Bailonz Street 13

Chapter 110: Veritas (5)

As I hugged his neck, Liam shuddered. He held me anxiously, turning slightly as if someone might be chasing us.

“It’s okay. Clara won’t come,” I explained.

Liam blinked slowly, demanding an explanation.

Where should I start? I rolled my eyes.

“Well, first of all. Uh. I…,”

“I know you’re not Jane Osmond.”

Wait a minute.

My head spun. How did he know? How could he possibly know?

“You told me yourself.”

“Sorry, did I just think out loud?”

“No. Your expression gave it away.”

And did I actually reveal this to Liam? Am I out of my mind?

Finally, I understood why Clara had asked what I had done. I must have told Liam Moore the truth, including my identity, and perhaps even more.

“So, I can’t remember because….”

“You asked me to erase your memory.”

Liam whispered softly, pressing his forehead against mine. The dried blood on his bangs scraped against my forehead. If I went in looking like this, Mrs. Mayer would scream, I thought absurdly, placing my hand on Liam’s cheek.

“…Okay. That makes things easier. Um, my notebook has a special power. I can use it to turn back time.”

Liam responded with a thoughtful hum. I slowly explained everything to him, taking my time. After all, there were no insects or eavesdroppers here, just skulls embedded in the walls.

“…So we were being chased and fell into some passage, and at the end of it, there was a strange statue.”

By this point, Liam seemed concerned about my sanity. Was it strange that I was still sane? No, I had almost lost my mind too. Luck, perhaps. Even now, I’m not sure how I endured it. Recalling it brought back the unpleasant sensation, so I glossed over the details.

“I won’t go into detail. It was just a weird lump on a throne. That’s it. ‘Oh no, I need to get out of here,’ I thought, and then Clara came in. She must have decided to sacrifice me instead of persuading me.”

Liam’s grip on my waist tightened briefly before relaxing. He looked like he wanted to find Clara and scold her. I pinched his cheek lightly. Ouch, Liam muttered softly, his expression softening again. Good.

“There was a coffin. If I had gone in, I would have bitten my tongue and died. It was full of bugs… Let’s skip this part; it’s too painful to recall. An old man arrived in a chariot at a critical moment and saved me. He even showed me the way here.”

“An old man? An old man?”

“Yes, in a horse-drawn chariot… with a beard.”

Liam looked dazed.

“He seemed like a good person.”

“You think so?”

Liam looked at me with a trusting expression, making me laugh.

It was troubling how he seemed to believe everything I said. Why did this sharp, intelligent man become so gullible in front of me?

As I pinched his cheeks again, Liam let out a troubled sigh and lifted me up, cradling me in his arms as he stood. He blended into the dark void, his strong arms supporting my knees.

“I can walk.”

“I know. But I just wanted to do this.”

How could I refuse? I leaned into Liam Moore’s embrace, letting him carry me.


Liam turned his head at my sigh. His face was so close that I momentarily forgot what I was going to say, but I regained my composure.

“Should we call the Greenwich people to handle this?”

I was concerned about the people still alive inside. Greenwich would be good at finding hidden spaces; they could rescue the survivors.

Liam nodded.

“The people at Scotland Yard wouldn’t handle this well.”

Liam explained that the higher-ups at the Yard would likely deny the place’s existence and seal the entrance. The people inside would be left to die.

I couldn’t bear that. The people dragged here as sacrifices didn’t choose this.

“There are many people inside. I hope Greenwich can rescue them.”

“I know. It’s their duty. They should arrive by the time we get out.”

I admired his thorough preparation.

I didn’t know how I looked, but Liam burst into laughter upon seeing my face. He silently shook with laughter. I playfully tapped his shoulder, and Liam whispered as he tightened his arms around me.

“Am I commendable?”

“Yes. The most commendable in the world.”

“…Then kiss me.”

Goodness, how shameless. Demanding a kiss as a reward for saving me.

But I didn’t mind that sly aspect of him. Looking at Liam Moore’s reddening ears, I thought absurdly, ‘I actually like it.’ Thank goodness I didn’t say it out loud.

Liam fluttered his eyelashes prettily, and I was mesmerized by those damn lashes. Who needs a reason to fall for a sly fox? Just because they’re pretty.

When the black, glossy fox smiled, I kissed him gently.

Liam Moore’s lips tasted of iron, which made me realize something was wrong.

“Are you hurt?”

Liam’s eyes widened. He looked almost defeated. That was unusual; he wasn’t someone who showed his emotions easily.

On closer inspection, his cheeks were extremely pale. His lips, usually a curious shade of red, were now bloodless. It wasn’t just the cold; he looked terribly ill. The shirt under his coat was soaked with blood, dried in places.

I grabbed the brownish stain, frowning.

“What happened?”

“I had to use extreme measures.”

How could he say such things so casually?

I was about to press further, but the sudden burst of sunlight made me close my mouth. Liam covered my face with his coat, concerned my eyes might be damaged from being underground for so long.

“Don’t open your eyes.”

Liam whispered. I felt him gently place me on the grass, and sensed people gathering around us.


A warm hand lifted the coat and touched my forehead. Liam?

“It’s me, miss.”

Owen. He was checking my pulse and other vitals.

“Owen, where is Liam?”

“Don’t say anything. Save your strength. You’re so weak, it’s a miracle you’re still conscious, miss.”


Hearing that, exhaustion hit me like a wave. When was the last time I slept? I had been repeating this day dozens of times, making it incredibly long.

Oh, I haven’t slept. No wonder I’m so tired.

Voices murmured around me, distant and muffled. A sign of losing consciousness. I clung desperately to Owen’s sleeve.

“There are people inside.”

“I know. We know.”

“Where’s Liam… Owen, Liam…”

I felt Owen’s hand gently pry mine away.

I was so very sleepy.

* * *

The murmuring around me had quieted by the time I opened my eyes. For a moment, I was confused, seeing nothing.

I was floating in water. Everything was damp, and the water was slightly warmer than my body. But I couldn’t see my hands or anything else.

Was this El’s space?

Something kept snagging on my eyelids, irritating me. I touched my face, feeling a cloth.

“Don’t remove it.”

A familiar voice. Owen Cassfire.

After slowly recollecting my memories, I remembered I had fainted as soon as I came out of that cave. There were other people besides me. But I hadn’t heard Liam’s voice when we emerged.

So where was Liam?

“How is Liam?”


Why wasn’t he saying anything?

Suddenly, panic set in. I flailed, and water sloshed into my mouth. Ugh, salty!


I realized I could float effortlessly because the water had a high salt content.

I moved my hands and realized I was in a glass tank, not very large. Feeling around, I noticed the top was open.

“Tell me right now, Owen. What happened to Liam Moore?”

“…His condition isn’t good. He overexerted himself in a short time. Damn it, he told me not to say anything.”

He planned to blindfold me and have me rest here, fixing everything by the time I woke up.

My expression turned cold, making Owen stammer. He seemed to be trying to defend Liam, but he was just as culpable.

In a slightly trembling voice, I asked quietly,

“Is he dying?”

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