Ball of Nothing

Chapter 359 Saving Magnus Hilda 4

Chapter 359 Saving Magnus Hilda 4

King Richard was a fair and gangly man in his middle age. Compared to the more robust looking queen, he gave off the vibes of a gentle person. While Queen Rosalind had fiery red hair and striking green eyes to match her strong personality, King Richard was the opposite. He had very light blond hair that almost looked white and blue eyes when Zero last checked. King Richard showed signs that he was conscious a few days before when Zero checked on him. The doctor then introduced himself and explained the procedure for the treatment just to reassure the king.

When the king heard that there was a cure, he shed tears for the first time and Zero felt bad for taking so long before he started the king’s treatment. Still, he couldn’t help but be nervous. According to the palace servants, King Richard was a kind person but he was also a very clever businessman. Zero didn’t know what to expect once this brilliant ruler took back his rightful place to manage his kingdom.

The King was steeped in the ginger and cinnamon bath like how Zero had taught the maids. The doctor monitored every single action from changing the water to adjusting the temperature from a special table for him to stand and observe from. So far, so good. Everything was in place.

When the king started to sweat, Zero instructed for the maids to feed the king the cure potion. King Richard drank it without difficulty and now they waited for the long battle ahead.

The first twitches and spasms came ten minutes after the king drank the potion. Without needing to say anything, the maids prepared empty buckets and changed the water as it turned a muddy brown. Zero watched carefully and used appraisal on the king who started dry heaving and choked. Experienced enough, the maids adjusted the king’s position and applied some soothing oils to help nausea pass. Zero watched out like a hawk for any signs of fever or unusual displays but nothing happened. Just like this, the first two hours passed.

The bath water colour gradually lightened up after the two-hour mark and Zero was waiting for the king to regain consciousness. The maids were tired but they persevered. Most of the toxins in the king’s body had been purged so Zero was expecting the king to open his eyes and started talking very soon.

After six long hours of treatment, King Richard was finally drinking his first spoonful of soup in two years. Queen Rosalind couldn’t be happier and Zero watched the couple talk as if they were the only two people left in the world. He witnessed their happiness and felt satisfied. All those long nights of work didn’t go to waste if this loving power couple could be happy again.

Zero didn’t excuse himself and quietly snuck away for the night. He was tired and needed a good night’s rest. Most of the things he needed to do for Magnus Hilda had been resolved. The soldiers were now experts in mushroom extermination. The country had more than enough cure potions to give everyone and Truen had drawn more than enough talismans for the mushroom extermination program. The rune arrays were already drawn and set in place by Truen’s efficiency so there wasn’t much left to do other than find a suitable craftsman to build Freya’s worship statue.

The moment Zero reached the Turner’s house, he climbed into the bed and instantly fell asleep with light snores. Truen wasn’t back yet but Zero wasn’t worried. After working so hard, all the doctor wanted was to sleep for a long time.

The next time Zero woke up, Truen informed him that two days had passed.

"What? I was asleep for two full days? Why didn’t you wake me? We were supposed to pack and leave for Rocket Mountains and find a craftsman!"

Camie who heard the yelling came in and laughed. "Calm down, Zero. Nobody woke you because you looked very tired and needed the rest. Also, you can’t leave Magnus Hilda yet. Queen Rosalind gave an order and said that once you’re feeling better you and Truen should head to the palace to receive your payment before you head to Rocket Mountains."

Zero blinked. "I get paid? It’s finally over? Everybody is cured of the plague?"

Camie giggled. "No, not everybody. However, there’s no need for you to worry. The soldiers have the mushrooms extermination under control and the maids are helping out with the plague victims. We’re currently only short of ginger and cinnamon so that might take a while. King Richard has regained consciousness but he isn’t well enough to be working yet. Still, he wants to have an audience with you so you’ll have to stay for a while."

Zero made a face. He didn’t want to be so familiar with royal members. As a humble doctor, he only wanted to do his job, get paid and get out of the way. Nevertheless, Zero was curious about the rewards that Queen Rosalind prepared. Before he treated King Richard, she did say that it was going to be a reward that Zero would be satisfied with. Could it be mountains and mountains of food and money?

Truen sensed Zero’s thoughts and facepalmed hard. Sometimes he wondered how Zero actually viewed the world. At times, the doctor would severely underestimate things and at times, Zero would overestimate them. Right now, he was severely underestimating the rewards a royal family would give. Rewards by royalty involved items or titles with values that are one of a kind. Although Truen didn’t know what to expect, he wouldn’t be surprised if they rewarded Zero with parts of their land and a title of nobility. He didn’t know if Zero would like such a reward but he would have to wait to find out.

They ate leisurely and took their time to have a good bath before changing into more formal outfits to see the Majesties. Zero chose to wear the same dress he fashioned out of stolen fabric and Truen didn’t bother to wear anything too different although he did remove the cloak he normally wore. They arrived at the castle just in time for dinner with Joseph acting as their escort.

Queen Rosalind was seated beside her husband who looked slightly weak and only had soup in front of him despite the other delicious dishes across the table. He looked better now and Zero was finally able to know what kind of character the King was.

The dinner was in a formal setting but the location was informal. Because the dining hall was still the temporary shrine and offering room, they were having dinner in the courtyard. Queen Rosalind fed King Richard and tended to him instead of the maids. Truen and Zero who had their little table on the table were tended to by the maids instead. The maids were thoughtful enough to prepare human portions for them and refill Zero’s plate until the healer could eat no more. Queen Rosalind was used to the sight of Zero eating a lot but for King Richard, it was his first time.

"Where does all the food go? I’ve never seen a small person or a lady eat as much," he chuckled and Zero pouted.

"Healing people and talking to gods make me hungry. I can only replenish my energy with food, your majesty. I apologise if that was unsightly."

King Richard laughed at the spiffy response and dropped all formalities.

"Please let us know if there is anything else you would like to eat. Unfortunately, the feast is a little humble on our part despite your numbers contributions to Magnus Hilda. On behalf of my people, I would like to thank you once more for saving us."

Zero swallowed with difficulty when the king bowed to him. "No no no no! Don’t do this, I didn’t do this to receive thanks. It is my job although if you insist on thanking me, I would appreciate it in the form of food or money."

King Richard wasn’t expecting such a blunt response and Queen Rosalind laughed, too accustomed to it. Truen quickly apologized on behalf of Zero but nobody took offence to Zero’s words. After more light topics, the royal couple decided to present Zero with his reward after a good meal. Zero’s eyes lit up at the money and the blank talismans as well as precious bags of giant crop seeds that Zero requested for. However, when he saw two huge weapons as part of the reward he paused.

"What are those?" he asked cautiously. The threatening halberds loomed ominously in the hands of the guards carrying them and Zero felt uncomfortable receiving such gifts. For those who didn’t know better, they would have looked like divine weapons.

"These are the Viking Twins, a royal heirloom. The ice and fire halberds are legendary weapons that are said to have come from Odin. They’ve been with us in Magnus Hila from the day that Hyndla founded it. Now that we are introducing a new goddess, we cannot afford to keep them here. Hence, please treat this as a request from us to use them on your travels however you would like."

Zero was dumbfounded. Wouldn’t Freya be angry to know that her people are giving away the gift that her husband gave her people? While Zero panicked on the inside, Richard observed Zero’s uneasy expression.

"Are the gifts not to your liking?"

Zero quickly denied it. "I like it a lot! However, I don’t think we should be receiving these weapons. The goddess might not be happy to know that you are giving her husband’s gift to you away to us. If you really want to include something that will make us happy, it would make us happy if you could take care of our benefactor from Half Moon village instead. I heard that they are coming over to discuss a business deal with Magnus Hilda and would like to put in a good word for them."

Hearing the name made King Richard nod. "I remember them. Yes, it is rather unique because I didn’t think Endow Hill was a territory ruled by anyone. The representative is a beast folk but she didn’t look like a complete beast folk. There was also a descendant of the cockatrice accompanying her as a guard and a talking goat. You said that they were your benefactors?"

Zero smiled. He told them how he chanced across Half Moon village and discovered that they were a small village made up of all different races.

"That was where we found Camie. Back then, my brother and I were still apprenticing under a teacher. The people of the village taught my brother and me a lot and took care of us for a long time so we have to repay them back somehow."

King Richard agreed to grant a special audience for the representatives of Half Moon village for Zero but Queen Rosalind had other questions.

"How do you know the goddess will not be happy? You mentioned that the halberds are a gift from the goddess’ husband. These halberds are from Odin... Who exactly is this goddess who saved us all?"

Zero was about to answer but he felt a shift in the air so he held his tongue. Freya who had been spying on them had finally decided to make her appearance. The Great Goddess must be feeling impatient for waiting so long that she invited herself to the party without an invitation.

The royal family wasn’t the only ones stunned by Freya’s sudden apparition. Even Zero’s jaw fell wide open. Freya had blown up her illusion so big that the clouds above Magnus Hilda formed a storm. In the eye of the storm was Freya’s face as her voice drifted out directly into the minds of all the citizens in Magnus Hilda.

"My beloved people residing in Magnus Hilda. It is nice to finally appear before you. I’ve received all your prayers and have regained enough of my powers to manifest shortly before you. Through Zero, I learned about the plague and I heard about how you still remain faithful to Odin, my husband and the other Norse Gods who founded this land. Alas, I have to inform you that your prayers can no longer reach them for their souls are now resting in the void. The only one who remains in Valhalla is me, Freya. In a complicated history of a long and distant past, the god slayers slew many gods and I watched as my kin left me one by one. Still, I am glad to reunite with the believers of my husband’s. I may not be almighty like Odin was but I can offer you peace and protection under my name. If you accept me as your goddess then build a shrine in my name and offer me once to thrice a week what you have been offering to me. As proof of my promise, I shall bless this land with a harvest always as bountiful as fall."

When Freya finished her speech, a huge wave of magic covered the entire territory and people witnessed their farms swelling with ripe fruits and vegetables ready for collection. After witnessing the goddess’ miracle, nobody doubted Zero any longer and they celebrated it. Queen Rosalind immediately passed an order to have the shrine built and the halberds to be displayed in the new shrine. Zero watched the excitement unfold from the sidelines with Truen and discreetly texted the Great Goddess to thank her.

"It looks like we will be heading to Rocket Mountain very soon," Truen smiled and Zero grinned.

"About time, I’d say. I’ve been wanting to spread my wings a little for a while now."

Truen looked at his friend fondly and patted him on the head. He looked at King Richard who was observing them and smiled politely. The king returned the gesture and offered them a toast that Truen accepted and Zero denied.

"To Magnus Hilda and Goddess Freya," the king toasted.

Truen and Zero lifted their glasses and smiled. "To peace and good days ahead for everyone."

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