Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu‎

Volume 10.5, Popularity Contest Result (Omake)

Volume 10.5, Popularity Contest Result (Omake)

Something I asked all the OKAMAS!

Who's your favorite type amongst these?





Hm? What are you looking at, Mizuki?

Ah, Minami-chan, this thing is placed here...

Erm, what is it? Somthing I asked all the Okamas...? Is this a popularity contest?

Yes. Sakomoto-kun is in first place. Akihisa-kun looks like he's in 2nd place.

They got involved in some unbelievable thing again?

Oya. Do the two of you have an interest in this plan? Actually, there's a female-

Eh? No, not at all!

I, I'll pass as well! Well... I'm not confident enought!

Relax, It's not a popularity contest.

Ah, is that so?

That's better...

Yes, the theme is.

"The Okamas" foul words check! What's with that girl's feminine power!

This is a plan to check on the girl's feminine charms.


What 'foul things' were written? What exactly are written!

It, it's scary! I.m scared of thinking about all the bad things I said before!

No no. There's no need to panic. The foul words are simply some advice-ohh

*The way you put your feet is not refined.

*You haven't tidied your hair properly.

*The face smile you make is really disgustig.

*Are you really a girl?

e.t.c. ...


Sorry. It seems that the flip feel down. I'll put it back.

We reject this plan!

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