breath, he casually dropped a question for the being in his mind.

"Say, Alexia, which should I start with? Should I absorb the immortal qi first, or should I go about comprehending the sword qi?"


"Ehhh Alexia"


Not really needing an answer considering it was obvious that he should absorb the immortal qi first, Seth ignored the silence from Alexia and went on with his business.

With smooth qi fluctuations, two stones popped out from the ring in Seth's hand, and he caught each in one hand. 

"Well, she didn't exactly give me a particular method to go about this, so I guess it's just routine absorption," Seth mumbled to himself, but within his mind, he readied himself for any surprise.

Taking in deep breaths and calming his mind, Seth began pulling the qi within the stones in his palm into himself, dragging them to first move into his hand. 

Though he easily succeeded in the penetration of his skin, immediately the qi entered into his body, it was met with fierce resistance from the qi within Seth. 

"Not bad," Seth commented as the little qi he had drawn into himself was pushed out. 

"We try again," Seth said, and with these words, employed his soul sense in pulling the immortal qi into himself.

Sitting in a cross-legged position with his hands resting on his laps, Seth steadily breathed in and out, each intake of air accompanied by a thick waft of green energy leaving the stones in his hand and going into his body. 

This time, as the immortal qi flowed into his body, Seth was met with much greater resistance due to the enormous quantity he was trying to absorb at a time, but he didn't let this small hiccup stop him.

With a deep breath and a slight tightening of his face, Seth's soul sense latched onto the immortal qi he had already taken out of the stones, and with brute force, pulled it into himself. 

Reacting to the sudden intrusion, Seth's dantian immediately kicked into action and began releasing wave after wave of qi into Seth's body, wanting to fight off the new foreign energy.

The immortal qi Seth was trying to absorb was, of course, far stronger than the mortal qi within him, but for some reason, the mortal qi in Seth's body easily resisted the immortal qi, fighting it off and forcing Seth to have to actively participate and support the immortal qi.

On a normal day, Seth would be able to control the qi in his body and pause its movements, but this time, like it had gone against him or maybe knew of his intention to replace it, Seth's qi fought against his orders and sought to preserve it's existence.

"Urghh, even my dantian isn't helping matters at this point," Seth lamented to himself as he did his best to dull both his qi and dantian's offences and went about forcing a whole new energy into his body.


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