Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 68 - 68: 67, don’t talk about people during the day, and don’t talk about ghosts at night. (5 updates)_1

Chapter 68: 67, don’t talk about people during the day, and don’t talk about ghosts at night. (5 updates)_1

Translator: 549690339

Lin Mo parked his Willing Mini in the designated parking area before stepping

out of the vehicle.

At two in the morning, the night wind was cold, and as he had had the heater on in the car, the moment he exited, Lin Mo shivered from the cold.

He tightened his clothes around him and took his time, looking over the semi-trailer trucks one by one.

There were quite a few people like him who had come to purchase goods, but most of them were in groups of three or two, with very few alone.

Several plastic crates were placed next to each semi-trailer, with samples of the vegetables on top of the crates.

The drivers and business owners of the semi-trailers didn’t wait outside but instead sat inside their vehicles enjoying the air conditioning.

Unlike the polite vendors in the vegetable markets, for primary wholesalers, it wasn’t about who had the money but who had the goods!

No matter how rich you were, without access to good products, it was all for nothing.

Especially in Rakshasa City where the demand for vegetables was enormous and there were many intermediate wholesalers. If the downstream farmers couldn’t get stock from you, they could easily turn to someone else.

If they can’t get stock for three days, whether they’ll come back to you in the future is uncertain.

Therefore, the traders who brought their goods from other regions tended to be quite assertive, while local wholesalers had to be proactive in discussing business with them.

Lin Mo was very purposeful and directly bypassed the crowded popular vegetable stalls, looking for the ginger shoot section.

After about ten minutes, he finally found the stall that specialized in wholesale ginger shoots.

Now was the peak season for ginger shoots, and there were quite a lot of people in front of the stall, inquiring about the latest wholesale price and the

stock volume.

The pricing was very transparent.

Below one ton was 3.85 yuan per jin, and for over one ton it was 3.54 yuan per


In today’s highly developed information age, doing business is just like this; barriers due to information are unlikely, as are those scenarios in TV dramas where you have access to special low-priced channels.

Stop joking—the basic popular vegetables have a national “vegetable basket” project floor price.

If the price really falls below a certain range, the traders would rather sell directly to the state, saving even the transportation costs.

Of course, the “vegetable basket” price doesn’t really leave much profit, but it does serve as both a safety net and a benefit.

So why on earth should they sell to you at a low price?

Are you their father?

As for the scenes often seen in short videos, of fruits and vegetables being unsold and eventually rotting in the fields, they are usually caused by two


One is that the amount is too small, not worth the trip.

The other is that, even though there is enough quantity, the roads are too poor to transport the produce, and even if they can be transported out, it would add a lot to the transportation costs.

If you want to get rich, fix the road first.

For the majority of farmers, this isn’t just an empty slogan.

After several wholesalers in front of him finished asking about the price, Lin Mo was just about to ask about the price for over 100 tons to give the seller a bit of a shock, when he heard an astonished female voice from behind.

“Huh? Lin Mo? Is that you? What are you doing here?”


This voice…?

Lin Mo couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth and muttered to himself, “Talk about not speaking of people during the day and not speaking of ghosts at night… I just mentioned her to my wife earlier.”

“The last person 1 wanted to meet, and yet here she is…

Lin Mo turned around and, sure enough, saw a couple in their early thirties dressed quite lavishly standing behind him.

The man was wearing a fur-lined coat, with a Mercedes-Benz key at his waist and an ‘H’ buckle belt that was particularly eye-catching.

The woman was wearing an expensive-looking wool coat, also decked out in gold and silver, exuding wealth.

This couple was none other than Li Jinwen’s cousin Li Lingling and her husband, who was a primary wholesaler.

Lin Mo had to address them as Cousin and Cousin-in-law.

At this moment,

The couple was eyeing Lin Mo with a puzzled look.

Feeling slightly awkward, Lin Mo greeted with a smile, “Lingling Cousin, Cousin-in-law, long time no see.”

The couple nodded and Li Lingling, looking somewhat puzzled at Lin Mo, asked, “Is it really you? What brought you here, are you driving a truck now?”

She thought that Lin Mo had given up carrying bricks and come here to be a freight driver.

After all, there were only three types of people in this area, out-of-town goods owners, local primary wholesalers, and truck drivers hauling the goods.

The first two required capability, certain wealth, and connections to succeed.

So, in Li Lingling’s mind, it naturally followed that Lin Mo wasn’t a porter anymore; he had become a truck driver specializing in transporting vegetables.

And Li Lingling’s husband, after a quick glance at Lin Mo’s inconspicuous attire, appeared somewhat impatient, as if he wasn’t too interested in engaging with Lin Mo.

As if he was afraid Lin Mo would ask to borrow money in the next moment. “Driving a truck? No way, 1 only have a Ci driver’s license, and the big freight companies don’t want me.” Lin Mo just glanced at Li Lingling’s husband and then stopped looking at him as if to say, if you look down on me, I look down on you. He gave Li Lingling a joking smile before continuing, “I’m here to buy some ginger shoots, just doing a bit of small business.

Buying ginger shoots?

Doing business?

Lin Mo’s words caught the couple off guard.

“Heh, 1 see, that’s good, having ambition is a good thing.” Li Lingling nodded with a complex expression, lecturing, “1 told you during last year’s New Year, didn’t 1? Stop doing that porter work; it doesn’t pay well and it’s bad for your health. 1 told you to work with your brother-in-law, but you refused.

“If you could earn a bit more, my sister could also live a little better. “Especially Xiaoxiao, such an adorable little girl with a clever mouth. She needs to be nurtured properly—how can you do that without money?

“Look at the young girls these days, at 17 or 18 they’re not learning anything good. A bit of kindness from a guy, some money, and they’d run off with him. Our Xiaoxiao can’t end up like that!”

Li Lingling’s attitude wasn’t too bad; it was just like most wealthy relatives who loved to lecture from a position of superiority.

in denying you, they offer a so-called opportunity for progress from their lofty position.

It’s a matter of superiority, pretty normal.

People need to feel superior to get by, and the pecking order can be seen everywhere,

Even with something as common as a driver’s license, there’s a tradition of Cl looking down on C2.

It’s just that some words are rather hard to swallow.

“It’s not that I don’t want to work with my brother-in-law; I’m just worried about causing him trouble, since 1 don’t understand anything.” He casually responded, trying to deflect the conversation and then added, “Are you guys also here to buy goods?”

Li Lingling nodded, “Yeah, the weather’s getting cold, so we plan to stock up on ginger shoots. Are you looking to buy the same thing? You’ve got an eye for it.” “Is this your first time at the wholesale market?

“This area is for transactions between primary wholesalers and goods owners; there’s no retail here.”

“If you’re planning to set up a stall, you’ll need to go outside and find the small vendors. A couple of hundred pounds would be enough for you to sell for

several days.”

“Alternatively, after your brother-in-law finalizes the price, you could come and get the goods from us. It’s okay if you pay after you sell them; we’ll give you the wholesale price-we won’t make money off you.” “Just treat my sister well; she’s not having an easy time with you!” Anyone would tire of listening to such lecturing, and if it weren’t for his wife’s connection, Lin Mo would have wanted to snap back.

But, although he was annoyed inside, he still had to keep up appearances. Lin Mo, keeping his patience, didn’t argue back, smiling and saying, “Uh, cousin, brother-in-law, you guys pick first. I might need a larger quantity; I’ll just talk to him later about it.”

Li Lingling dismissed it casually, “Pfft, don’t even mention ‘a lot’ in front of your brother-in-law. Go ask around, who in this market doesn’t know your brother-in-law?”

At that point, Li Lingling’s husband, growing impatient with the conversation, nudged her with his elbow and urged, “Alright, stop blowing your own trumpet. We are just small-timers, how can we compare with others?”

“Uh… Oh, right, right, we are just small-timers, can’t compare, not even close.” Hearing her husband’s dissatisfaction, Li Lingling didn’t carry on. She glanced at Lin Mo, echoed his sentiment, and turned her head to ask the ginger shoot owner, “Boss, can the price for the ginger shoots be any cheaper?”

The owner countered, “How much do you want?

Li Lingling hurriedly replied, “5,000 pounds, and if your price is right, I could take more. But they all have to be tender ginger shoots, between 3 and 6

ounces each.”

She was haggling, while her husband stood aside like a big shot, smoking and chatting with an acquaintance.

Witnessing this scene, Lin Mo couldn’t help but shake his head to himself. Most women hope to marry a rich man and live a life of glamour, but upon closer observation, you’ll find that many women who seem to have married well end up becoming nothing more than a housemaid or an unpaid servant over time.

Outsiders might see it as luxurious living, but the suffering within is likely only clear to the individual.

Lin Mo didn’t dare say much, but he knew that, even when he had no money in the past, Li Jinwen must have been happier inside than Li Lingling!

And without needing the Intelligence System, Lin Mo also knew that his cousin-in-law was definitely not being faithful, but Li Lingling wouldn’t dare to question it. Chances are, if she even saw him going into a hotel with someone else, she’d deliberately walk around them….

[5 more chapters for monthly votes, continuing to add more-1

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