Bailonz Street 13

Chapter 112: Veritas (7)

“What should I call you?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“Since merging with Jane, my previous memories have faded significantly. Damn, this really is a curse!”

Liam chuckled as he looked at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. His gentle demeanor, as if calling me Jane was some kind of insult, was quite endearing. But since there was no other name left to call me, I had to accept being called Jane.

“Let’s go with Jane. I’m the only Jane who saved your life.”

“Of course, you’re the only one.”

“So, I am Jane.”

“…Liam Moore’s Jane?”

That was a bit embarrassing, but it was true.

I felt the need to apologize to those who knew me as Jane. Sorry, Jonathan. It was fun living as your sister, even if only for a short while. Thank you for teaching me what it feels like to have a sibling. Now, your sister will live as Liam Moore’s Jane…. I imagined Jonathan losing his mind and threatening to shoot Liam.

I asked, “…Isn’t Jane Moore a bit odd?”

“Why? It suits you perfectly.”

I was speechless, just opening and closing my mouth, while Liam smiled, eyes crinkling as if he knew I couldn’t argue.

In the end, I released his cheek and pushed him gently on the shoulder.

No, I need to explain. Holding Liam’s cheek, I felt his body temperature drop from the cold sweat. I decided to lay him back down, realizing I had made him talk too much despite him being a patient. Such a basic mistake!

He collapsed back onto the bed and looked up at me.


“We forgot we’re both patients.”


Liam looked at me with an expression as if wondering why it mattered now. I tucked him in tightly.

I wasn’t running away. I wasn’t fleeing from Liam Moore’s sweet, honey-dripping eyes. It wasn’t because his gentle smile made me uncomfortable or because I felt we might end up in a passionate kiss.

“Yeah. You need rest too.”

Liam spoke as if humoring me, grabbing my sleeve as I tried to get up. When I hesitated, he adjusted my coat with a satisfied expression.

‘What is this?’

Then, he spoke, and I fled the room without looking back.

“Your clothes… are very see-through.”

Alright! I admit I ran away. I hugged my coat tightly and grumbled. Liam Moore may be a patient, but he’s the most annoying person ever.

* * *

After that day, my condition improved rapidly, but not Liam’s.

He had several small and large seizures. Whenever he had a seizure, the people of Greenwich were on high alert, as if facing something extremely dangerous.

I could feel the magic shaking the building, like being in a skyscraper during a typhoon. The frantic running of people could be felt even outside the room.

Owen had come to check on my condition in my recovery room, and when the building shook, he clicked his tongue.

“How long will this continue?”

“I don’t know. It’s unpredictable. Not many people in Greenwich do such crazy things. Why shorten your life when you already have a short lifespan?”

Owen revealed his naturally short life span so casually.

As I gave him a subtle look, Owen smirked and showed me the chart. The diagnosis said I was healthy, with no sequelae, and although I had a long scar on my arm, there were no signs of infection.

Magic, resembling plant stems, swept over my arm.

“This is a matter of the soul; it has to heal on its own.”

“Is it painful?”

“It would be a lie to say otherwise. But Liam will endure it. He’s not so weak that he can’t handle this.”

Just then, the treatment room door burst open, startling me.

The person who entered was a familiar face. Although not as robust as before, a firm middle-aged man was catching his breath while holding the door handle.


I shouted in delight. Herschel strode into the room and said,

“Miss Jane, you must go to Liam right away.”

His face was unusually pale, so I hurriedly got out of bed and threw on a robe. Owen followed, chart tucked under his arm.

“His seizures won’t stop. They’re getting worse. This has never happened before… With you there, he might calm down.”

The corridor was very chaotic. People were continuously bringing out dead plants. Although new plants had been brought in before, now no one was entering. Most were rushing out like cockroaches exposed to light.

The prickly air was felt even outside the door. People were standing outside, unable to go in, stomping their feet in frustration. Herschel rubbed his face and sighed. An anxious researcher approached him.

“Until a moment ago, we could enter, but now it rejects everyone. No one can go in.”

“Miss Jane.”

Herschel’s desperate eyes turned to me. Though he didn’t say much, I could guess what he wanted. He was asking me to go in and stop Liam Moore’s seizure. It was something I could certainly do. There was no reason not to.

Owen seemed concerned about my health and tried to speak, but I stopped him.

“Miss! Going in there is like walking into a storm! Are you crazy, Herschel? Putting a civilian through this is—”

But how could I refuse those eyes? Eyes looking at me so desperately.

Herschel loved Liam like his own son. He wouldn’t have let it come to this if he hadn’t exhausted all other options. He must have come to me after trying everything he could.

“I’ll go. I think I can do it.”

Really? Owen’s golden eyes seemed to ask that. Really?

I didn’t know. I couldn’t be sure. But I had a strange confidence. The fact that these people came out unscathed meant Liam Moore wasn’t harming anyone. I remembered his magic becoming docile like a tamed hedgehog in front of me before.

“I’ll let you know when he’s calmed down. Stay outside until then.”

I put my hand on the doorknob. It felt like it was burning from the inside, ready to burst into flames.

Was he trying to keep everyone away?

‘This is just digging yourself deeper.’

What else could I do? I am Jane Osmond, the Jane who saved Liam Moore’s life several times. So, it’s my job to save my scaredy-cat detective once again.

The magic became sharp in an instant, ready to attack the intruder.

The door resisted for a while, trying not to let me in. But I’m not the type to just watch, so I decided to use a modern approach.

I kicked the spot right next to the doorknob. If the door had a mouth, it would have screamed. The rough and innovative method made the magic shrink back for a moment. I took that chance to squeeze through the gap.

As soon as I entered, a strong wind blew, slamming the door shut. Oh, that startled me. It’s like dealing with a teenager. Wasn’t it like those Korean teenagers who snapped at their moms, saying ‘It was the wind!’?

I walked forward. The air was still sharp, but it seemed to watch me cautiously with each step I took. Probably remembering the violent action I had just taken.


There was no response.

In the meantime, the white vines on the ceiling had grown thick and were blocking my view like curtains. When touched, they sprinkled glittering light, making them beautiful if not for the situation.

With each step, the remains of dried plants crunched underfoot. What were these plants for? Why did they keep bringing plants into Liam’s room? Why were there plants I had never seen before?

Despite knowing more about Liam Moore’s world than even Clara and her cult, there were still many things I didn’t know, and that angered me. We needed to talk. For us, survival was the first priority, conversation was the second, and consideration was the third. Repeated alienation made Jane Osmond angry.

I walked determinedly towards Liam Moore’s bed, but something felt off.

I had walked a long way, yet the bed wasn’t in sight. I felt like I was walking in circles. The bed wasn’t that far away, just about fifteen steps. When I realized this, I had an answer.

Stop. Is this a trick?

I shouted with force.

“William Schofield Moore! Come out right now!”

Using his full name, the magic immediately shriveled. I wasn’t sure if magic had emotions, but Liam Moore’s magic, perhaps resembling him, was very perceptive. The fierce aura subsided, and a path began to open.

“Don’t come any closer!”

A hoarse voice called out from afar.

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