Chapter 380 Lucky Strike!






[You've gained, Sharpsilver Equalizer]

[Sharpsilver Equalizer (Folk Legend)

Rating: 8-Star

Taking down an enemy with a single shot increases all Basic Stats by 1 for up to ??? for ten minutes, timing is refreshed with each successful takedown.

Holding one's breath while holding the Equalizer increases their Dexterity Ratio by 10% for every minute without breathing. The Ratio change is kept if the resulting shot kills the enemy in one bullet. And until the next shot, the Ratio change is kept for up to a maximum of 10 minutes.

Each Bullet loaded onto the Equalizer attains a cyclical Elemental Charge, draining energy from the barrel, which can be recharged by stabbing the bayonet onto the body of a fallen enemy, or onto the ground to discharge the Elemental energy.


Gives the temporary Skills: Aim 7-Star, Hold Breath 7-Star, Camoflauge 7-Star, Bayonet Charge 7.5-Star… Silver Bullet Manifestation 8-Star, Long distance Artillery 8-Star.

Requirements: Strength: 200; Constitution: 305; Dexterity: ?30; Mental Power: 215; Reflexes: ?40; Mana: ?00

Proficiency in the Skills: Marksmanship 6-Star; Mana Circuits 6-Star; Spear Arts 6-Star

Standing prone for ten minutes without moving reduces the Equalizer's requirements by half.


Still they stood, facing one another, for a bounty they all knew... Was not worth a life.

Yet in desperation, for the worth of their journey, they all stood still... For the first to turn would not run.

6 brothers and 6 sisters, born from the same seed, crafted from the same lump, gathered together, a single chamber in each gun.




The very first weapon he drew from the golden box was a beautiful and intricate crafted Flintlock Rifle full of details and markings, it was so exquisite it seemed a sin to even consider shooting it.

It was mainly silvery-white in appearance with two golden stripes running along its sides, like circuits on a motherboard.

They seemed to glow faintly from time to time, an eerie beauty that was both cold and elegant, giving the rifle a more modern look.

At its tip, the long flintlock rifle possessed a bayonet lodged under its barrel, it was slender and not very long, but its ragged edges and shape told Dale everything he needed to know about the pain it would be to have it lodged inside his flesh.

Not to say the quality of the metals employed in its craftsmanship, it was so sturdy that he had the impression the Rifle could rival a bout even against Caladbolg, though he wouldn't be testing it anytime soon.

To add to its details, the rest of the riffle's body seemed to be made out of smooth and shiny albino wood, though it was hard to say if it was truly that or some sort of Ivory.


With great interest and curiosity, Dale reached towards the Rifle, pulling it from inside the box before it vanished into golden sparks of light.

The sight of a the metallic box vanishing was quite mystical, even to Dale. Despite seeing it over a hundred times over, there was a certain catch to it that seemed to attract him...

Though in truth, that was likely just a mechanism to attract players to spend on the loot boxes...

'A Flintlock Rifle? Quite unexpected… But not anything special.' He thought as he inspected the rifle, strange thoughts rising in his head

He saw himself as a sniper holding the rifle from far away, aiming at a monster a dozen kilometers away before blasting its head with a single shot...

A mere thought, nothing else.

'Hum... I guess it was just about time I met one of these.'

'The Southern Corps had practically undergone an industrial revolution with their technology development, and while I'm not too knowledgeable about the rest of the Continent, I'm certain most of it isn't on the same scale as what the Corps achieved, although there are some cities with simple machinery.'

'A flintlock rifle was only a matter of time given the Corps had cannons and all of that, even if they didn't use gunpowder to propel their bullets…'

'Inside the storage item of the Commander, there were dozens of cannons stored, I don't know about Rifles but there should be a few, unless the Corps was unable to build one that was effective in combat. Unless they did but thought it was better to train soldiers the traditional way.'

'This, in any case, seems like an ordinary gunpowder rifle in appearance… Until I read its description.'

'Although most of it is still censored to me, I can understand most of the Rifle's abilities, it seems to be a piece of Magitech and not just a wonder of engineering.'

'But honestly, I can't tell how this will work… I can see the chamber for the bullets, however, this isn't the point I'm trying to make here...'

'It's for the same reason I never used a bow.'

'The power of an arrow or in this case, a bullet, is only proportional to the energy it can receive before leaving the barrel. And even if the shooter can aim to maximize its power, that is external to the riffle's intrinsic power.'

'It's different from Zenith where the strength of a bow was determined by its Stats and the user's, same thing for Flintlock rifles. However, that was because of the System, it was a game... For all that I know that is...'

'Only Standard players would be able to make use of damage numbers.'

'Either way, it's my first ever Fable grade item, and this time, I can take a closer look at without the heavy censorship from analyzing another player's items.'

'The first thing I noticed are the ridiculous requirements, they're quite high, making use of every Stat... And it makes me wonder…'

'If someone has such high Stats, why would they use a Flintlock Rifle? Couldn't they just use anything else?'

'Also, this is the first ever item I've seen that requires me to have proficiency in Skills to use it… It's actually quite interesting.'

'Is this a secluded event or will this become a trend for other items of this grade and above? Maybe one of the reasons I can't use Caladbolg properly is because I don't have one of those Skills… Though that wouldn't make much of a sense either.'

'Maybe this is a limitation, something Legendary Items do not have…'

"There's also another thing to consider, I thought Folk Legend Items were meant to represent Folklore, but was there any such stories related to guns? It doesn't sound that romantic…"

'Either way, I'm feeling lucky… You miss every shot you don't take or so they say.' Dale said as he pulled another golden box

Like before, he sprinkled a lot of holy water onto the box and himself before clapping his hands and making a "genuine" prayer to Ju-Arkesios, thanking her and her Saintess for everything they've done before touching the dice resting atop the box.



The dice began to spin and its faces altered, from high to low… Low to high.





"ARG! But let's go!..." Dale said as he almost screamed out loud, only to remember that it was still barely 6 in the morning

If he turned around and looked at the sky through the window, he would see a weakly lit bluish sky with a growing yellow tint in the horizon.

[You've gained, ]

[Lotus Lantern (Folk Legend)

Rating: 8-Star

Standing under the soothing light of the lotus lantern protects the user and his surroundings from supernatural forces.

Purifying malignant forces temporarily increases a chosen Stat in proportion to the strength of the being purified, up to ??? for 8 minutes. The chosen Stat can be changed whenever the lantern flickers.

The closer one is to the ground, the stronger the purifying effect of the Lotus Lantern becomes.


Gives the temporary Skills: Dark Vision 7.5-Star, Earthen Respitude 7.5-Star… Holy Blessing 8-Star, Thunderbolt Divine Art 9-Star.

Requirements: Mental Power: 310; Mana: ?00

Holy Index of 95% and above.


Long ago, an aspiring scholar had a fateful encounter with a wandering mountain deity…



"A lantern?... Yet another item I didn't expect to see… And honestly, rather underwhelming." He said out loud as he scoffed

For a moment, the weak fire within the lantern flickered, it seemed the lantern hadn't appreciated his words...

'For all intent and purposes, this is an item for a cleric, and in the same way a Wizard may need a wand or a staff.'

'Might as well give it to Erile, the Skills it possess will surely come in handy, eventually… And even if they do not, the mere presence of the lantern in the Church will be a great boon to maintaining its purity and protecting it in the future, maybe it can be used to purify the Miasma? That would be interesting...'

'There isn't much to discuss or think about it, the lantern itself doesn't do much, and even if it does, it's censored, so there's not much purpose in me trying to inspect it further.'

'There is one thing I'm concerned about… The last Skill it gives, which is usually the ultimate Skill of an item… Why is it a Martial Art?'

'The lantern doesn't give that many Skills, but a martial Art? Its rank is unusually high as well… Higher than the Ratting of the item, which isn't rare, but certainly unusual.'

'It makes me want to give it a try… But my Holy Index isn't that high so I don't qualify.'

'I think… Maybe I should check it out but I don't expect much.'

"So a Flintlock Rifle and a Lantern… Great, nothing that can be implemented onto my combat Style yet, come on! Give me something I can use!" Dale pleaded as he closed his eyes in pain

He was pushing his luck with that, he already rolled two exceptional high items and he still wishes for more? How could he be so shameless…






"This is it! It can't get better than this!..."



[You've gained, Brísingamen]

[Brísingamen (Folk Legend)

Rating: ???

Wearing Brísingamen inherently increases all Basic Stats by 13, slaying a mighty foe multiplies this effect for as long as Brísingamen is worn for up to a maximum of ???



Gives the temporary Skills: ???

Requirements: N/A

*Upon wearing Brísingamen, the necklace will seal the abilities of the wearer until they prove themselves worthy of its powers. Doing so unlocks its true potential.

Removing the necklace before the appropriate time will cause it to freeze with its current parameters. Only another worthy individual may unlock it further, but it'll never answer to its previous wearer.

Description: ...








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